Looks like a lot of players don't want to play tower defence.

This is a good league.

The Tower defense is a great idea, and what they did with the Master's missions is wonderful. Granted, Blight Maps need considerable work...
But still, overall very good.

The problem here is that GGG's 13 week launch schedule landed them Directly between the launch of Vanilla WOW and Borderlands 3.

(Instead of focusing solely on the new league like I normally would, I'm spreading my gaming time 3 different ways; so are a lot of other people I know.)
The league was almost entirely devoid of hype from GGG, has extremely little in the scope of mechanical changes to the game compared to previous leagues, and launched a short duration after some of the biggest launches in a long time.

I seriously doubt GGG is disappointed with the numbers this league.

I'm always hesitant to directly address bugs because different people's experiences of them are different, but this league has been completely bug free for me so far. No DCs, no crashes, no nothing. I run on a turdalicious PC from 10 years ago. I crashed hard during synthesis (almost every tile change), and crashed a bit in legion. I haven't crashed in Blight. Go figure.

The game's fine, it will continue to do fine, and as is the same in every league, a lot of noise gets made in the form of "everyone hates xyz" by people who think they speak for everyone. Some people don't like it, some people are crashing, and there are reasons why the numbers are less that have nothing to do with the loltowerdefence meme people are spouting.
"this is a shit league"

"this is a good league"

it's good for some and shit for others.

For me 3.8 patch was good..

league wise? TD isnt something I enjoy these days but I experienced it again and on a game that I would never thought I would on some ARPG..

to me both things should never be mixed again they are on different places for a reason and for a game such as poe with all the technical issues and things we know it's clear to me that this experiment TD+ARPG has failed..

and no.. the sky isnt falling and the game is not dying.

some things don't mix up no matter what you try unless you FORCE them forcing things is never good.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
It was nice in theory but with loot clutter, player spells, towers, and the mobs the screen is just a circus. With the strict DPS check you end up just spamming tower upgrades with little time for strategy since it's just spam, spam, spam.

I will say I enjoy blight maps, but regular maps stopping to do it is becoming a bit of a chore. The only lure are those oils.

Then there's the whole random portal locations and pathing that can instantly decide if you can succeed or not.

I think it was worth a shot to do something really new but it feels too clunky.

Having said that, it's not a BAD league mechanic and all the other changes like an extra row of hotkeys, master missions being stored etc has made this league add heaps more than previously.
I really hope and believe that the actual patch changes things to be good. I really do...
The Sirus fight is a disgrace.
tower defense was a questionable choice.

ppl who play tower defenses are usually the ones who can't/won't engage deeply enough into the main game.

who plays starcraft customs or any customs in any game at all? that's right ppl chilling , not wanting to mentally invest in the real game.

idk how it couldve been well received tbh.

Maybe its time to stop copying principles from other games and come up with your own :)

*that being said its not even a good tower defense!
no waves, no pauses to upgrade, bad performances... no TD.
Last edited by teksuoPOE#2987 on Sep 20, 2019, 7:07:35 PM
The towers don't really do much from my experience, like there isn't really much point to picking different types of towers beyond maybe a buff one and the rest just damage. I'm not disliking it, but it's nothing to praise either.

I think leagues that take you away from the map you are on work best. GGG can better control the situation, rather than RNG map design getting in the way.

Perhaps if it took you to a new map, that actually had long TD style play involved with set events you needed to manage would have worked better.

I think a defense game would have worked better, monsters spawn from a distance in a breach like ring, and move towards the centre to attack and destroy something and you can put down pathing blockers and aura totem style devices or something to better CC them.
Void_Seer wrote:
The towers don't really do much from my experience

Always seems like there are mobs that ignore the rules. Mobs from a normal portal will ignore Minions, Mobs not resistant to Chill/Freeze will barely slow down, and then there's the whole "they won't attack you unless you're blocking them" but they will turn to behind a portal if you're there and crack you, with some mobs even going as far to get stuck in place turning 360's because they're not sure if they should keep going to the pump or crack you in your smug prick face...and then ranged mobs ignore that 10000% and will fuck you up on sight from off screen.

4.0 is going to be a nightmare...
Too much nerfing is why i skipped league.
teksuoPOE wrote:
tower defense was a questionable choice.

ppl who play tower defenses are usually the ones who can't/won't engage deeply enough into the main game.

who plays starcraft customs or any customs in any game at all? that's right ppl chilling , not wanting to mentally invest in the real game.

idk how it couldve been well received tbh.

Maybe its time to stop copying principles from other games and come up with your own :)

*that being said its not even a good tower defense!
no waves, no pauses to upgrade, bad performances... no TD.
Tower defense was the real game in starcraft.

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