Looks like a lot of players don't want to play tower defence.

I'm just wondering when GGG is going to open a QA department. It's been almost 7 years since beta, I think letting devs be their own QA is a terrible idea.

Maybe that idea is too post-2000 to implement.
Would be playing if i could but my cpu&gpu are fucking me over so i blame them... also the sun the sun is to dam hot!
honzapol wrote:
It needs to be said more - this is not good tower defense.

It doesn't have to be a good tower defense, PoE is an arpg foremost.

It needs to be a good enough tower defense to occupy a player and force him to tackle the content in a different fashion while provoking different play-styles compared to previous leagues.

Anybody who was expecting YouTD level of complexity and engagement is delusional.(not saying you are, just broad stroke statement)

A lot of people also seem to completely ignore this is a filler league and a lot of people are working on 4.0 reducing the production team of this league.

Which might rub people the wrong way, but it is what it is and they have to work with the assets they have available.

Lastly we have some other high profile titles being released now and a solid amount of crashes in the best content the game currently provides(blighted maps and delve) which is enough to make people quit and either come back in a couple of weeks when the patches have fixed them or simply move on to one of those other titles.

tl;dr this thread is dumb. People circlejerking who wanna trash on the league on a single axis proof claim, something to cling to i imagine while still roaming the forums of the game that "let them down".


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
This is the fastest I have ever made it to 90 in any league.
~ There are spectacular moments.
DarthSki44 wrote:
honzapol wrote:
Thats it...

GGG doesnt get it.

Pretty good summary actually.

Sometimes its mind boggling. Players literally tell GGG the things they like (Delve, Breach, Legion, ect...) yet they continue to balk, for reasons I cannot fathom.

same goes for trade. Why they are so stubborn and hell bent on their outdated manifesto is a great mystery to me.

You are boggled because of your entitled attitude. If you don’t like their direction, stop playing. You can want GGG to make changes to the game. However YOU don’t make the game so you can’t force them to.

When you say “players” it is so transparent that you mean “people that agree with me”. Also, even if 100% of the player base wanted every change you want, that is still the fallacy of appeal to popularity. Some companies don’t give a shit about whiners and shamers. You just haven’t figured out GGG is one of those yet. Says a lot about you really...
I want to play it but can’t at the moment because I’m traveling. But that’s ok, hopefully some more bug fixes from our league beta test...er, launch. I’m having fun. Precisely 24 challenges of fun to be exact. I will revert to my SSF standard career at that point but I will be looking forward to Blight getting added to core.

Oh, and I don’t use the Steam client. So add one to all of your numbers there, except for the last three days. :)
POE Serenity Prayer: GGG, grant me the serenity to accept the RNG I cannot change,
the courage to challenge any unbalanced content, and the wisdom to avoid the forums.
Mad: "Oh, it's simple and if you insist... I just think you're a dick. That's all."
Last edited by Phaeded#4782 on Sep 18, 2019, 7:36:34 PM
fomori2 wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:
honzapol wrote:
Thats it...

GGG doesnt get it.

Pretty good summary actually.

Sometimes its mind boggling. Players literally tell GGG the things they like (Delve, Breach, Legion, ect...) yet they continue to balk, for reasons I cannot fathom.

same goes for trade. Why they are so stubborn and hell bent on their outdated manifesto is a great mystery to me.

You are boggled because of your entitled attitude. If you don’t like their direction, stop playing. You can want GGG to make changes to the game. However YOU don’t make the game so you can’t force them to.

When you say “players” it is so transparent that you mean “people that agree with me”. Also, even if 100% of the player base wanted every change you want, that is still the fallacy of appeal to popularity. Some companies don’t give a shit about whiners and shamers. You just haven’t figured out GGG is one of those yet. Says a lot about you really...

I did stop playing.

Didnt like the league from when it was announced. I enjoy PoE for the most part when it highlights the good arpgs aspects. Not when they drift away.

Its really not even hard to understand. When presented with facts and numbers it's clear that leagues that stray from what they are good at, arpgs mechanic wise, the leagues suffer. When they embrace and listen, the retention and player count is better.

I dont want a pokemon chase, tabletop, and tower defense. I want breach and delve and legion and abyss.

So GGG can do whatever they want, but I don't want to hear "why was Synthesis, Bestiary, and now Blight far less successful than other leagues?" Its fucking obvious why.

*and dont even get me started in mtx shift to fantasy forest and carnival. Its absurdity.

Anyways, for me it's easy. I dont play or spend when I dont like what I see. When I do, I contribute thousands of hours and dollars in support over the years since the very beginning.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:

So GGG can do whatever they want, but I don't want to hear "why was Synthesis, Bestiary, and now Blight far less successful than other leagues?" Its fucking obvious why.

Extremely obvious, more people than not are near brain-dead and lazy. As soon as a game comes out where you can do less and still tell all your friends "Lookit guys im playing numbers game" all those players will be gone. Regardless of how fan servicey GGG makes the leagues.

So it's definitely the best idea to try to add more of an actual game to it. Regardless of how great you think the game used to be, it was fucking raw and bland. It still is. It's great, but there's hardly anything there other than pretty visuals and a giant passive tree.

That's not gonna hold peoples attention forever. It would me, but that's just because I'm sure they plan on doing great things with the game. Beyond slay "x", "x" amount of times, congratulations you're powerful.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
GGG needs a proper QA team. The public beta test every league DOES NOT FREAKIN COUNT.
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
Playing with FP and Driving (Skill in RMB, Force move on LMB, Flame Dash to move along faster) makes it a PITA to click on towers in the middle of battle.

Add in GGG's stupid fucking range mobs that continually 1-shot from off screen and you have a situation where I can't get towers up without dying so I have to go DPS which, with FP, is a death wish thanks to their design on the skill basically being Point-Blank-but-fuck-you-on-damage.

Why does it get +Projectile Speed for quality instead of damage FFS...it's already fast. >_>

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