Time Capsule from PoE Closed Beta -- a classic PoE vs D3 thread circa 2012

rpgmaniac wrote:
Ryukagesan wrote:
Charan, thank you. You have essentially expressed my exact feelings throughout this discussion.

I followed Diablo 3 rabidly for several years and was very excited about what was to come. I received a Beta key during Patch 7 and, while there were already some aspects that I was less than ecstatic about, I managed to enjoy the game. I was fairly active on the forums there; sharing my impressions and offering suggestions. Eventually - though I probably should have known it far sooner - I realized that Diablo 3 was NOT going to be what I had been expecting for the past 4 years. Not "bad", but not particularly what I want out of an *RPG*. I deleted my account after Patch 15 released.

All the reasons for my decision to "let go" of Diablo 3 have already been discussed here at great length. But I would like to share what I feel was the critical factor. Basically, it is the lack of *true and meaningful* customization in Diablo 3. Let me try to explain what I mean using an analogy. (Metaphor? Allegory? Never could quite keep those straight.)

Say that we both own the same car. Same make, model, year, trim level, color...everything. Yet you choose to listen to a Country station on the radio and I listen to Rock. Does that really mean that we have different cars?

EDIT: Since this may not have been very clear; the car refers to the character class and the radio stations refer to the selected skills. It made sense to me, but then I came up with it, so I suppose it would. =P

Diablo 3 promised us a nearly infinite variety of builds. What we are getting is a total of five BUILDS with a nearly infinite variety of SKILL SET-UPS. Not to mention limitations on things that might actually define a build (melee Wizard, summoner Witch Doctor, etc.).

I will say that Diablo 3 is very likely going to be the "King of Loot". And it has to be, because Activizard (my personal moniker for them) has placed all their eggs into that one, lonely basket. Gear is how you will alter your base statistics. Gear is, apparently, how you will modify your skills. And gear is, naturally, how you will differentiate your character visually. Gear is, in short, the only remaining way to *meaningfully* customize your character.

Again, putting Cleave on left click instead of right click and Jump on right click instead of #2 does not equal customization...at least in my mind. Likewise, choosing Cleave over Bash is not a meaningful difference to me when I can change it at a whim with only minor repercussions (like changing the radio station, but having to listen to the static in between).

Diablo 3 has its place, and I will likely end up playing it at some point, if only to experience the story. But for the thrill of building a new character from scratch, and making it my OWN, I will have to look elsewhere.

Path of Exile seems like an excellent place to start.

Nice post +1 :)

u explain with a very good & smart way what every1 else say but some "blind Bliz fan boys" cant understand and try to defend Blizz in any way, and that is that D3 have no customization no char builds and nothing to individualize your self from the pack, what items u wear is not customization/char build, what skill u choose to use for the time being is not customization/char build.

1st of all a char build must be permanent in order to be worth looking & research for only that way will be something special something that will keep your interest because when u finish it, it will be something u thought your self, and that will make it "YOURS/MY" build.

2nd u must have a vast selections of open paths to choose from & the game must give u the option to move freely and go in any direction u want, that way cookie cutter builds will be avoided and be much less possible to exist between players, unless ofc some1 post his build somewhere and ppl start copy it, there is no way to avoid that.

D3 follow exactly the opposite path of what define a char build, they remove all the options we have in D2 to choose something for ourselves and create a char the way we want him to be, some ppl try to argue about that saying that most ppl went for some specific cookie cutter builds, those arguments have no meaning at all because Blizz could make a most complex system to avoid something like this, at least as much as possible, and in the end I prefer to have the option to create a char build similar with some1's else than not have a build at all.

Blizz choose to go the other way around they scrap completely the idea of a system with specific char builds remove stats points, remove skills points, gave free re-specs to all, auto-stats increase at lvl up and the only think that left for us to do is to choose our items and to choose what animation we prefer more from our pre-existing skills...

Blizz want it all to be gear-depended in order to make money from the RMAH now if some ppl cant understand that then I cant do anything to change that, I cant make blind kids to see, I am not Jesus.

Sorry man, but your last paragraph is just really really flawed.
Diablo 2 (power wise) was not about builds at all.
You just had a few builds that actually did something per character, and everyone went with those.
The rest of your power (pretty much 99% of it) was determined by your gear.

Saying diablo 3 is any different from diablo 2 in that regard is just plain ignoring facts.
Sure, blizzard wants to make money off the RMAH, but they didn't change anything in gear dependency to make it work.
''Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters.
The silence is your answer.''

IGN: Vaeralyse
Last edited by Tagek#6585 on Apr 9, 2012, 6:47:33 AM
Great post
The argument about the RMAH is already flawed since on Diablo 2 100% of the objects sold with real money didnt gave a dime to Blizzard, and now they propose to give the money back to the players (they of course take a fee).

I dont see how it will change gameplay whatsoever, after all getting good gear dont make you overpowered.

I personnaly think that this RMAH is a brilliant idea, even if I dont plan to use it personaly.

Talking about trading what is the future of PoE regarding this matter ? We cant continue dropping objects on the ground of mud flats for ever ....

As for the builds I see pretty much everyone using the same skills from beginning to end actually, not saying that the builds were better in D2 or will be better in D3.

After all what make us play these games is the loot not the skills, of course if the skills are not fun it can be boring but once you made your perfectly tuned toon with the best stuff you will just go for a reroll or stop playing....

Great post, OP, and one that I could echo.

Diablo 1 introduced me to the whole dungeon delver genre, and I've been hooked since. Sadly, barring a few roguelikes no game, until now, has really captured the atmosphere of D1 for me.

That said, no game, has ever matched the boss experience of D1 for me. Admittedly, much of that was I was much younger then, and more easily scared, but even now, well unto adulthood, opening the butcher's door with get my heart racing.

lordofthedread wrote:
The argument about the RMAH is already flawed since on Diablo 2 100% of the objects sold with real money didnt gave a dime to Blizzard, and now they propose to give the money back to the players (they of course take a fee).

I dont see how it will change gameplay whatsoever, after all getting good gear dont make you overpowered.

I personnaly think that this RMAH is a brilliant idea, even if I dont plan to use it personaly.

Talking about trading what is the future of PoE regarding this matter ? We cant continue dropping objects on the ground of mud flats for ever ....

As for the builds I see pretty much everyone using the same skills from beginning to end actually, not saying that the builds were better in D2 or will be better in D3.

After all what make us play these games is the loot not the skills, of course if the skills are not fun it can be boring but once you made your perfectly tuned toon with the best stuff you will just go for a reroll or stop playing....

It is indeed a brilliant idea for Blizzard to start making money off chinese gold farmers.
When the countdown for D3 started with 60 days I had no idea how i should survive the wait ^^
Then I tested PoE and now I guess that countdown does'nt matter anymore.
As many before me, I started with D1 and I always loved it.
I played my fair share of D2, also a few hundret hours of Sacred 1 and 2 and also a lot of Titan Quest.
But boy, no game ever has gotten me so bad.
Endless possibilities to experiment with passives and skills. And even more possibilities to loose your HC char.

I won't bring the flamebat on D3. I'am sure it has it's qualities and since I bought it, I will surely play it.
But if anything works out as it seems to be. My maingame will not be GW 2 or D3 but PoE cause I love it :)

Great work GGG. You are in the process of creating one of the very few gems in the gaming world.
Last edited by Seronia#4956 on Apr 9, 2012, 8:51:54 AM
POE = WIN...D3 = WIN

Nuff said!
Un4seenMaji wrote:
TheFalls212 wrote:

quick somebody get this kid a biscut!

For one thing I am not a kid I am 30yrs old and in near future will be known well throughout the world, many shall hate and many shall love, the time of seperating of the wheat from the chaff shall soon begin. Ye are evil person to even say such a comment thou shall be given famine as thine reward.

Those whom mock shall mourn, ye mocked those whom are starving in your last comment

so you are starving? "hands e-biscut" and pats on head.
Phase 1: Make D3

Phase 2: ?

Phase 3: Profit
Last edited by TheFalls212#5812 on Apr 9, 2012, 10:33:45 AM
Sorry about that. As usual, I made the grave mistake of believing it proper to answer all my detractors, including the ones who likely will never be able to understand anything beyond their own perspective.

...Tagek, well, I think you're wrong there dude. After all, it's you who showed me that gear-dependency is definitely increased from D2 to D3, and I even quoted the part from that article that clarified it. Gear is now your *only* way to affect attributes, via gems. I know, that's meta-gear, but it's still gear.

Oh, and as for this thread generating discussion as opposed to that other one merely being an info dump, I think the sheer amount of information in said dump had enough weight to generate ten times the amount of discussion here.

It really comes down to audience, and the bottom line is, I believe the PoE audience (typically knowing much more about D3 than D3ers do about PoE) is more open-minded and able to discuss the greater issue of ARPGs. BUT that's not to say we don't have our share of problem children, as it were.

Also, the audience here is tiny by comparison. I do acknowledge that.

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Ryukagesan wrote:
Let me try to explain what I mean using an analogy. (Metaphor? Allegory? Never could quite keep those straight.)

Say that we both own the same car. Same make, model, year, trim level, color...everything. Yet you choose to listen to a Country station on the radio and I listen to Rock. Does that really mean that we have different cars?

That is a brilliant analogy, and I definitely didn't need clarification.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

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