Time Capsule from PoE Closed Beta -- a classic PoE vs D3 thread circa 2012

Retranslated into English via google translate

This will be a long article, so please be patient with me. I'm from a generation that is still before the time than the players learn not read, so before you write me a comment like "too long, I have not read", so you hide it and just do not read the article. Otherwise, any other comments are welcome.

The reason why I am writing this instead I played it, now that I theoretically should do something completely different. I've had a lot to say in terms of feelings with the upcoming Diablo 3 It is the opinion of someone who has spent countless hours in the shareware demo version of Diablo 1 and then took a week off, he came full version. Battle.net for me became a second home, where I even met my future (and now former) wife ...

I've played an older version of Beta Diablo 3 (before the patch came out kontrovezní 13) and I really enjoyed it. I kept mostly to run the system, which promised to use a combination of a myriad of skills for each occupation. Almost all games that do permit the (mostly RPGs), I have deliberately kept away from the recommended settings and tried unexplored options that allow game. Not that I deliberately tried to create the worst option, but I just like to experiment with what I have.

Always the case but was not. Diablo 1 just did not have so many choices, it was about action, feelings, and collecting treasures. Back then it was completely satisfying, after all, it was the first game of that genre. Which actually most players considered as a genre itself, so all those other games are described as Diablo clones. So it's the fact that Blizzard started this party and that's them forever.

Diablo 2 raised the bar of the first performance of "ability of trees", so she has the ability to create unique characters. I believe that I was one of the first "Meelemancerů" in Diablo 2 and my instructions (a strange thing, now looking back) have been published on the website, which I thought was the largest base for fans of Diablo 2 Even I feel that they have been translated into other languages. I was really proud, though with the advent of expansion "Lord of Destruction" came better instruction and "Meelemancer" got into a broader awareness of players. Since then I have tried similar things in other games, where it unfortunately does not always work. Games such as Guild Wars, where the two professions, absolute freedom in the adaptation of skills and equipment, were open to countless hours of attempts. Guild Wars 2, although it just has not adhered to this style, but the basic form of the game is still there.

Diablo 3 promised complete freedom in setting abilities, run your system. The potential for each occupation was literally breath-taking. I totally ignored all the other problems (the purchase of equipment to play for real money, color appearance, excessively simplified features characters) and tried to go towards the game. Acquisition of skills, "skills" with other levels of the system has to break the routine, but the ability to change dramatically with the run that you can find in the game? Brilliant ... Absolutely brilliant. Sort of as a system of the game Sacred 2, only a little higher.

And then it completely killed. Now, runes in Diablo 3 characters firmly placed with every level. No need to explain the difference between current state and promised system. Suddenly we were removed freedom of choice and we were seated on a conveyor belt that leads only to one direction.

It also details the identification removed the scrolls came to me completely against the original concept, or even to remove this cute chink, fell when a ring was quite unpleasant for everyone Diablo veteran.

All hope for a real follower of Diablo 1 and 2 were crushed on the sidewalk in front of Activision and Blizzard, who rushed from the lowest common denominator. And let's be honest, that Diablo never had any great ambitions, simply clicking on the creature's, they die and fall down them things, so you can click on the creature's stronger. It was the basis of Diablo, which we had so much.

One day I noticed someone among the hundreds of disgruntled players on the Diablo 3 forum mentioned something called "PoE Beta". I expected a MMO game, because the last time most of the beta from this genre. Naturally I got here. Surely you do not have the Explanatory Notes, that I began to enjoy what Path of Exile offered.

Coincidence or perhaps honesty I ensure that I got a beta key fairly quickly, so I just try to play. I was immediately drawn into the atmosphere, not Diablo 2 but Diablo 1 Players sometimes said that the Diablo 2 managed to recreate the amazing claustrophobic feeling that we experienced with the original Tristram. The feeling when you rozeběhnul Baal or Diablo himself that exceeded what is frightening and disturbing.

Path of Exile reached what Diablo 2 has failed. Suddenly I was dying again, something that never happened to me in the Diablo 3 beta, and only occasionally in Diablo 2 (I used to play mostly Hardcore and while it's not terribly good). Path of Exile threw me into the darkness. Monsters that usually do not see, huddle around me. I know that I had to quickly drink a medicinal potion, it's one / two shots would ukočili my misery. Exactly the same feeling I had when I first came to the old cathedral beneath Tristram. I can not even describe how amazing it felt to experience something like this again after years. None of this Diablo clones have failed.

And then of course the system capabilities (skills). While it is still far from good balancing (hey, it's a beta) but Grinding Gear Games deserves all the praise the world that he gave the job to do, where the "mighty" Blizzard threw up his hands in the air and decided to go simple way. We can not deny the similarity with the system as was Final Fantasy X or layout as in Final Fantasy VII, but genius is just in the combination. I have not really penetrated into the game, but I completely absorbed by passive skill tree, which can be called a tree about the same as "Yggdrasil" (tree of Norse mythology, on which stands the whole world). It is this combination of skill and passive skill-cleverly contrived gems, old awoke in me a desire to try, I have long experienced. I still have a problem to realize how really brilliant combination and it is likely to spend the countless hours.

Oh, and identification scrolls as currency? Amazing idea. Suddenly you've got another decision whether to identify the found object, or sell it and an unidentified scroll you buy something else. What an ingenious way to dispose of gold.

The fact that the game is now almost unknown, and even to fans from a group of independent study in New Zealand is absolutely insignificant. I never intended to support small projects, but to support the real successor to Diablo. When I first saw the game Torchlight, I just sent them $ 20 and it was far from being a game that could be strictly comparable with Diablo.

This is not a game for novices or sick of this genre and they try it. The main thing is

Translation this bad tofu are.
Back in black
I hit the sack
I've been too long I'm glad to be back
Good read. :)
Google Translate cannot begin to comprehend sentence structure. ;)
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this post speaks out of my soul.
i was a d2 fan for so long.. and this game.. i only played about 4h beta last weekend and im impressed with the path.
how about some more server stress tests?
I totally agree with you CharanJaydemyr.

I played Diablo since the first episode but I pass the new one.
I saw my brother try it & I was like " Oh my god, what they have done :o ", no possibility to " Choose your destiny " ( like shao khan in MK ).

I mean here in PoE, you are able de set your favorite way of a class, I played a Marauder first time, my build was bad, actually I tried a new one based on totem use & honnestly it's awesome how you can change your way to play !

Diablo 3 for is more likely a pre calculated Path of level up/build & Skill/attribut & it's really sad to see a game like this one become so easy...

That's why I prefer PoE & I'm ready to support this game, it's a real meeting between the genius knowledge of Diablo
/ FFX ( Skill Tree ) / FF7 ( Materia = Gems ) !
Ah ! & The ambiant of PoE is really amazing ! Finally a real game of gore & darkness :D

Sorry if my sentences are wrong I'm french & I do my best to speak/write well :)

I hope I can meet you in-game one day :)
DeViLoDeAtH wrote:
I totally agree with you CharanJaydemyr.

I played Diablo since the first episode but I pass the new one.
I saw my brother try it & I was like " Oh my god, what they have done :o ", no possibility to " Choose your destiny " ( like shao khan in MK ).

I mean here in PoE, you are able de set your favorite way of a class, I played a Marauder first time, my build was bad, actually I tried a new one based on totem use & honnestly it's awesome how you can change your way to play !

Diablo 3 for is more likely a pre calculated Path of level up/build & Skill/attribut & it's really sad to see a game like this one become so easy...

That's why I prefer PoE & I'm ready to support this game, it's a real meeting between the genius knowledge of Diablo
/ FFX ( Skill Tree ) / FF7 ( Materia = Gems ) !
Ah ! & The ambiant of PoE is really amazing ! Finally a real game of gore & darkness :D

Sorry if my sentences are wrong I'm french & I do my best to speak/write well :)

I hope I can meet you in-game one day :)

Wow, people still read this sucker. That's awesome.

Oh, I'm pretty easy to find in-game. :) Welcome to Wraeclast.
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Now you make me want to play diablo 1, but alas I think I was born too late for that. Its good to know i'm in the right place, and for all the right reasons.
...Wait, reading my post is what triggered that knowledge? Not the 1k down-payment on pants, cloaks, pretty fireballs and maybe cat's ears?! Dude.
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CharanJaydemyr wrote:
...Wait, reading my post is what triggered that knowledge? Not the 1k down-payment on pants, cloaks, pretty fireballs and maybe cat's ears?! Dude.
No, more like a confirmation that Im not crazy?
I didnt have time to read all 140+ pages, but did you ever talk about the league system & players being able to create their own leagues (with customizable rules)?

If you didnt, what are your thoughts & is this offered in some form in D3 (or any other game you can think of)? (I dont know much about D3 & I would probably like it, but havent played yet because Im not fond of the art style)
Metronomy wrote:

I didnt have time to read all 140+ pages, but did you ever talk about the league system & players being able to create their own leagues (with customizable rules)?

If you didnt, what are your thoughts & is this offered in some form in D3 (or any other game you can think of)? (I dont know much about D3 & I would probably like it, but havent played yet because Im not fond of the art style)

We didn't, actually. Little was known about it when the thread was more active. My thoughts? So much potential, but I'm not sure the cost of creating one will be of equal 'attraction' to me as that of aesthetic goodies. A league is likely temporary -- it'd feel like renting space to play a special way rather than purchasing something I can always use. THAT said, we'll wait for the price points and the options. I'm definitely not discounting the potential of custom leagues at all.

As for D3, uhm...no. That's putting far too much control and power into the players' hands. ;) Diablo 2 had a way of restricting who could see/join your game level-wise, but that was about it. To get any more customisation you had to play open bnet or offline and load mods. This is not something Diablo 3 will likely ever allow. D3 has an air of 'like it or leave it' to me, so...I left it.
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