Veiled Mods: Focus
Focus, wow...
And how the hell I may use it? I don't have enough keys already (especialy when I play summoner) :/ | |
professional nutz
omg |
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" Use it like a shitty chain cast. Cast on focus - desecrate - offering or something. Looks kinda mediocre though |
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kind of like my idea of single-use potions that buff your char for a short time. way worse though. great fun spamming a new button for a 4-sec buff WTF
and really, FUCK OFF with new item mods and crafting options. there are way too many of em already, and none of them are important cause it is and always has been nigh impossibly expensive to craft your own items (one of the core design flaws in this game). only thing these fucking things do is make ggg raise the difficulty of the game even more because some rmt-nolifers get to level 100 a lil quicker with their powercreep items. since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good Last edited by LMTR14#6725 on Nov 22, 2018, 9:08:36 AM
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Give us wide key bars, like in every mmo...
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More key bindings plz...
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Cast on focus - desecrate + offering of choice + maybe banter of choice + increased duration. 2 buffs for minions + 2-3 for yourself + a realistic duration for a 12s CD, on a single hotkey. Actually, necroes will have it easier to incorporate focus to their playstyles than most other builds.
It would even open the window to some focus mods like "Your focus buff becomes an aura and it's affected by Generosity" Feel free to ckeck some skill suggestions: |
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Strong enough to be usable despite the cuck quotient trying to say that they are worthless without 100% uptime.
Concerned about skill button usage though its already pretty tight in places, hopefully we can have a hot bind for this. |
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There are more complaints about (1) not enough keybinds and (2) the clunkiness of the keybinds we already have than there are about the focus ability itself. I choose to look at this with an open mind. For starters my understanding is unveiled mods can grow stronger the more times you unlock them, so could 1% evasion as hp/s eventually turn into 5%? The duration can't be modified, but can the cooldown be reduced? What will the other dozen or so buffs be? Will we be able to have multiple focus buffs active at once? Will focus be affected by Cast When XX gems?
People will keep complaining, but already no build takes everything it could. GGG is offering us an ability without the use of a socket, and that in itself is a boon to the power creep. It would be insane if they simply gave it to us without the expense of a keybind. Some builds will find this extremely helpful, some builds won't bat an eye at it (it can only improve or remain the same, not nurf any build). Furthermore, we know very little about 3.5. There very well could be a mechanic in place to compliment focus. And even then, something as simple as the ability to shock is huge for builds that don't deal lightning damage. A temporary shock creates a long bleed/ailment duration. Oh, for those who think you don't have enough keybinds...learn to manage them. Take out a support gem and use a CWDT gem instead or something of the like. Aura buffs have no need to be on the keybind because you can change the skill, cast it out of combat, and revert back to your previous skill before entering combat. This really is only a hassle if you plan on dying a lot. Maybe you'll choose a focus skill instead of a golem, and this would then free up a gem slot. Shaper buffs can physically give extra gems attributes on gear. |
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I don't understand how so many people have an issue with the number of Keybinds we have. Outside of a Summoner that uses mutliple Minion types, I can't think of any builds that would actually have all 8 of their skill binds used up for active gems at any one time.
And if you do, then you either need to sort out your skill management, or just don't use Focus. |
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