[3.5] Consecrated Path Dual Nebuloch Juggernaut - Low Start Cost, With Trade links and PoB Codes

Absolutely wrecking everything T16 farming, syndicate no problem. Uber Elder destroyed me pretty quickly though, any tips? Gem swaps? Mostly just interested in getting elder kills now
Giggzlol wrote:
Absolutely wrecking everything T16 farming, syndicate no problem. Uber Elder destroyed me pretty quickly though, any tips? Gem swaps? Mostly just interested in getting elder kills now

Ok Uber can be tricky and I have some suggestions that will make it easier.
Your gear and defenses are good so you should be able to do it w.o much problems.

1. Use 2 insta-life flasks and Soul of Ryslatha during the fight.

2. Use a quicksilver that you pop when shaper sends balls at you and u are killing Elder. Leap Slam is unreliable and it's much easier to walk fast between the balls.

3. Use Soul of Solaris during the fight

4. You should get some more attack speed. Test this suggested setup:


5. Consider taking out the totem and replace it with CWDT-Armageddon Brand-Combustion. The Uber Elder fight is so messy that one less thing to think about ,like placing the totem, is better.

6. Get quality on your flasks

7. Get charges before the fight starts with

8. Study the fight and know it's different phases; when to attack shaper, when to attack Elder etc.

9. You can tank the Shaper's slam when on full life, if he teleports just keep attacking.

You have about 40% more fire res than you need, get some jewels with attack speed instead. It's not easy when u dont have open suffixes on helmet or belt for resist balancing, but keep in mind that it makes it much easier.

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Last edited by Dkodr on Jan 6, 2019, 7:02:00 AM
Thanks for the response man really appreciate that extra effort Ill make all the changes and let you know how it goes!
Dkodr wrote:
Giggzlol wrote:
Absolutely wrecking everything T16 farming, syndicate no problem. Uber Elder destroyed me pretty quickly though, any tips? Gem swaps? Mostly just interested in getting elder kills now

5. Consider taking out the totem and replace it with CWDT-Molten Shell-Combustion. The Uber Elder fight is so messy that one less thing to think about ,like placing the totem, is better.

You do not have to replace the totem if you use Vaal AW since it's a fire and forget skill. It was very useful during portal phases to get the juicy 20% extra melee dmg. I treat it like a 6 second flask of its own (longer if u link it with duration.)

However, you do risk it dying immediately. In this case, it only applies combustion just like molten shell would.
Last edited by xethos25 on Dec 26, 2018, 10:48:12 PM
If you can record the fight you can analyze it afterwards and see what u are doing right and wrong. Then make the necessary changes.
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I've seen some people use CWDT- Ball lightning/Orb of storm - combustion setups.

What do you think of this vs Molten shell? It also helps proc elemental overload
Last edited by xethos25 on Dec 26, 2018, 11:28:54 PM
xethos25 wrote:
I've seen some people use CWDT- Ball lightning/Orb of storm - combustion setups.

What do you think of this vs Molten shell? It also helps proc elemental overload
As long as it works igniting reliably it shouldnt matter what way it is done. Using Cold Snap was the most common variant in Delve.


The new skill Armageddon Brand could be worth testing out as well

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Last edited by Dkodr on Dec 27, 2018, 12:56:38 AM
Dkodr wrote:
naimhairix51 wrote:
question here !! okay seems the resistance i hv to cap is all from the jewel , am i right?

The main sources for resists on this build is; Helmet, jewels and belt.

Ideally you want an open suffix on the belt and helmet for the possibility of resist balancing with benchcrafting.

ok so , im already lvl 91. i just follow ur tree after getting xoph blood. however i didnt hv enough point and shud i fill the jewel slot first ? also u still can getting one shot am i right?btw do i scale my damage based on jewel? i wearing a 5link loreweave now since i already spend like 2ex. still not 6link :((
Dkodr wrote:
xethos25 wrote:
I've seen some people use CWDT- Ball lightning/Orb of storm - combustion setups.

What do you think of this vs Molten shell? It also helps proc elemental overload
As long as it works igniting reliably it shouldnt matter what way it is done. Using Cold Snap was the most common variant in Delve.


The new skill Armageddon Brand could be worth testing out as well


I JUST tested armageddon brand.

I fell in love with it right away (you can check my char TinnyJoestar).

The fact that it can attach to the next pack or persist an ignite for 5 seconds + 4 seconds (regular ignite duration) is amazing. It has innate AoE and can travel with the boss or address units outside melee range.

Without any investment, you can have 2 simultaneous brands hopping around just like Vaal AW but without management during heated situations.

This is definitely the superior option for me. You should probably include this for new players in your guide.
Last edited by xethos25 on Dec 27, 2018, 6:13:36 AM
Testing it now against bosses, seems to work well.
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