[3.5] Consecrated Path Dual Nebuloch Juggernaut - Low Start Cost, With Trade links and PoB Codes

Twhy wrote:
Still a great build, did all the content realy ez at last season. In the beginning of this season i had some problems with life regen but now i am doing t13 with my tabula rasa while i am try to put 6l in my loreweave and buy my xoph. Thanks for the guide and i am waiting for updates

Gotta agree on that.

I got those items, would show if I knew how to do that in threads.

nevermind then
Last edited by FedeS#7818 on May 6, 2019, 8:03:59 AM
Is the life recovery rate vitality watcher eye worth it? Almost none of the people playing this build (or something very close) on poe.ninja have one.

Any other upgrade I should look at? (excluding helmet/belt that still need work + maybe getting even resist for wise oak)

DeMachina wrote:
Is the life recovery rate vitality watcher eye worth it?
Any other upgrade I should look at? (excluding helmet/belt that still need work + maybe getting even resist for wise oak)

Life recovery Watchers is worth it.
Starting at 1 ex it's a cheap defensive upgrade, get on close to 30% or divine it yourself. It double dips with leech so it adds over 1000 life pr second to the build.


Except from that what I would focus on is getting life and attack speed on all jewels and a good Nebuloch corrupted with attack speed.
Attack speed is so important cause it doubles up with Leap Slam (move speed) and all damage in general.


Vendor your skill gems that benefit from it for 20% quality recipe.

Rearrange your gem setups according to this:

Weapon 1: Leap SLam 20- Faster Attacks 20/20 - Blood Magic 20/20
Weapon 2: Armageddon Brand level 3 - Combustion 20 - Cast When Damage Taken 1
This is for auto-igniting bosses and getting the negative fire resists from Combustion. If u want to use totem instead use : Totem - Combustion - Ele damage or Culling Strike.
Helmet: Vitality (if u use Watcher's Eye) or War Banner - Herald of Purity - Herald of Ash - Enlighten lvl 3 or 4 (if u use War Banner u dont need Enlighten.
Gloves: Blood Rage - Enduring Cry - (optional) Stone Golem/Increased Duration


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Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on Apr 2, 2019, 8:45:55 AM
Please infom will u plan to update the build?
May be ur are tied of this build or of the game itself?
I won't update it anymore. If you want to see player setups in league go to:

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Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on Apr 19, 2019, 3:27:20 PM
Great guide.
I'm felling like trying it but I don't really want to get burned before the next league (usually can't stand to play 2 in a row) so I'm going to save it.
Hopefully the melee rebalance it's going to make it even better.

I saw that you said you will not update the build anymore...Any change of heart?

With the rework of melee skills, defensive skills and the tree by adding a lot of nodes for Fortify, it may bring that build at the same level of winter Orb.

I played that build in 3.5 and played 50% of 3.6 with it then switched to Hierophant totem (disappointing) then Occultist HoA.

Honestly, I was planning to play Legion with an occultist HoA because an easy 13k ES/CI is well...easy to play. The only challenge was the 6 links bow and the off colors on each piece of equipment (except the bow). But now, I am seriously considering to come back to the dual Nebuloch CP.

Thank you
I have uninstalled PoE to focus on real life events, and I will not play the game for the foreseeable future. Good Luck & Have Fun Exiles.
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on May 31, 2019, 12:19:24 PM
Good luck for real life :)

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