150 points map tab bollocks BONUS: Fragment tab is 75 points, totaling at 22,5$!

Idunno why people are legit debating if stash tabs and any variants are "p2w" or not.

PoE as a whole is as "ethically" f2p possible on the market without the game literally being free. It's free to play, emphasis on to play. Not literally unlocked every single possible thing in the game for free.

Debating that it's 99% ethically f2p instead of 100% is as contrary and asinine as possible. The ONLY other high-quality game that is 99.9% f2p instead of 99% like PoE is dota 2, or team fortress 2 years after the game was released when you had to buy it.
Last edited by RagnarokChu#4426 on Jan 18, 2018, 6:02:25 AM
Darkkrows wrote:
thats why they needed special stash tab to get your money.

Because we are given free new set of stash tab every time a league start, when the league end, it become remove-only stash. And it stays there for eternity unless the player clean them up. (there is not even an incentive for player to clean them up). If he didnt play standard, he will leave there as it is. Remove-only stash no matter how small it is still cost some money for hosting. Every 3 months the entire player population add many thousands of them.

Had everyone of us, including myself just play permanent league all day. All the items/currencies we accumulated over the years will have force us to keep buying more stash to keep our hoarding habits.

Right now? they are stuck in that loop, they have to keep creating better MTX, more special stash to extract money out from player. MTX also wont sell if it is shittier than the old one. Creativity has its limits, at some point it is going to be very difficult to make better MTX beating your best ones.

Like I said b4, map/fragment stash wont be the last. At least for now special stash tab and loot box MTX is their main source of cash.

I have not visitid standard league for years. PoE has perfected its challenge leagues/seasons and its leveling process was always great, and now is even better after 3.0, which further sealed fate of standard league for me.

I have literally given money to PoE because I had no need for points at the time I purchased it. I simply wanted to show my appreciation by purchasing some points or support packs. Therefore, I'm happy to see new tabs appear in market because it allows me to use some of my accumulated points. This does not mean I want GGG to intentionally add clutter to the game and consequently create new stash tabs to pull money from players. I want GGG to update existing stash tabs, increase their functionality to deal with new items and only in extreme case create new tabs.

I believe dedicated map stash tab was long overdue--I also believe current implementation still need some work but it is in usable state as is. I hope shard stash tab will also be reworked and its functionality improved.
Chalace2 wrote:
You can do absolutely everything in-game without all those tabs.
The game is free, free to download, free to play, free to do every single bit of content.... no bullshit argument you make will change that FACT.

Tabs are a convenience, and you are in no position to demand anything.
Players with even hundreds, never mind thousands of hours played, complaining about a few £ so the game can keep developing are a fucking joke. Either jobless state scroungers or spoilt kids that think they are entitled to anything.

Feel free to 'rage quit' out of protest.
Tho your most likely going to need to fork out $60 up-front for any new game, Enjoy.

So much this.

Chalace2 wrote:
You are simply too stubborn to break your own delusional logic.

So your argument is 'now' that in a game that is by all accounts completely non-competitive, tabs are P2W... Anyone that thinks otherwise is simply making a non-argument and/or insulting you. Keep that up, I'm sure it will get you far in life.

I most certainly can tell you "you are not in a position to demand anything" Because you are not. The fact you think you are is the point I was making... again so oblivious, the notion that you seem to think your 'demands' should be met with open arms is laughable. Welcome to the real world.

You have done nothing but repeat the same old pointless arguments, time and time again. Just because you bought some supporter packs makes your failed logic no more agreeable.
Furthermore, nothing I said even remotely translated to 'you must pay to have an opinion' again, just making up wild interpretations to allow for an insult, in an attempt to discredit. Good job.

The fact you took my generic post personally just shows how delusional you are, making both my previous response and this one a waste of time. You actually seem to think you are important here, the center of the universe. You have no interest in listening to either logic or anyone else's opinion on the subject.

So much this.
RagnarokChu wrote:
Idunno why people are legit debating if stash tabs and any variants are "p2w" or not.

PoE as a whole is as "ethically" f2p possible on the market without the game literally being free. It's free to play, emphasis on to play. Not literally unlocked every single possible thing in the game for free.

Debating that it's 99% ethically f2p instead of 100% is as contrary and asinine as possible. The ONLY other high-quality game that is 99.9% f2p instead of 99% like PoE is dota 2, or team fortress 2 years after the game was released when you had to buy it.

GG is unethnic, no "quotation mark" when they start having lootbox. period.

Theer are many F2P games that is not P2win, but they don't charge an arm & your-mother-in-law for MTX.

The price GGG charges are completely out of touch.

I challenge anyone here, to name a game that charge anywhere (within 10%) of what GGG charge for an armor ($48)

I google "Game with most expensive MTX armor"
Guess which game shown up in the top of the search?
Last edited by KiadawP#5072 on Jan 18, 2018, 6:46:57 AM
KiadawP wrote:

GG is unethnic, no "quotation mark" when they start having lootbox. period.

Theer are many F2P games that is not P2win, but they don't charge an arm & your-mother-in-law for MTX.

The price GGG charges are completely out of touch.

I challenge anyone here, to name a game that charge anywhere (within 10%) of what GGG charge for an armor ($48)

I google "Game with most expensive MTX armor"
Guess which game shown up in the top of the search?

And how many game affecting items have you gotten so far in lootboxes? Any exalts? And would wearing an overpriced chest armor give you more loot? What does it matter how much a chest armor is, it does nothing for you but makes you look abit prettier. Hell, didn't they have a pet that costed a ridiculous amount of money?

Char1983 wrote:
Chalace2 wrote:
You can do absolutely everything in-game without all those tabs.
The game is free, free to download, free to play, free to do every single bit of content.... no bullshit argument you make will change that FACT.

I doubt that.

For example, try beating Elder in an SSF league with the standard stash tabs. Try competing for the first level 100 in an SSF league. Good luck, I guess you are at a significant competitive disadvantage compared to other players. And yes, competition IS part of the game design, so for it to be true F2P, that part of the game should be F2P as well, and payments should not give competitive advantages. They do.

Try doing the same in a trade league (competing for level 100 with you and your friends all having only the standard 4 tabs and no premium tabs). Do you think that is going to be realistic?

If you play with the standard 4 tabs, either SSF or not, you will have to discard things that you otherwise would have kept. There are more divination card base types than a stash tab can hold these days, and there are more map bases than a stash tab can hold. Essences, not sure, but there are quite a few as well. Also, not sure how much space holding 1500 Vaal orbs and 1500 Fusings (for 6-linking corrupted items) will take, you can do the math yourself if you want.

4 Stash tabs was fine when there were no divination cards, no essences, less map types, generally less base types, and no need to keep 3 of each map base type to hunt down Elder. Things have changed.

Why would you not be able to kill Elder with 4 stashtabs? And whoes gonna compete for level 100 SSF when they are new to the game? This game is not pretending it can survive without a single donation, you are mixing up free to play with a game that promises it will never need any of your money. I mean what exactly do you think stashtabs do? They hold more shit, ofcourse they give you an advantage. That's why people buy them
Last edited by Miská#0911 on Jan 18, 2018, 6:56:44 AM
^ I think what he is trying to say is that we're ok with that as long as the actual game doesn't have other things that affect gameplay.

If you want to have your 90% (more accurate than 99%) free to play game, lets get those MTX prices to the levels of other games that are 90% free to play, shall we?

RagnarokChu wrote:
PoE as a whole is as "ethically" f2p possible on the market without the game literally being free. It's free to play, emphasis on to play. Not literally unlocked every single possible thing in the game for free.

It USED to be that way. Now that we're getting more and more of the garbage to store, it is getting worse and worse. And no, it is free to play with no pay to win elements.

And about emphasis:

Quote from Game -> Overview section (the one people see if they are not logged in)
The game is completely free and will never be "pay to win".



having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full

Completely, 100% free. Not 99% free, not 99,9% free. 100% free.
And as pay to win I think we're talking about elements that are affecting gameplay mechanics (so cosmetics can be locked behind 500$, or whatever else you want). Tabs are gameplay mechanics. Therefore, this sentence is a lie.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Last edited by Perq#4049 on Jan 18, 2018, 7:10:44 AM
Everyone can choose to NOT to buy a product, with few exception force by government or something.

By your logic, nothing is overprice since you can choose not to buy them. Ferrari is not expensive because you ca choose not to buy 1. You can't call ferrari expensive! Logic be damned..

Lootbox are unethical becuase it capitalised on gambling addiction, which is why EU is considering declaring lootbox as gambling.
Last edited by KiadawP#5072 on Jan 18, 2018, 7:28:30 AM
KiadawP wrote:
RagnarokChu wrote:
Idunno why people are legit debating if stash tabs and any variants are "p2w" or not.

PoE as a whole is as "ethically" f2p possible on the market without the game literally being free. It's free to play, emphasis on to play. Not literally unlocked every single possible thing in the game for free.

Debating that it's 99% ethically f2p instead of 100% is as contrary and asinine as possible. The ONLY other high-quality game that is 99.9% f2p instead of 99% like PoE is dota 2, or team fortress 2 years after the game was released when you had to buy it.

GG is unethnic, no "quotation mark" when they start having lootbox. period.

Theer are many F2P games that is not P2win, but they don't charge an arm & your-mother-in-law for MTX.

The price GGG charges are completely out of touch.

I challenge anyone here, to name a game that charge anywhere (within 10%) of what GGG charge for an armor ($48)

I google "Game with most expensive MTX armor"
Guess which game shown up in the top of the search?

Depsite popular belief ethical just means having good business practices that don't deploy psychological trickery on it's consumer base and having respect for their constumers. Lootboxes that promise exactly what's inside of it, with fair payouts and well documented information on how it works at a reasonable price is ethical :V

If there are many F2P games that are not p2w but don't charge you a lot for MTX, they make money with cheaper mtx and usually allow you to buy stuff that is slightly or actually p2w more then stash tabs. That or make you pay for expansions or other content.That has nothing to do with p2w or the business being ethical or not.

PoE is on the first search for "game with the most expensive mtx armor" because it's literally the only game that called their comesntics "mtx", and one of the most popular games on the market.

Also are you joking me, literally there are hats in team fortress 2 and items in dota 2 worth 100$s and sometimes 1000$s of dollars and they have a better f2p system then PoE. Price of MTX has nothing to do with the ehticalness of a company.
@perq Arguing over pointless semantics over f2p puritan ideals is pointless :V Literally games that are more f2p then PoE (which is a handful at best) like dota 2 and team fortress 2 have cosmetics worth 100x easily then in PoE :V Valve owns them and they make untolds amounts of money from their business and games in general, they can afford to do this.

Also yet again to make myself clear, f2p debate in a market only matters when COMPARED TO OTHER GAMES.

It is impossible to idealize a game a the purest form of f2p since it's not viable as a business, games aren't there to uphold pointless ideals. It's there to make money.
Last edited by RagnarokChu#4426 on Jan 18, 2018, 7:14:37 AM
As I said, I have no problems with cosmetics. Charge however much you want, but if you start funneling people into buying them because they help you with gameplay, I'm out.

PoE could have a 1000$ armor sets and I'd be happy about that, because I knew someone would buy one and support the game (that would still not be the best idea since you'd be able to sell more if they were cheaper, but that is not the point). What I do not support is throwing garbage at players so that they buy your stash tabs.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.

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