150 points map tab bollocks BONUS: Fragment tab is 75 points, totaling at 22,5$!
" Yes, and everyone who does so is a blind white knight/fanboy. Jesus man, have you grown salty lately. These tabs are all tabs people asked for, requested. Sure they make them money, but who the fuck cares. I just want my things to be organized neatly. And I don't mind giving them some money for it, I would do that anyway. I can't take anyone serious who believes a div card tab is a necessity to comfortably play this game. And just on a sidenote. This is not the same company as it was when they started. They actually have to make alot more money now then they ever did before. Chris has stated this multiple times, and he does so every single time hes invited to some podcast. And for good reason. Did they go less ethical on the f2p model lately? 4 stashtabs is pretty limited now compared to the beginning? They add alot of clutter every league and then sell tabs to hold all of it? The answer is yes to all of these questions. That doesn't make them the same as mobile games all of sudden. There is still a massive line between that earning model and the current PoE. |
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"thats why they needed special stash tab to get your money. Because we are given free new set of stash tab every time a league start, when the league end, it become remove-only stash. And it stays there for eternity unless the player clean them up. (there is not even an incentive for player to clean them up). If he didnt play standard, he will leave there as it is. Remove-only stash no matter how small it is still cost some money for hosting. Every 3 months the entire player population add many thousands of them. Had everyone of us, including myself just play permanent league all day. All the items/currencies we accumulated over the years will have force us to keep buying more stash to keep our hoarding habits. Right now? they are stuck in that loop, they have to keep creating better MTX, more special stash to extract money out from player. MTX also wont sell if it is shittier than the old one. Creativity has its limits, at some point it is going to be very difficult to make better MTX beating your best ones. Like I said b4, map/fragment stash wont be the last. At least for now special stash tab and loot box MTX is their main source of cash. Last edited by Darkkrows#6635 on Jan 17, 2018, 8:57:28 PM
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" There is NO limit on creativity. GGG's business model is based on projected profit coming from the endless possibilities of new things they create. In the end, everybody (player/company) benefits from this model! --------------- THE MOOCH --------------
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I love my new map stash page. Having said that...
I'm always broke. PoE is one of the few games I spend money on regularly, but look at something like a $15 map stash page and say, "thats just to much". When the map stash page was released, I was broke, and was not going to purchase it. That was not really the issue tho. My issue was knowing there is now a more convenient way to deal with and sort my maps, something I've always found extremely tedious, I all of a sudden felt bad... That same feeling I get when playing other f2p games that sell a path around developer created tedium. This is the first time I've felt that playing PoE, and must say, its not a good thing. Honestly tho, I have no problem with them selling premium stash tabs and whatnot, its really the $15 price tag on this one that got to me. Last edited by ntall1#6671 on Jan 18, 2018, 12:20:08 AM
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" I can't deny that I'm a little salty about that, but I'm trying to keep my arguments logical and as rant-free as possible. You, however, tell me that I'm salty, only to proceed to tell me that everything is fine because they did the thing you wanted and who the fuck cares about the rest. Well, I can afford to pay for all that stuff, yet I'm not ok with that. Because what I can afford and I want is not what everyone else can, and what is actually good for the ethical free 2 play nature of PoE. Trying looking past what you want and you'll see more than salt. And to be honest, I don't quite care if they have to make money. Shitty mobile game companies can use the same argument, EA can use the same argument. I can make the same argument. Will you donate me 5000$ because I need to make money? No. Because you only make money if you do things people want to pay money for. I say that what is GGG doing atm is not worth paying money for, as I don't find it healthy for community driven game, and one that is marketed as ethical free 2 play. For the very same reason I won't touch EA stuff with a stick. But feel free to discard all that and say that I'm salty. It works every time. :) Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. | |
" Missing cause and effect. It was WE who wanted special tabs and we wanted to give money for. Its not "their" idea, its "they" delivered. You are just stubborn. |
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You can do absolutely everything in-game without all those tabs.
The game is free, free to download, free to play, free to do every single bit of content.... no bullshit argument you make will change that FACT. Tabs are a convenience, and you are in no position to demand anything. Players with even hundreds, never mind thousands of hours played, complaining about a few £ so the game can keep developing are a fucking joke. Either jobless state scroungers or spoilt kids that think they are entitled to anything. Feel free to 'rage quit' out of protest. Tho your most likely going to need to fork out $60 up-front for any new game, Enjoy. |
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" For the 98923592th time, lets debunk those insults and stupid arguments. " You also could do everything in the game if they sold exalts in MTX shop. So what? The fact of you being able to do everything doesn't mean tabs do not affect anything. You simply calling my arguments bullshit doesn't make them bullshit. It simply make your argument look like non-argument, but insults (which they are, by the way). " You are not in position to tell me in what position I'm. This is feedback forum, and if you don't like what I have to say, feel free to argue against my ideas. But refrain from ad hominems or trying to tell people what they can or cannot do, because it only make you look silly. " And, once again, ad hominems because you can't argue with the idea. If you spent some time reading my posts (or even take a look at my supporter tags) you'd know I'm fine with spending money on PoE. So you non-argument is, again, a simple insult and nothing else. Also, if I were to use your (dumb) logic, I should simply discard everything you've said because I spent more money than you on the game, therefore making me more right than you are. But because I'm not you, and I don't go into insults and ad hominems, I'll simply tell you why your non-arguments are non-arguments instead. Also, a word about are a fucking joke people. Not everyone is living in a wealthy country. You may be able to buy one supporter pack, I may be able to buy a bunch. This game is advertised as free to play game with NO PAY TO WIN ELEMENTS. This means that money shouldn't be a factor. If somehow you are now required to buy those tabs, it isn't the fact anymore. That said, freeloaders are also doing their job. They provide other players (those who are paying, for example) with entertainment. They provide items for sale, they form communities. In a way, they are working for GGG. Do you really think PoE would be where it is now if it was a pay2play game with upfront price? If you want a taste of how it would look like, try playing Standard Hardcore. A second thing for you to research would be League of Legends, Dota and other games that are using similar models. " I'm enjoying quite a bit of other games. You should try doing so, too. You will get a much broader perspective of what you can get for your money. That said, I think that GGG is still doing a good job with the content. The tabs are simply pushing it into areas I'd never want to see PoE going. Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. Last edited by Perq#4049 on Jan 18, 2018, 3:23:55 AM
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You are simply too stubborn to break your own delusional logic.
So your argument is 'now' that in a game that is by all accounts completely non-competitive, tabs are P2W... Anyone that thinks otherwise is simply making a non-argument and/or insulting you. Keep that up, I'm sure it will get you far in life. I most certainly can tell you "you are not in a position to demand anything" Because you are not. The fact you think you are is the point I was making... again so oblivious, the notion that you seem to think your 'demands' should be met with open arms is laughable. Welcome to the real world. You have done nothing but repeat the same old pointless arguments, time and time again. Just because you bought some supporter packs makes your failed logic no more agreeable. Furthermore, nothing I said even remotely translated to 'you must pay to have an opinion' again, just making up wild interpretations to allow for an insult, in an attempt to discredit. Good job. The fact you took my generic post personally just shows how delusional you are, making both my previous response and this one a waste of time. You actually seem to think you are important here, the center of the universe. You have no interest in listening to either logic or anyone else's opinion on the subject. |
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" I doubt that. For example, try beating Elder in an SSF league with the standard stash tabs. Try competing for the first level 100 in an SSF league. Good luck, I guess you are at a significant competitive disadvantage compared to other players. And yes, competition IS part of the game design, so for it to be true F2P, that part of the game should be F2P as well, and payments should not give competitive advantages. They do. Try doing the same in a trade league (competing for level 100 with you and your friends all having only the standard 4 tabs and no premium tabs). Do you think that is going to be realistic? If you play with the standard 4 tabs, either SSF or not, you will have to discard things that you otherwise would have kept. There are more divination card base types than a stash tab can hold these days, and there are more map bases than a stash tab can hold. Essences, not sure, but there are quite a few as well. Also, not sure how much space holding 1500 Vaal orbs and 1500 Fusings (for 6-linking corrupted items) will take, you can do the math yourself if you want. 4 Stash tabs was fine when there were no divination cards, no essences, less map types, generally less base types, and no need to keep 3 of each map base type to hunt down Elder. Things have changed. Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
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