150 points map tab bollocks BONUS: Fragment tab is 75 points, totaling at 22,5$!
" Wrong. I'm one of many examples of people who will only support if the game is fair for everyone. Remember that guy, what was his name, Charan? And yes, people need incentive to support. But these don't have to be ones that annoys people or funnel them into buying tabs because there is so much shit dropping. Imagine a situation in which PoE goes full p2w. Do you really think it would be as profitable as it is now? Do I really need to list games that died because they tried to pull off a p2w thingy? People who play games like PoE are aware of p2w. This is the reason why such games thrive. Of course some people will be playing for free, some even will want to go into dirty RMT. But the sole fact of us even writing this on this very forum is proof that such games CAN be successful. PoE started without the bollocks we see today, and I can't quite see the reason for it to keep that way. If there were decisions made to accelerate the development to unhealthy levels, that require such bollocks to be in the system, I think there is something wrong with those decisions made. Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. | |
Meh, the moment you see they start adding all sort of extra clutter items just to fill your stash, then they start adding special stash tab. This shows that their bread-and-butter stash tab arent sell as well as b4 anymore. They have to rely on better design MTX and more newer special stash tab. (if they want to sell MTX to player who had more MTX than a player need, GGG need to beat their previous MTX too)
Who to blame? they gutted standard league(the sole reason why I arent supporting them anymore), the only league people will keep buying stash tab to store ever increasing GG rare items & legacy items. If a temp league player only use 30 stash tabs every 3 months, he will not be bother buying anymore stash. Because when new league starts, he will be given a new set of 30 stash tab for him FREE, so why would he buy more? Infact if you are a efficient player you can do fine with standard 4 stash-tab to end game. (or standard 4 stash + 1 premium + 1 currency tab). if you want to convenient all you need is to just buy the essential stash.(1 premium + 1 currency tab) Overall, I think they are stuck in a loop that they have to create something very interesting every 3 months that is better than previous offering to get money. Good luck to them. Map/fragment stash-tab isnt gonna be your last special tab, may be in future we will have league stone stash.(when we got too many leagues for zana to hold) |
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" Stash tabs are usually one-time purchase, or several times in order to find how many you need. I have over 40 premium tabs + all special tabs (yes, I'm hoarder) but I have not bought standard or premium stash tabs in over 2 years. I simply bought enough couple of years back and have no more need to buy more. I buy special stash tabs because they are better suited to store those items--I do not buy those special stash tabs because I need more storage space. |
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how about increase the number of free tabs, by 1 premium, as a nice gesture.
Make all tabs limited to the current league you are playing. When league ends they transfer to standard and hardcore. Would supply GGG with steady income at start of new leagues. Inb4 *popcorn* |
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" And this is how you kill games, ladies and gentleman. :D Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. | |
" This is probably the best post I have read on this forum in months. Ignore for a second the fact that it was directed at a particular poster's behavior. It's great advice for everyone. You guys have all heard of the naked king, right? Blind fanboyism is like the video game equivalent of blind patriotism, with the arguably minor difference that blind fanboyism doesn't lead to tons of people being needlessly killed in war. Wash your hands, Exile!
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" I was actually serious! One problem is that stash tabs are permanent across future leagues, so GGG needs to invent new forms of trash to fill up our tabs. This trash facilitates a need for new specialized tabs. Besides, if we are given a premium tab for easier trading you can play the game from start to the very end no problemo tbh. But eh, you don't need to worry, they won't do this. |
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Funneling people into buying tabs is the problem. Not the lack of methods to do so. At least, well, to me.
As I said before, for some odd reason most people are very happy about shoveling shit into their very-specific-for-no-good-reason stash tabs. Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. | |
In name of fairness onad objectivity, I have read most of teh defense for the high prices GGG charge for its MTX, & justification of the amount they spend on the game. I can understand teh rational, reasoning, but at the same time, I find them weak.
popular defense include bt not restricted to 1) the entertainmanet/hr argument. 2) Support GGG 3) GGG stuff need to get paid. 4) You can choose not to buy 5) PoE has no f2p, so they have to charge higher etc This is my opinion. People pay for percieve value of a product. When you buy a ball, or a bicycle, do the base the peice on the entertainment per hour it can give you? No, you paid what you percieve as the value of the product. YOu don't pay 1000 for a ball, because it will give you thosuands hour of fun, do you? YOu pay what you think is a fair price of tha ball (cost price + profit). Would you be willing to pay a premium of 40% for a Suzuki with similar spec as a Toyota, with justification, they sold less than Toyota, so they should be able to charge MORE to make up the difference. of course not. Yes, we do know GGG stuff need to get paid (so is every business in the world), GGG use f2p model, & uses whales model etc. They bottom line is, the main factor for pricing should be the percieve value of the MTX they sell, regardless of external factor (see my car & ball analogies above). Other games have similar model as well, but don't charge nearly as absurd as GGG. Everytime I bring up price of MTX compare to GGG, the defenders will jump to 'not apple & orange'. Even if you factor in all the differnce, its hard to make a jump of other game charging typically 4-10bucks for skins/armor vs $48 is charging for armor set. It doesn't help that the qualty of these MTX are mostly not so fantastic or detailed. Many MTX are recyled existing asserts from the games, like some of the portals, visual effects, & diffrent texture of color of existing MTX. My issue is not purely from a price stand. My issue is that very few, if at all, MTXs are anywhere near their percieved value, which shouldbe the main, if not only factor in terms of vlaue. & lastly, they seems to go more greedy. The map tab is the latest example, & it wouldn't be the last. I spend over 300 buck,s maye even 400, so GGG can't said they make a profit from me. I can't in prinicple support GGG in $, but if you still do, its your call. |
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" Agree. But as one who owns cur/card/ess/1 prem tab/6 traditional tabs and only 3 special ones were those i paid for, rest is from gift boxes for christmas and etc. i can say it is not painfull at all. But i guess it depends from person type and preferences. |
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