150 points map tab bollocks BONUS: Fragment tab is 75 points, totaling at 22,5$!

Its definately not pay to win, it just adds luxory.

Pay to win would be:

Cremation and sunder got laughing out loud buffed and has been removed from the game to the shop.
Kaoms heart now got additional 8 sockets and can only be found in the mtx shop.
^ Which is of course bullshit.

Imagine scenario like this one: stash tab is removed from the game. You can only store things in your inventory. Stash tabs are bought, every single one of them.
Still no pay2win?

Also, if you read my post again you'll notice that I haven't said they inherently make your character stronger. Just like in shitty fee-or-wait games - you just have to wait until things get finished.
Same here - you can have multiple account and characters and shuffle stuff around. You can, but question is, how for long until you get annoyed by it and tempted by convenience that is shaken in front of your eyes?
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Last edited by Perq#4049 on Dec 13, 2017, 5:36:54 AM
What does your imagine scenario have to do with the new map tab ? Thats just a weak i have no aurguments but you are wrong.
The first guy to 100 will not be first by starting to suddenly pick upp useless maps just because there are space for it.
It does look nice and tidy, but it doesn't seem too convenient (imho)... For the same price I can get a stash tab bundle, which beats the map tab (again imho). Also as noted it adds a bit more clicking.
If one could hold all map types, I'd seriously consider it, but atm I won't buy it.
"Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018
Viljan wrote:
What does your imagine scenario have to do with the new map tab ? Thats just a weak i have no aurguments but you are wrong.
The first guy to 100 will not be first by starting to suddenly pick upp useless maps just because there are space for it.

Read the second paragraph. That is the more important part. Stop focusing on the aspect that I didn't focus in OP. In case you fail to: Yes, stash tabs do not give you direct advantage. That is not my point.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Last edited by Perq#4049 on Dec 13, 2017, 5:36:26 AM
Viljan wrote:
Its definately not pay to win, it just adds luxory.

Seriously: PoE at this point is not Free2Play anymore. It is Free2Try.

I doubt anyone is able to experience the entire game content (including Shaper, Uber, divination cards, Elder) without extra stash tabs. Just having 2 of each map, which is kind of useful if you want to hunt down the Elder, fills more than half your free stash space.

Is it possible? Yes. Will anyone do it? I doubt it.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Wazz72 wrote:
It does look nice and tidy, but it doesn't seem too convenient (imho)... For the same price I can get a stash tab bundle, which beats the map tab (again imho). Also as noted it adds a bit more clicking.
If one could hold all map types, I'd seriously consider it, but atm I won't buy it.

Not only your opinion. I bought it, and it was a mistake. Honestly, I cannot recommend buying it, for two reasons:

It is really laggy to put in maps

It lacks basic functionality, you cannot search for maps. You have to know both the tier and the symbol to find a specific map base type, and even then it is much slower than searching in a normal tab. Searching for specific things, like corrupted or nemesis maps, doesn't work at all. A quad tab has much better functionality.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
150 points yet it was instant buy contrary to the Divination tab for which i did wait for discount.

I don't agree with the statements in the OP
even if ...

$31 is not that much for basically a AAA ARPG title - comparing it to some other games, it's on par.

Yes, i can't imagine these days to play without extra tabs, yet i can imagine that i bought about 10 tabs too many with the utility tabs existing. So in this I kind agree that new deployed MTXs are
I was calling for the premium->Quad upgrade as that was more disgusting than Map stash tab
Normally i have 3 tabs for maps - white / yellow / red, not a HC player but usually fill 2 tabs after 3 weeks in a league.
This is basically at the same price, yet you pay more for extras- auto sort
Personally i will use this tab as dump/trade tab, not a mapping tab as it is not convenient for rolling the maps.

I kinda agree with Free2Try character of PoE - that pretty much sumps it up. The utility provided for payment are worth the money comparing the payment for P2P/regular box game.
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
Marxone wrote:

I don't agree with the statements in the OP
even if ...

$31 is not that much for basically a AAA ARPG title - comparing it to some other games, it's on par.

I kinda agree with Free2Try character of PoE - that pretty much sumps it up. The utility provided for payment are worth the money comparing the payment for P2P/regular box game.

That is our (?) point. I'm not expecting to never pay anything. As I said - I used to be ok with stash tabs being paid because they weren't that important. Far less items, currency and whatnot. Because of that I gave money to GGG - not because I wanted MTXes and stash tabs, but because I liked what they are doing and wanted to support that. It isn't the case anymore.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
I suppose playing with 4 tabs would be manageable for a casual player. One tab for currency, one for maps, one for random crap and one for crap+trading.

You don't have to pick up every map, just those that fall within your optimal farming range are fine and we aren't even running all of those because some suck. Most divination cards aren't worth much, essences can be skipped altogether, very few items are worth keeping and not many people do the chaos/regal recipe nowadays.

You can play like that as long as you know what you're doing and it's free so they technically aren't lying, but if you want to make yourself comfortable it's gonna cost you. It's like a free concert or a sports match, I suppose, general admission is free but the vip box isn't.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.


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