How to get high level maps?

forgive me for putting out the elephant in the room, but aren't we only having 2 and a half acts of content to go through at present over 3 difficulties, no less?

What I have to say:

When the new content keeps getting released, the regular game will have levels and areas which are higher than you'll see in the old content.

The maps will be boosted in level consequently to compensate.

As higher and higher level content is released, we may even see a return to the point where a level cap increase is planned.

All I'm trying to say is that as we get more content, we'll be on average more likely to get more maps. It may not look like much on the surface considering average drop rate, but that said, I would also be in favor of more maps dropping at higher levels and from higher level maps.

1337 21gn17ur3
This only beenfits kids who would never reach max level anyway like yourself.

Forcing high level players to run 600 level 69 maps for a level is a joke.

Level 84 here, 25 years old, married, no children yet. Just reacting funny to what is an every day job for some people to complain. I could explain myself diff. but why bother. Good day
4-5 weeks ago I stopped playing the game at lvl82.

My last map lvl 73 that I made 110%+ with 4 chisels and about 5-6 chaos dropped me exactly one lvl66 map. After that I even ran out of maps so I started buying lvl 68 maps. I ran out of maps again almost but then managed to establish about 15 lvl66 and 67 maps. After some time when I didn't get any more map drops I stopped playing

Now I returned and I am grinding lvl 66 maps. Using up to 10 alterations to get those mods that make map drop. Nothing. 90% of map drops are lvl 66. Once I managed to get 5x lvl66 map from one lvl 66 map. Usually I get 0 or 1 map drop from these maps. When I am lucky and getting a lvl 67 or 68 map and play it it drops me nothing or a new lvl 66 map.

Recently I made a lvl 67 map quite hard and hoped to get something from it. Only thing that happened is that I died in a mixture of lag and about 8-10 rushing zombie dogs. This cost me about 20 lvl 60 maps of playtime. I got 0 maps from this map.

So nothing changed. No reason to proceed playing this game. Also no reason to start new charackter when there is no endgame content accessable.

I really wonder why the game punishes players when they do everything right, spend alot of currency on maps etc.

I maybe got 2-3 lvl 68 maps from about 30-40 lvl 66 and 67 maps since I returned. It is not like a lvl 68 map makes alot of difference to 66. Both low, both suck to get xp. But I don't even get these lvl 68 maps stacked up.

Why is this?

Of course to make it difficult to proceed. But seriously there is nothing good about it yet. Why would I tell my friends to come and play this game and possibly stop playing D3 if the endgame is actually no fun to play but all the way frustrating as I described.
If I was going to play devil's advocate, I could see the current map system being good if there was an adequate trade system with maps so players are more willing to trade rare maps instead of chaos bombing until they get the mods they want. Many players skip doing maps that have high quantity because the maps have very undesirable mods for their particular build. For this to be any good, quantity % on mods would have to be more balanced to reflect this which I don't think they currently are, but there should be additional mods that would restrict certain builds more than just have general awful mods to roll. By balancing the quantity values, all mods value would then have to be buffed as well so it would make players more inclined to play on hard map mods and be rewarded for doing so.

Let's hypothetically say that a white map would drop 2-3 maps on average. How about mods that makes maps somewhat easier but gave negative quantity. For instance, a map mod that increases rarity, decreases quantity. A mod where anything was killed would corpse explode so it benefits players more so than monsters. What if players IIR/IIQ had no affect on maps and you had to roll a good maps plus rarity mod on it to get good gear?

Well that's what I could say. I understand people like challenges but I also understand how people like interesting things. A mod that hastes everything in the map including players or mods that could potentially make the map near impossible like giving regeneration to all players and monsters... I actually miss impossible rare mob combinations. Maps randomly determine mob types which is something I don't really like. I like how certain mobs synergise with others - this is not an undesirable aspect. For players already geared for maps, players are mostly playing the quantity game than looking at the mob types or map mods because you only roll with the limited ones that are give the best quantity for ease/speed of play.
Maps are working as intended.

Filler for coming content.
Huge currency-sink.
"High lvl maps" as a carrot on a stick. You want them, you keep on going though you'll never reach them.
Kuduku, you majestic, magnificent, pulsating, wooden shaft of a man. - ZiggyD
Last edited by MinasMorgul on Apr 25, 2013, 1:57:15 PM
MinasMorgul wrote:
Maps are working as intended.

Filler for coming content.
Huge currency-sink.
"High lvl maps" as a carrot on a stick. You want them, you keep on going though you'll never reach them.

I realize that they changed a few zones and made them higher level, but when is this "coming content" supposed to arrive?

I had been thinking for awhile that they needed a few zones near 70 to help those of us gathering gear and currency, without having the expense of having to reforge maps until they have the mods that work with our build, have high quantity, and hopefully drop more maps. This system doesn't work well since I hear of too many people running out of maps at higher levels (those who solo). Those who have enough friends to have 3-4 people per map, allows them to have higher map drop rates, so they can sustain their map needs. It's those of us who solo who suffer.

I would still like to see a level 80 zone. And later on a level 85 and 90 zone. They could make it so that it works like resetting an area. Ctrl-click a zone entrance or from a waypoint and it gives you the same NEW choice as well as these choices; NEW-Level 80; NEW-Level 85; NEW-Level 90.
Casual Player - who likes microtransactions and hideouts.
Im gonna share my experience.

I play alot of high level and low level maps

my main is level 95
my new char im leveling is level 83.

I did about 50x 67-68s in the past 2 days. I have found 4x 69s and 3x 70s out of ALL those maps. All else was 66-67-68

When i do high level maps i find about the same amount of maps. But when i do 75-77 maps. I much more often find 72-73-74-75 maps. So it does not feel as bad. Along with the occasional higher end map upgrades.

Now for those doing high level maps it feels OK to find a map 3-4-5 levels lower than the 77. Because 72s 73s 74s etc are still great maps to find to run / sell.

But when you are doing low level maps usually under 70s, you end up finding garbage low maps that you really DONT WANT AT ALL.. like 66-67-68. This feels like you only find maps you dont want 99.5% of the time. Thats where i think the problems lies currently
Last edited by BuDiu on May 23, 2013, 3:58:34 PM
Long stories short. Running and playing maps in POE is pointless. Thats it. Without improvements I will not do that again, my time is precious.
Last edited by Wilmots on Aug 24, 2013, 7:02:58 AM
Tagek wrote:
zhirek wrote:
frozenmildew wrote:

But on 66 maps when I kill a yellow/end boss they drop 68 maps?

No if they drop a map it is between 66 and 68.

Pretty sure that's not true. I've gotten 69 maps on 66 ones.

Not possible, +2 is the max so you opened a 67 and thought it was a 66

Bone2flesh wrote:
Yeah this games end game sucks bad!


Crawl back in your basements if you are clueless and whine so over so little so soon.

It's hitting fully release at the beginning of october....that open beta shit doesnt work any more

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