How to get high level maps?

Baron01 wrote:

Lastly, I always follow this rule: Whenever I do not get a map drop of equal or higher level than the map I'm in, I drop to lower level map tier. I have adopted this rule to ensure that I do not run out of higher maps too quickly due to bad luck strings of no drops.

Yeah, sure... as if the order of doing your maps would have to do anything with map drops...
danny868686 wrote:
frozenmildew wrote:
while we have this topic going, why are there 4 map slots in the map machine?

good question lol

New end-game secret maps like Atziri which for some reason becomes cancerous as hell to farm to even get into?
Maybe Divinity Cards (Don't take my words on this)
Participated in the working of the Dyadus Avatar of Fire Templar:
66-76 Transmute and Alt until you get pack size/magic monster/double boss/ more rares / rouge exiles - one of those

77-78 I blow 4 chisels and up to 10 chaos each trying for same as above.

I have not had issues with maps in awhile since doing above. Have a whole tab full of just 76-78. But I have and probably will again when RNG takes a bad turn. I'll just buy maps to get over bad RNG.
Git R Dun!
66-70 common, 71-73 rare, 74-75 only a few drops so far. (1 month playing)
Black cat, Arctic portal, Arctic skull hatred, Arctic footprints, 2x Arctic Weapon, 20 skins, +3 tab
ZeeZ wrote:
Baron01 wrote:

Lastly, I always follow this rule: Whenever I do not get a map drop of equal or higher level than the map I'm in, I drop to lower level map tier. I have adopted this rule to ensure that I do not run out of higher maps too quickly due to bad luck strings of no drops.

Yeah, sure... as if the order of doing your maps would have to do anything with map drops...

The terminology and individual situations are obviously different for poker, but the guiding principles for bankroll management (I.e. Map management) to control variance are exactly the same.
IGN: Smegmazoid
Long live the new Flesh
Poker is really different in that the player's state of mind has a significant effect on their expectations. The reason they advise people to change their betting in Poker is that players will play less aggressively when they are losing... which is exactly the wrong response.

Comparing bankroll management in poker to map management is really wrong.

It would be better to look at slot machine strategy books... if there are any.
ZeeZ wrote:
Baron01 wrote:

Lastly, I always follow this rule: Whenever I do not get a map drop of equal or higher level than the map I'm in, I drop to lower level map tier. I have adopted this rule to ensure that I do not run out of higher maps too quickly due to bad luck strings of no drops.

Yeah, sure... as if the order of doing your maps would have to do anything with map drops...

It obviously has nothing to do with the order of maps. It is as simple as the fact that lower level maps are more plentiful than those of higher level. My self-imposed rule prevents me to blow through set of maps without actually getting drops that would sustain me in that level. I can surely play my desired tier of maps until I have none left and be forced to go lower. I just prefer to do it piece by piece.

I have changed my approach slightly lately. I now starts my map sessions at lvl67 map and progress higher only when equal or higher map than the one I'm in drops. This way I build my pool of 67-69 maps rather easily, although, running those maps is not very rewarding but it takes little effort so it is not that bad.

I do not push for high level maps too hard for now since I could use a bit more upgrades for better survivability. However, I'm parking my scion at lvl90 because it is simply not fun to grind for over a week for a single level. One death would set me 6 or more hours back.

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