How to get high level maps?

Can't find 75+ though. Sucks being stuck
I really don't understand you guys. Cmon. Try to learn something about the game. First of all playing maps over LVL70 constantly is not that hard. I'll wright about what I do, what I do every league and never have any problems.

Rule nr. 1) Don't chaos maps under lvl71. Those maps are 1 Chaos(and less) on new leagues and worthless 3 weeks later. Just sell them, and get new white one. Physical reflect can be a problem for you but not for someone else. The longer the league the higher this map lvl should be.

NOONE runs lvl 77-78 maps all the time unless they play in a party or they are buying them, I'm having hard time imagining that someone will be lucky enough to get them constantly.

SO to the guide:

All of you get 66-68 all the time so I'll assume you have enough of those.
STEP 1) Play only the highest map available to you(that you can actually clear). Don't play 66 map if you have 68. 66 can't get you anything else than max 68 unless you find a box with +LVL on it. If you play only 66-67 don't expect to get any higher than 69 maps. Really you can't.
By playing only 68 you have a chance of getting lvl 70. I'd advise playing only blue maps for 68-69.
STEP 2) So you got lucky once and got a 70 map. What do you do? Put 4 Chisel on it and Alchemy. Hope for a good roll, you got it, great, play it. Hopefully you'll get some 69-72 maps. That is a step forward for you. If you don't get any maps repeat previous step.
If you got a roll you can't play it is probably better to trade that map for a white one with someone that can play it than to put CHAOS on it.

And this is practically it!!! Very simple. Always put as many chisels as you have on highest map you're playing that is not bellow 70. With some luck it will get you higher maps. Not every time but it is easy to climb over 70. Same steps can be applied to any level higher maps. Just always play the highest you can/have! Don't expect to be lvl 77 and play 77 maps. Those are too hard for you anyway, work your way up.

Invite Zana to your hideout. She give you a free map every day. If you get her to level 6, which is very easy you can get lvl71-72 maps from her. Playing them you get a chance for lvl74.

Personal experience: By doing the steps above with Zana every days this is how my map day looks like now in new league:

4-7 LVL 72-73(those are low lvl for me. I put only alch once on them!) I usually get 1-2 74-75. On those I put 4 chisel and alch, I'll reroll with chaos only if I can't play. Hope for high drop. For every 2-3 maps on those I get one 76-77. Usually that 76-77 gives me another 74-75. But sooner than later I climb down to 72-73 maps again. I just repeat the steps again for few higher levels and go back again.

Really the only way to sustain a high level maps is if you can afford to buy a ton of them and chisel/alch/chaos them all the time. Aim for 100+ quantity.
(for those wandering how can I always have 72-73 maps Answer is Zana!)
(for those than want too boost themselves just buy a few maps they are dirt cheap)

Easiest way to get few levels above is to buy 5-6 of those maps. There is a very low chance of you running out of them if you chissel/alch/chaos every one to 100+ quantity.

For those that don't have enough currency to do that going above 73 is not gonna be possible anyway, since they lack the DPS output. if every piece of gear you wear is 4-5 chaos than map that is worth 4 chaos is too expensive. If your gear is 1Exa and higher in every slot you can breeze through content and then spending few chaos on a map is worth it.

Anyway if there are any questions I'll be happy to help. Remember to invite zana to Hideout and do the daily!
IGN: IcepickDBrutalizer
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MonstaMunch wrote:
Dan1986 wrote:
This keeps popping up regulary like every week.

I really wonder why there is no change. But in general I'd like the devs to address POPULAR concerns of the community a lot more. And this is definitely one of them.

This has been discussed many times. The fact is, people are only supposed to be able to sustain maps at around lvl 70. Higher level maps are more of a novelty at the moment, and their main intended purpose is getting high ilvl items, not xp.

That's because the game isn't finished yet, in fact it's barely getting started.

The best thing to do at this point is get a bunch of characters up to level 80 or so, and wait for higher level content to be released so you can make the most of it when it happens.

Great response, Monstamunch!!!

Maps are just additional content.

I also want to add; lvl 66-69 maps: transmute them and go! You dont want to pump alts, alchs and chaos into these. If you are deadset playing maps, just BUY maps with these orbs.

P.S. Shit who raised this zombie
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Last edited by Reinhart on Apr 7, 2015, 5:24:25 AM
IcepickD wrote:

SO to the guide:


I think that guide is oversimplifying a bit but suggestions are sound. I recently returned after long hiatus and played for 2 months in Torment and now in 1-month SC league. I only play solo and self-found so progressing in map system is a bit more difficult, or slower.

I would, however, question suggestion to go strictly with pack size or amount of magic monsters here. My subjective and limited experience tells me I'm better off with more quantity bonus from "difficult" mods rather than pack size. This is especially true for certain map types where larger packs simply have no place to spawn--Mountain Ledge comes to mind, one of my favorite maps but larger pack size is completely wasted there.

I personally pick following mods, and those are dependent on a character and build:
- [preferred] poison on hit, fleet, no regen, hp/mana half recovery speed, elemental weakness, beyond, any type of charges gain or any kind of elemental patches on the ground
- [doable with care] physical reflect, multi-projectile (this is no-go on certain maps, e.g. maps with devourers)

These mods are giving fair amount of quantity bonuses that usually gives around 30% quantity without any extreme danger or large amount of currency used. Zana's device will add additional quantity bonus so I usually have 33% or more on lvl66 to lvl69 maps. This way I could easily sustain my map pool in Torment to the point I had to start using chisel recipe to free my stash (I had near 2 stash tabs full of lvl66 maps at that point).

It is very different world on 70+ level. I very slowly grew my map pool here and most of those maps were drops from Zana's daily. Few 70+ maps that I played did not result in any map drops what-so-ever. I always chisel the maps and pick best combination of magic mods--this is still below lvl74, which I feel is where alch or regal orbs are to be used.

Lastly, I always follow this rule: Whenever I do not get a map drop of equal or higher level than the map I'm in, I drop to lower level map tier. I have adopted this rule to ensure that I do not run out of higher maps too quickly due to bad luck strings of no drops.

Unfortunately, while I start at lvl69 map in my sessions I very often end up in lvl66 maps because there are no map drops in sevaral maps back to back. I would love to see certain mechanism, maybe similar to system built into evasion, that would balance this and give the player at least some maps as a reward for the expended effort. Wishful thinking on my side :)
IcepickD wrote:

Invite Zana to your hideout. She give you a free map every day. If you get her to level 6, which is very easy you can get lvl71-72 maps from her. Playing them you get a chance for lvl74.

That's really good answer. I'm doing pretty the same as you and I'm not running out of maps 72-76 at all and having around 8 up to 10 77-78 which I'm usually doing with friends. What's more I'm very rarely buying maps from Zana - I'm always doing her daily and that's enough (when you're lucky you can also meet her on other map). The only difference in my current strategy is that I'm chiseling maps which are greater than 74 - so 75, 76 and so on. On 71 to 74 i'm running with IIR gear (about 250 IIR) with possible double boss, extra pack, magic pack or beyond. The only problem could be lack of chisels - you can do of course the very know recipe (map + q20 gavel, rock breaker or stone hammer) but it's too rare to find gavels, so from time to time i need to buy 85/90 chisels for exa - that's it - and that can be affordable if you consider selling your chances for exa. I don't do chance rolls so that's fine.
May God have mercy upon my enemies; they will need it.
IcepickD wrote:

NOONE runs lvl 77-78 maps all the time unless they play in a party or they are buying them, I'm having hard time imagining that someone will be lucky enough to get them constantly.

you always do rotation on 78 maps, packsize/dom in the end its goes pretty even out actually, bring a culler and youll never run out of maps
Set sail for epic fail
I've been quite unlucky trying to reach higher level map but still I am unable to go under 74 just by drop.

What i usually do is, farm dock/catacomb (catacomb got better map drop rate) untill i have 10 map.

From there, i only play my 66 map with blue mod pack size. When you have 20 -- 67 stash ill start running those and if i run out of 67 before having 20 68 i repeat the process.

Now I have been working for 76, but it'S get harder, i'm aiming for 48 before i switch from 75-76 and i sometime run out of 75 so i got to go back on 74.

Also, start a store, 74 sale for 2 chaos...

This is for standard, when i play league i try to find a group of friend and we alternate are map, make it a lot easyer to reach higher ground
Have fun! And go buy my stuff...

Shops: 522765 / 1094567 / 1147014
The map system is well known broken and people nowadays just rolls Monster Pack with alts. I have played dozens of 78 rotations just with monster pack + domination and got almost all the runs at least 1 back.

I have also played just for science, maps from 70 to 75 just white on a row, maybe like 20 on a row, and I also had map drops enough to confirm that is basically useless to even roll maps that are below the 76 level.

First of all, because the chances to die increase a lot when you roll them rare and second because the diminishing returns are stupid and completely out of range when comparing it to risk, making it a really unrewarding experience.

You can spend like 10 or more chaos, vaaling, etc ... rolling the perfect map and never get a map drop back, while the risk of playing such map is inmense ! Next map, just alt it couple of times and go, 2 map drop back ! what?

You can also play a rare vaaled super rippy map with 8 rippy mods and get zero maps back :D

This happens all the time ! Just try to play a lot of whites in a row and you will see how you get map drops anyway.

Seems that the final RNG roll to decide if a map drops or not has nothing to do with the accumulated IIQ of the map via the mods rolled on it.

The chisel is almost a useless currency now, obviously ! Because it does nothing :D

There is no justifiable reason to spend more than 1 transmute + max 5 alts on a map even if it is a level 78. All the currency you can spend will give nothing back and to get a good drop it is only the RNG for the drop and the map level that counts.

So until the map system is fixed and it is more logical and rewarding, keep all your currency to buy more maps and roll monster pack only, on 75+ maps.

Sometimes I think that maps can be rolled rare and are treated as any other rare item in the game, but they were actually not developed with that use on mind. There is no balance risk / investment / reward.

Seems that GGG had a good idea but lacked the skill to balance it properly. They were afraid of making the map rolling OP and to avoid people exploiting it and getting rich very fast probably ? I don't know, but it is very clear after making so many experiments with maps ( I have a really huge pool with maps of all levels available on standard ) that the system is not properly implemented. Maybe they will change stuff on the expansion ( most probably as it is broken now )
Last edited by chromafunk on Apr 26, 2015, 7:59:34 PM
zhirek wrote:
Alternatively, just sell them to the vendor, 3 of the same maps will yield 1 map a level higher.

I do this when I get three maps of an area that I don't like to run. It frees up tab space as well.


Building and maintaining a sustainable map pool is something that is expensive and time consuming.
You have to go slow. Do not waste currency on low ones. I usually run piety around 50 times to get a decent pool of 66 maps started. She drops one map every run. The new lowest map rolls will be higher after expansion, (68).

Basically you use transmute and alterations orbs to get a reasonable roll that feels like something you can handle. It will increase the drop rate of maps. You can use the 3 map vendor recipe to upgrade some of them if you feel like it. If you are not running hundreds of them before moving up a few map tiers, you risk backpedaling. You can always buy higher maps from trade channels as well to give your pool a boost. If you find a higher level map and it is your single highest map, you can either try to build on that by continuing to run one or two levels lower or you can start alching/chaosing the higher one for reasonable map mods.Do not run your highest map if you are trying to improve without spending a little currency on it and or chisels. It is an ongoing struggle. Keeping a high level map pool can be costly. I haggle exalted orbs for a handful of mid 70's maps and build from there because I am not as patient as I use to be. Be wary of bad map mods that will rip you. Your map tabs are useless if you are constantly re rolling .

Save chisels for the higher end maps.
Last edited by rob16437 on Apr 26, 2015, 10:31:23 PM

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