How to get high level maps?

And what did you do with those 70+ maps? Did you use a trans on it, got crappy mods and wondered why you dont get any more maps on the map run? The higher the map the higher orbs you should invest on maps. Specially when you just have a few of them you should really start to make 69+ maps rare and get good mods on it. I just love this system. Not only that its close to impossible to get to level 100 but the inflation of currency is like nonexisting.
Schnakerz wrote:
And what did you do with those 70+ maps? Did you use a trans on it, got crappy mods and wondered why you dont get any more maps on the map run? The higher the map the higher orbs you should invest on maps. Specially when you just have a few of them you should really start to make 69+ maps rare and get good mods on it. I just love this system. Not only that its close to impossible to get to level 100 but the inflation of currency is like nonexisting.

I have only found 70+ maps a few times. I am usually stuck between 66-68 maps, and I use alot of chisels, alchs, chaos, transmutations, alterations, etc to get maps with +area size, + monster pack size, or maze. Actually I never do any maps unless they have one of the above mods.

And still I cannot get 70+ maps, other than once in a blue moon. Is the map progression system designed to only allow people to get to level 75 maps if they are super lucky? That's ridiculous. If you want lvl 75 maps to be restricted to higher levels, then just make them harder to beat. Making it super rare to even be able to attempt lvl 70+ maps is just ridiculous.

At level 80, I can no longer progress in the game unless I get super lucky? 66-68 maps are a joke and dont even present a challenge to me anymore. Progression needs to be based on level and skill not on luck....
IGN: Cimos_Baller
Be nice if you can use items in the lab...similiar to Disgaea's Item World.

For those not familiar with the Item World. You actually enter the world of any given item and defeat the monsters in it to make the item even stronger/xp. The mods on the item can be the map mods.

Simple change would add like 500+ hours into POE.
Last edited by pow3r on Mar 25, 2013, 9:06:34 PM
danny868686 wrote:
by doing higher lvl maps

in a 66map

if a map drops from a white mob the map is 66 again

if the map drops from a champion its will be lvl67 map

if a yellow/boss drops a map in a 66 area the map will be 68

and so on

or you can trade 3 of the same type to the next lvl tier

thx bro
Cimos21 wrote:

And still I cannot get 70+ maps, other than once in a blue moon. Is the map progression system designed to only allow people to get to level 75 maps if they are super lucky? That's ridiculous. If you want lvl 75 maps to be restricted to higher levels, then just make them harder to beat. Making it super rare to even be able to attempt lvl 70+ maps is just ridiculous.

At level 80, I can no longer progress in the game unless I get super lucky? 66-68 maps are a joke and dont even present a challenge to me anymore. Progression needs to be based on level and skill not on luck....

a thousand times this
It is intended that you need insane amounts of currency, rolling 70+ maps very very good, to get a sustaining amount of lvl ~72+ maps (chisels, alchs, chaos indeed regal and exalted for very high lvl maps). For solo players this is just impossible. And I don't mean 1alch+1chaos, no. I mean: 1alch + 5 chaos, even 10, rerolling over and over again to get the perfect mods.

I'am lvl86 now, played a few hundred maps and got one 73er map, between 5 and 7 72er and maybe 15 71er maps. Most time playing 67-69er maps. All solo and I just can't roll all the maps at maximum, only the chisels would killing me.

Maps above lvl 73 are extremely rare and only sustaining if you are very, very rich. It is not intended, that everybody is playing these high level maps.
Last edited by Armageddon82 on Mar 26, 2013, 10:58:02 AM
Yeah this system is just so good gais.

Level 85+ cant even gain xp on ANY MAP UNDER LEVEL 70.

Great job, GGG at creating a content bottleneck so high level players cant gain xp. The -85 crowd doesnt care yet at the momment, in a few lmonths they will.

Stupid, stupid, end game idea.

Explain why all my 87
+ friends have quit, at 85 gaining xp is almsot non existant for many of us.

Thanks GGG for making your game unenjoyable to play if you are high level.

Sad thing is i really love PoE, but im not gonna play for 10 hours to get 10% xp because I just CANT get higher level maps to drop.

And before you say "im not rolling the 69/70s right", I AM, i HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH CURRENCY SO THATS NOT THE ISSUE.

Me being able to XP should not be based off of RNG. Period. Dumbass system.
Invasion - No Sacrifice No Glory


Do you little punks want to get to L.100 asap ? Do you? I do not!!

End game is there for the grinders for the people that enjoy the farming and so on.

Or you want all people to get 77 maps all the time and then all items are cheap and everybody is 100 and then they put Parag... sorry Maragon levels so there is something more to do.

Babies go to sleep or play a puzle. Hate those stupid pre school shit like "here everybody is a winner". Oh and maybe you want an AH with real money right. Get the f outha heeear,
Cimos21 wrote:
Is the map progression system designed to only allow people to get to level 75 maps if they are super lucky?

Yes, works as intended.

And i don´t like it either. Remove 70+ Maps instead of letting People have a Delusion to do them.
Kuduku, you majestic, magnificent, pulsating, wooden shaft of a man. - ZiggyD
Last edited by MinasMorgul on Mar 26, 2013, 1:00:29 PM
walkinhop wrote:

Do you little punks want to get to L.100 asap ? Do you? I do not!!

End game is there for the grinders for the people that enjoy the farming and so on.

Or you want all people to get 77 maps all the time and then all items are cheap and everybody is 100 and then they put Parag... sorry Maragon levels so there is something more to do.

Babies go to sleep or play a puzle. Hate those stupid pre school shit like "here everybody is a winner". Oh and maybe you want an AH with real money right. Get the f outha heeear,

This only beenfits kids who would never reach max level anyway like yourself.

Forcing high level players to run 600 level 69 maps for a level is a joke.
Invasion - No Sacrifice No Glory


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