[2.6] IMMORTAL MF GOLEMS - Shaper / Uber / ALL Guardians *WHILE DEAD*
" Quite likely but with GGG you'll never know. ;) And if you always need enough mana to resummon your golems you might as well do it the "proper" way, i.e. as Necromancer, turning your golems into b@d@$$ chaos bombs. Again the Scion/Ascendant losing out here. A shame really but since the 2.4 ascendancy buffs the Scion has been somewhat orphaned and one can only hope that the newly designed ascendancies will attract more players again... but as a Golemancer? Probably not. Last edited by tomay#5509 on May 23, 2017, 10:59:24 AM
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" " " Feedback incorporated. I'm now able to map safely. Thanks! Here's my current setup that still needs work, if anyone cares to add more advice.
I'm interested in better movement and potentially having my movement do double-duty as the skill that triggers EE. Lightning Warp requires so many sockets, though. So for now it is Leap Slam for movement and Arctic Breath in my CWDT for EE triggering. Had to swap out my Flame Golem enchanted helm for more ES. Unsure about that tradeoff holding true after I get all the tweaks in. The Sulphur flask is for Consecrated Ground and Freeze/Chill, not damage. I use Zealot's Oath keystone and enchanted gloves. The Discipline setup in my offhand seems inefficient. |
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Im playing that build some months now with my mfer 43 iq 417irr . Guardians - Shaper - Uber atziri and all the boses in general with all the mods together :P ( dual refs no leeches etc :P )
Heres my Gear Heres some of the loot IGN = Tominsideeeee |
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I'll try scion golems next patch. I mean I played it with Hierophant, scion has to be better especially with the changes.
Probably go with elementalist + inquisitor.. juggernaut looks okay as well. |
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" Elementalist Adcendant gives +1 Golem all right... but Inquisitor??? Does eff all, any damage enhancements apply to the player but not the minions. Juggernaut? Some defenses and nothing else. Nah, Golem Scion sucks hard. Either get full elemental immunity (immortality) as Elemantalist or b@d@$$ chaos damage damage as Necromancer. But Ascendant has absolutely nothing to offer, no golem immunity, no golem damage buffs, nada. All you get is +1 Golem and a few saved passives maybe when accessing the tree from the start of another character class, not good enough. I didn't really look into all changes but from what I read in the comments the Ascendant changes are for the birds and not likely to compel anyone to play Scion anytime soon. Either GGG do a complete overhaul or the Scion is dead and buried. Scion was great in 2.3 with easy access to lotsa jewel sockets and only 6 ascendancy points but 2.4, which saw insane ascendancy buffs for other classes, was the death knell for the Scion and it looks like the halfhearted changes now won't do much for her resurrection. People play this build for one reason only and it certainly isn't the extra golem. We want them to be immortal. If you want even more golem damage then Necromancer is the way to go (Minion Life Support = mucho Chaos Damage). Poor old Scion has nothing to offer which could even remotely compete with that. Last edited by tomay#5509 on May 23, 2017, 8:04:14 PM
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" Curious but why the purity of elements aura? you seem to be capped on res without it? |
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Yep without the purity im sitting at 55-69-66 reses cause im gear limited (the shavv gives only one res and the helmet also 1 the boots nothing )
IGN = Tominsideeeee |
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" Yeah, did you actually look at the inquisitor changes. Take reduced elemental damage while on consecrated ground. That's pretty huge. Most likely I'll go the regen route with ZO. I'm playing a guardian with golems ATM and I like the regen. For the on kill effect, can easily link culling with any EE spell. Consecrated ground for me and my golems (an extra regen for them since they will be less immortal). |
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So what? The scion can make up somewhat for the "reduced immnortality" by creating consecrated ground... (Besides, how do you intend to kill in order to create that Consecrated Ground? Unless you kill something yourself this doesn't work. Kills credited to minions, totems, etc do not work)
Why not go for the real deal, aka the Elementalist with full elemental immunity which is better... by a country mile. I have played Goleamncer before and I can tell you that even though my Golems had MUCH more life (and thus much more life regen with the same Harmony stack) they suffered badly against elemental damage from Guardians and Shaper And if you want more golem damage, tough luck... neither Scion, nor Elementalist, nor Inquisitor have anything to offer to increase that. Then you surely go Necromancer with Beacon of Corruption. Necros can easily muster 40k+ golem life, anytime they blow up a golem by summoning a new one they deal an insane amount of Chaos Damage. Last edited by tomay#5509 on May 24, 2017, 12:47:41 PM
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" Slow down and read a bit maybe. I said I can easily get on kill effects by linking culling on any EE spell(spell to activate EE). And there's always a sulfur flask for backup consecrated ground. As for guardians and shaper I don't really care about farming them. I just want to farm maps and maybe uber lab. Probably wont even touch t11+ just going to shape a t5 to a t10 and run that all day. Unless I get bored towards the end, then I might try endgame. Curious how much HP did your golem have? And what supports did they have? I might try fighting guardians on my guardian. Why not Necro or Elem? I've never leveled a scion higher than 24 before and this would be a way to clear those scion achievements. Plus I like trying new builds. |
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