[2.6] IMMORTAL MF GOLEMS - Shaper / Uber / ALL Guardians *WHILE DEAD*
Hello guys, it is Dygnity and I am back with another insanely awesome build for Legacy. You may remember me from the Lowlife Mjolner days, league first ubers with Caustic Arrow, and in Legacy #1 Normal, Uber, and Shaper kills with AWT. Out of all these builds, these Immortal golems are a huge contender for the top spot!
But Dyg, these Golems aren't really Immortal right...? It has to be click bait.... Its not. These Golems farm Shaper, Uber, Normal, and ALL Guardians while you simply relax and wait to collect loot from the laid down and dead position. OH- and you're full MF with exceptional clear speed. If you want to complete all content in the game, clear all maps/map mods without stopping, and enjoy screens of loot, this is the build for you!
You can catch me playing this build, and a few others, live all league! Hop on over to www.twitch.tv/dygnity to join in the fun! Ill be producing a video guide shortly, but in the meantime here are some highlights from my stream for you to enjoy: Shaper [While Dead] Forge of the Phoenix [While Dead] So, tell me more... This build revolves around a few core concepts to achieve solid functionality and output. To begin with, we reach 6 golems using 2x Clayshapers to provide +1 each, the Anima Stone to provide +2, and the Elementalist Ascendancy passive Liege of the Primordial for the last +1. It uses the Primordial Might jewel to make your golems aggressive, increasing their effective DPS by having them make attack decisions faster and more frequently. We combine 8-10 Primordial Harmonies to achieve an insane amount of golem damage scaling, massive CDR for our golems attacks, and 2% life regen per jewel totaling 16-20% regen per second against their 20-25k HP O_O. The biggest factor in this build which enables our golems to become "immortal" is the 100% elemental damage immunity our golems gain from Liege of the Primordial. Because there is very little offered by gear to increase golem DPS, we scale a moderate to high ES pool from the tree and chest/helm and can itemize rarity with almost no opportunity cost or loss of DPS. Give me the good, bad and the ugly about this build... The upside- - Your golems are "Immortal". There are only 3 instances where they -might- die. - Clears all content in the game, while your character is dead, with full MF. - Has extremely good clear speed in all maps with all map mods with full MF. No ES regen is tricky. - Potential for 8-14k+ ES depending on your setup. - Watching your golems decimate everything in their path is extremely satisfying, and often comical. - The loot is $*#&ing nuts. Especially with leaguestones. - This build WILL pay for itself multiple times over. - With Vaal Haste, Phase run, and Headhunter, your clear speed is nuts. - Can start the build with budget set-up and work into the full monty. - You actually use convocation and its godly. Yes I said it. - You stack 8-10 Primordial Harmony which is cheap, around 10-15c per. - Solid for newer players on a lower end budget. - Leveling is not hard at all, your golems can kill 2x scaled zones 20+ levels above you. - Breaches insanely well. The loot.... - You only need to do Normal lab, and maybe Cruel IF you want. The downside- - You dont leech. Vaal Disc was nerfed, its noticeable but not a major deal. - Div Distillate can be tricky to keep up. - You are not tanky, ES pool + CWDT IC Phase is primary defense. - The Anima Stone and Primordial Might jewels are around 2.5-4ex each, you need 1 of each. - Sometimes your golems derp. They aren't perfect, after all... - Stopping to loot slows down your clear speed. Top tier build problems amirite? - The final form of the build is moderately expensive, but achievable. - In order for your golems to kill while dead, you must die. Which you will from time to time. - They cannot keep up with the Chayula timer (mine dont atleast at this point). - Lower end variations of the build can be super squishy.
The Jewels
When I wrote this guide, and last league when I played this build, Harmonies were 10-12c and Might/Anima stone were like 2ex each. The total cost was like 6-7ex for jewels. This build has been up for a week and Harmonies are already 35-40c+ and Might/Anima is 4ex+. Please keep this in mind, and im so sorry! :(
The only Ascendancy you should select is Elementalist. While Necromancer seems solid on the surface because there is more +% minion stuff, its actually a bait which is significantly inferior in every aspect. In total, if you selected all passives that yield damage for minions, you would gain 100% increased damage for your golems. You would also gain 20% all resistance. On the surface this seems good- but by comparison to what you gain from elementalist it is garbage. With Elementalist, you gain 1 additional golem. This alone is more DPS than 100% increased damage. If you have 10 Primordial Harmonies all at 20%, you gain 200% increased damage for each unique golem type you have out. With 4 flame golems you get 200%, 1 lighting golem is another 200%, and 1 ice golem is yet another 200%. This give you an additional 600% damage from the unique golem types AND the additional damage of another flame golem. While you can still run 3 Flame 1 Lightning 1 Ice with Necro, the DPS output of 3 Flame is significantly less. Elementalist also give you 12% all resistance and immunity to elemental damage for you golems. Elementalist is the clear and decisive winner for both mapping and boss killing alike.
Kill all of them you ruthless bastard. They offer nothing of benefit by helping them.
The required gear for this build ranges from 1c to 2.5-4ex per piece. You can easily work up to the larger expenses with a budget variation of the build. The largest expense is an optional 6L ES based chest, but a 5L will work just fine. ** Required Gear ** Clayshapers are the required weapons for this build. Since no other weapons offer additional golems, there is no substitute. Fortunately, they only cost around 1 chaos. Keep an eye out for ones with higher increased minion life rolls. With 2 Clayshapers and the Liege of the Primordial Ascendancy, you can have 4 golems without the investment in The Anima Stone. The first required jewel is The Anima Stone. Because you are socketing so many primordial jewels, you will gain 2 additional golems from socketing this. This is something you should either purchase immediately or work towards as one of your first investments. Next up is Primordial Might. This make your golems act as if someone just kicked their elderly grandma in the face- they get pissed. They make attack decisions faster and more often, increasing their effective DPS significantly. You can purchase this before Anima Stone if you like, the quality of your play will be greatly increased. Without this, try to move slower through your maps so your golems clear effectively. With this, put your turbo boots on and zoom. Primordial Harmony is your main stacking jewel. Expect to have 8 to 10 of these in your build as the CDR and Life regen they provide to your golems alone is incredible. Add in the fact that we can get 2 or 3 rounds of the damage increase by having out 1 or 2 additional golem types and this scaling becomes massive dps. These are cheap, around 10-15c per. While I am listing this under required, its actually up to you. The armor bonus is nice, the attack and cast speed is helpful, and the increase buff effectiveness is... well.. effective. However, I would suggest either running 1 of these, or simply running another Harmony here instead. Your call, I originally ran 1 Eminence but this league I am not running it. The rest of the gear For helmet you should use a high ES hubris with solid resistance. Flame golem enchant is really nice, but if you dont have it you will survive. An ideal helmet would be Dual or Tri res, 400+ ES, Flame golem Enchant. Having a flex suffix for strength is really helpful as the build needs 134 to wear Clayshapers. For chest a Vaal Regalia with the highest ES and resist possible is ideal. 5L is totally acceptable as I tend to run rarity in my 6th link for the majority of content and that adds no DPS value. Having a flex suffix to manage capping resist is really helpful. For gloves I suggest Sadima's Touch. Foil ones in Legacy league are cheap, normal ones are 1c. Try to get high quantity roll, thats the entire reason to wear them. If you prefer more ES, or have issues capping resistance, you should wear a pair of Sorceror gloves with solid ES and resists in this slot. For boots I suggest Goldwyrm. Foil ones are cheap in Legacy, and again shoot for high quantity roll. They offer some decent resist and a touch of ES, but more quantity than Sadimas. If you are needing to trade out a slot for ES or resist, trade the gloves before the boots. For the amulet slot Bisco's Collar is BOSS. This is insane and totally worth slotting in no matter what the cost. Breach with it a couple times and youll use it on every character. If you dont have access to BAWSCOS or prefer another option, I suggest using Essence of Fear on an il84 gold necklace base. The minion movement speed is extremely helpful, just spam until you get good resists/rarity and you can even ES% if you hit a real winner. For rings I suggest Ventor's. Aim for high quantity rolls with solid resists, as getting capped is potentially challenging. You can also roll Essence of Fear on Gold or Prismatic or even Two-Stone rings if Ventor's are not an option. For belt I suggest using whatever you like. You can run the new rarity rampage belt, perandus blazon, a well rolled crystal belt, or headhunter. My preference is headhunter for the clear speed and the strength. You can also roll a Heavy Belt with a str explicit roll with ES and res if you are low on strength.
Current Legacy Gear
Current Standard Gear
Please keep in mind that you can start out at any level of this gear and work your way up. I tend to play hybrid until 69 when I can wear all my ES gear and then I go CI. You could easily stay hybrid longer if you need to work towards the gear, its also much easier to keep up Div Dist while hybrid.
Links and Gems
You can be flexible on how you decide to link, but keep in mind you only have 1 6L due to needing 2x Clayshaper. 6L: Flame Golem > GMP > Spell Echo > Minion Damage > Controlled Destruction > Fire Penetration / Elemental Focus / Rarity / Quantity 3L: Desecrate > Anger > Generosity 3L: CWDT > Phase Run > Immortal Call 4L: Ball Lightning > Curse on Hit > Flammability > Elemental Weakness 4L: Vaal Haste > Vaal Disc > Flesh Offering > Increased Duration 4L: Discipline > Lightning Golem > Ice Golem > Convocation You can also link your lightning golem and ice golem to Increased Rarity / Increased Quantity / Cull
I get so many questions on leveling and I will explain my process in detail here. This build levels extremely fast, especially once you get the golems up and running around lv34 (Flame golem) or lv41 (Clayshapers). I level with Firestorm until I can put it in the Deerstalker trapper boots at 22. In addition to throwing the traps I use Scorching ray CWC Firestorm and fire and forget my way through. At 41, you can equip Clayshapers, put the golems on a 4L or tabula, and literally just start running through the acts without stopping at all. I prefer to keep trapper boots in as the movement speed bonus for throwing traps and the extra dps from the traps themselves is nice. My personal leveling preference is to get the bulk of my highway pathing done as early as possible. I tend to forfeit dps and hp while leveling in order to not respec much when I transition. By the time im in my 40s I have all my pathing done so that I gain ES/Minion DMG/Jewel sockets point for point as i finish cruel. You may prefer to spec into spell damage or more HP to make your leveling smoother, or to have the extra HP/ES for staying hybrid longer. When you are ready, turn on EE and ditch the fire stuff using ball lightning curse on hit to curse and trigger.
42 Points
Like I mentioned, I get all my pathing out of the way as soon as possible. This gives you a solid skeleton tree and easy point for point access to dps, jewels, and ES as you level from here. poeurl.com/bbBT
69 Points
The majority of the pathing is done. You have enough jewel sockets to be running golems with double Clayshapers. They should be melting on a 4L/5L/Tabula. poeurl.com/bbB1
79 Points
Jewel sockets up and running. If you want more life, take it instead. You should be prepping for CI transition soon if you have the gear waiting for you. poeurl.com/bbB4
104 Points / CI Transition
This is the base tree for your transition into CI. Everything else past here is luxury of novelty. Youll go into the final form of this build from here. poeurl.com/bbB7
Skill Trees
In my opinion, this is the optimal tree to use for end game. You have double curse, curse effectiveness, EE, minion damage, Aura radius, and 11 jewel sockets, and solid ES scaling. If you wish to push into the upper 90s, you can snag the 12th jewel socket. Keep in mind that if you have solid gear, you will be able to drop the +30 stat nodes freeing up 1-4 additional points.
Lv92 115 points
Lv97 120 points
Elemental Equilibrium and Golems
I have answered many questions about how EE functions in this build so I wanted to explain exactly how this keystone interacts with this build. YOU have EE. Your golems DO NOT. This is the most important thing to understand. While you can trigger -50% fire res with ball lightning, arc, arc totem, your golems will not change the trigger. It will stay -50% to fire no matter how much they wail on the target. Scorching Ray totem does not HIT, meaning it cannot trigger EE either. If you cast ball lightning, arc, or arc totem, and then put down Scorching Ray totem, it will not change the trigger. You will have -50% fire resistance on the target, and the Scorching Ray totem can stack -24% fire resistance, giving you a total of -74% fire resistance, or 74% more damage for your brolems.
Curse effectiveness, Penetration, and YOU!
There are not many ways outside of the limited minion damage nodes and skill gems to increase the DPS of your golems... except penetration. For this build, pen is one of the most valuable stats and getting curse effectiveness is an extremely solid use of your points. Penetration for elemental damage is effectively a MORE MULTIPLIER as they mitigate LESS damage via resistances to 0%, and take MORE damage below 0%. First and foremost, we are Elemental Equilibrium with double curse. This means we pen 50% from EE, 44% from Flammability, and 39% from Elemental Weakness. This gives us a total of 133% fire penetration, or 133% more damage for our flamebros. With 30% curse effectiveness in the tree, we gain an additional 13.2% from Flammability and 11.7% from Elemental Weakness, totalling 24.9% (or 25% to make it easy) from investing 4 points into effectiveness- again this is MORE damage. In total this gives us 158% penetration, which you can increase even further with Fire Penetration (37% at lv20) in your 6L. This give a grand total of 195% fire penetration to our flamebros, meaning 195% MORE damage. From the Wiki Resistance Page: Both reduction (as from curses), and penetration (as from Penetration gems), can reduce a target's resistance below 0%. There is no minimum resistance floor. Zinger.
3 Scenarios Where Golems Can Die
Firstly, the lighting and ice golems are significantly less tanky than the flame golems. They can potentially die from time to time if they get mollywhomped. However, there are 3 scenarios where your flame golems can potential die: Maze of the Minotaur Guardian can potentially kill your golems IF, and only IF, he stacks 3 circles of his AoE rockfalls on all of your golems and he cleaves them all repeatedly. He may get 1 or 2 golems, and if he does, he might get the rest. 50/50 chance of this occuring. Uber Atziri Cycloner is the largest threat. Since his damage is Chaos degen and corrupting blood, he can double cleave them while they stand in the trail and the physical shit on the ground. I try to kill dual striker last to avoid this completely, but if you dont, simply use convocation to move them out of shit. Keep in mind Convocation also applies a juicy life regen buff to your golems which can mitigate the degen of the blood. Uber Atziri Split Phase Speak Chucker can potentially kill 1 or 2 golems during a split phase, If and only IF, he spears the same golem(s) the entire duration of the phase. It takes him nearly 15-20 seconds and more often than not he switches targets and this isnt a problem. If he does kill a golem or 2, its generally still possible to complete the fight even with 3 or 4 golems because they are so hard to kill. Please feel free to ask and questions or leave any comments below. I will do my best to assist with gear check, questions, and other inquiries you may have! I hope you enjoy playing this build as much as I do! ~Dygnity Last edited by styyled#2839 on Mar 24, 2017, 2:25:40 AM Last bumped on Apr 1, 2018, 6:46:01 AM
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Thanks Dyg, I'm rich now!
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I deleted this, read a few posts below for my full comment. Last edited by Mecielle#3021 on Mar 17, 2017, 10:27:34 PM
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“There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”
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One of my favorite builds to run and I am only at like 50 so far. After switching at lvl 41 my GolemBros SHREK EVERYTHING!!
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Thanks for the guide, it is very helpful on the basic stuff. But I have a few questions/problems:
So Normal and Cruel Lab are enough? We get no benefit from the last two labs? Or why do your trees only show 4 points allocated? Also, does the increased defense of CI come into play during Uber Atziri and Shaper? If not I don't really see the point to go CI instead of hybrid with Skin of the Loyal + Empower 4. Im sure you know how insane Flame Golem scales with levels. Flame Golem 27, which is what we would get, is 1233–3082 base damage. Level 20 Flame Golem is 619–1547. And all the spells and skills the Golem uses scale from this damage, make your own math from this ;) I don't mean to sound doubtful, this is just a new take on the golem thing for me. Never imagined a build where Empower isnt easily the best support and because of that, Skin of the Loyal is BiS. Which would mean hybrid is the way to go. Just looking for some more information. I am following your guide for now and maybe my concerns will turn out to be wrong. But imho Skin of the Loyal and Empower are superior to the CI version of this build. But please, convince me otherwise. I am actually looking for a reason to go CI with this as I have an 890es 90res Regalia thats not used atm xD EDIT: I reached 10k EHP last season with Skin of the Loyal hybrid. Last edited by Mecielle#3021 on Mar 17, 2017, 10:31:09 PM
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what are the exact ascendancy you use? cuz u dont really say :P
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" None of the other passives in the Elementalist Ascendancy offer any real benefit. However I am testing Scorching Ray totem as we speak for the debuff and maybe theres more that Elementalist could offer in that regard. Outside of the extra golem, ele immunity, and to a lesser extent the reduced damage, there is just not much on the table. In the future I will go into detail on the variations this build includes. Hybrid is an option and Skin of the Loyal is BiS if you have lv4 empower. You can easily achieve higher than 10k ES with CI with Skin of the Loyal. I dont have this gear yet in Legacy so i am not able to relay this information comprehensively until I put my hands on it and test it. Im a huge fan of +lvl scaling as SRS and CA and many others have been enjoyable to play with this approach. The logical step in the progression for this build would be Lv4 emp with 21 golem in a +1/+1 skin. This could be hybrid or CI as ES counts as global defenses. Last edited by styyled#2839 on Mar 18, 2017, 8:08:29 AM
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" Ah ok, that makes sense. Also what I failed to mention. Using MF gear such as Bisco, Sadimas and Goldwyrm will be very hard when using a Skin of the Loyal. One of the above might work out, but using two and you will need VERY well rolled Ventors's to cap your resists. Was actually thinking about what gem I would take out when I got my hands on an Item Quantity and an Empower 4. Flame Golem > GMP > Spell Echo > Minion Damage > Item Quantity > Empower Seems like the best option. All in all, this just proves that this build has much room for improvement, even after being able to afk kill Shaper xD Last edited by Mecielle#3021 on Mar 18, 2017, 8:15:33 AM
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" CI gives the largest margin to accomodate MF gear, but it does require solid gear reach the 8-10k ES mark. While the dps might be higher with alternate gearing, such as skin of the loyal emp4, I think it will struggle to accomodate the MF itemization. Additionally at 21golem and 20/20 supports, you pretty much kill everything as fast as you can move even through T16. Scorching Ray has been doing really well on for single target as well, I can see the difference instantly. If you are pure boss killing then skin is probably superior with a different tree, probably hybrid if you lack insane ES gear. My main focus with this build is not the dps (as many other builds offer so much more dps this one would never come close) but to find the balance between clear speed, boss killing, magic finding, and pure lazyness. xDD I agree with your gem choices for quant if you are skin. If you are CI, you would drop fire penetration. Last edited by styyled#2839 on Mar 18, 2017, 8:58:20 AM
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