Change % damage from traps to flat damage in lab already.
" This! Norm-merc lab + trials are fine and quite easy, but when they ramped up the amount of traps by 1000% for uber lab i am not even close to enjoying it anymore. Whenever i get a trial in a map i just switch from my currently main eva char to my jugger and just rush the shit so i can save myself from having to wait through all that shit. I dont quite understand that after so much negative feedback on trials pre-uber, they implemented an endgame lab which had even more of the stuff people disliked in the first place. I guess in my case the thing i dislike the most is not the traps, but the combination of traps + the totem aura stuff, some areas are just a visual shitfest. You just wasted 3 seconds reading this.
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So in a topic discussing the merits of flat damage versus percentage damage, your argument is you don't care because you don't like traps. Good talk.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class |
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" never used alt-f4 in poe. I'll name you one that I know for a fact that's terrible for lab because I made it as the first one in ascendancy, was a low life aurabot guardian srs. Anything without pure life regen is terrible, because that's the only thing that works for traps. For some reason you chose to assume that it's a hardcore wannabe problem, so I'll just let you know that I've only made one character in standard and it was back when there wasn't even poe on steam. Might have been open beta. Piety was the last boss, that's all I remember. So I'm sure as **** not a hc wannabe. " " someone gets it, ty Last edited by Razis#4500 on Aug 3, 2016, 7:47:22 PM
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" I can see why low life would struggle but you don't need life regen. I farmed uber lab on my pathfinder which has VP, no I don't spec out of it to run the lab. You have life pots you could use. As ES based characters you typically have a large ES pool and can recharge when not taking damage. You know what works for traps, not getting hit by them, every single one ive seen and pictures posted here show that traps are avoidable.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" that's bs and you know it. I personally remember getting stuck in on an island with 2 L shaped mills (middle did not work either) with broken stairs separating it from the sea of lava. The thing is, I don't even care that much about that % damage. I can work around it, it that instance it was my lack of knowledge, it wasn't even clear to the community at that point that traps are in fact % damage. That % damage from traps hurts hc population though, and that's something I'm concerned about. People quit hc because of the lab. It's obvious. Look at the numbers. There are few dot's to connect but it's pretty easy to see. |
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" Life pots on low-life...? Low-life means life is close to non-existant if executed properly. I'm sure you know that... Large ES pool doesn't matter because tha damage is % based. You can have 5k es or 15k, it's gonna degrade at the same speed. /edit: the low life issue is extreme and we really should not discuss it, we should talk about the fact that nothing works for traps except regen and any other defence you've got is useless. (even harmfull in some cases, like putting es on a life regen char. it's gonna take into account the total pool from both so you're actually better off WITHOUT the extra defence.) Last edited by Razis#4500 on Aug 3, 2016, 8:16:18 PM
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I don't understand how making labyrinth traps deal flat damage would solve anything. If anything, it would make high life + life regen builds like my Righteous Fire Scion even more optimal against the labyrinth and builds with little life even more vulnerable to it.
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" math basically. regen is the only thing that works. if you have more life, it doesn't matter (hence "arcade" element.) If you have less life, it doesn't matter. If you have ES on top of that life, you're actually WORSE against traps, because it will take your life and es total and deal % off of that (they changed it so the es accounts 60%, but it doesnt matter for the sake of the discussion really) while you're only regenerating the same % from your hp (or es with zealoth's oath). |
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So your issue is with the labyrinth taking ES into account, not it dealing damage proportional to the pool it takes into account, right?
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" Cutting off what I said. I said you can use life pots, as a low life build that is a disadvantage of your build naturally is you can't use them. What is stopping you from not reserving as much or any life while you navigate thru the lab, if you are SRS you will suffer what some DPS loss? Then you can reserve the life in the room before. Its like you expect to do nothing differently in the lab. When atziri came out do you think people just fought here and did nothing different, now people are so OP you just 1 shot her before she does anything, nullifying the challenge completely. Large ES pool does matter it does proportionally less damage to ES then it does to life. You have ES recharge and can have ES regen if you really want. The degrading at the same speed makes the challenge somewhat equal, you have the same time to react and either get to a safe spot or stop taking damage to either recharge, regen or use pots (again i know you are low life blah blah) The reason why almost no defenses work against traps IS BECAUSE YOU CAN AND SHOULD AVOID THEM COMPLETELY. Take a screen shot, record a video and show me sets of traps which you couldn't avoid taking damage, i'm 99.99% sure every single set ive seen has either safe places or ways to avoid taking damage.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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