Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support DONE!!!!!

There you go again switching the argument. It's not about what I believe. It's about what you believe and then calling your belief a fact. Where did I say what you claim I think? You are changing the argument from "I proved" to "you think". You did not prove. there is scientific proof of a moon landing. There is scientific proof of 9/11 and all the other stuff you are trying to equate your situation with. Moon rocks and human remains are proof. But there is no proof of any number of alt accounts in your list. It could be 1 or it could be all 680. I'm not saying one extreme is more likely than the otiher extreme. I'm just saying there is no proof one way or the other.

Edit: if I give you a list of 100 accounts, can you tell me which are alts and which are not?
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class www.theamazonbasin.com
Last edited by mark1030#3643 on Jan 3, 2017, 4:09:22 PM
Maybe it really is just a hand full of hardcore botters with plenty of alt accounts that are pissed severely at the pattern recognition CAPTCHA that is a trap gauntlet?

Who knows? At least I can confess I'm just speculating.
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
Kellog wrote:
traax87 wrote:
Lab haters are the vocal minority. Pls, do not give them to much attention. They are not able to do the most simple tasks to get the powerfull ac points.

As I've pointed out elsewhere, this is a common fallacy, arrived at by those who really have no idea of why the labyrinth is disliked by many PoE players.

For the most part, all we want is an alternative way to achieve Ascendancy points. For those who enjoy their time navigating traps, all I can say is have fun. Personally, if I wanted to play this type of game, I'd dust off my console and play Prince Of Persia.

Oh, by the way, there's not a great deal of skill involved in running the labyrinth, even Uber. More or less any fool can create a Juggernaut with lots of life/regen and run straight through most traps.

What is there to fix? The lab is piss easy, whats going on here? Ok i've also gotten disconnected and lagged out etc, died many times, lab still pretty good and easy imo, very casual, just do it instead of post in the forums, srsly wth is going on. 200 threads? Lots of casualness i guess.

Maybe ggg can make a casual temporary-test league to see how it goes? with everything being easier, starting with the lab? no joke.
Buff life on the right side of the tree! Just a little! Pretty Please!
mark1030 wrote:
There you go again switching the argument. It's not about what I believe. It's about what you believe and then calling your belief a fact. Where did I say what you claim I think? You are changing the argument from "I proved" to "you think". You did not prove. there is scientific proof of a moon landing. There is scientific proof of 9/11 and all the other stuff you are trying to equate your situation with. Moon rocks and human remains are proof. But there is no proof of any number of alt accounts in your list. It could be 1 or it could be all 680. I'm not saying one extreme is more likely than the otiher extreme. I'm just saying there is no proof one way or the other.

Edit: if I give you a list of 100 accounts, can you tell me which are alts and which are not?

I cannot tell the difference between accounts that are controlled by the same person. Your assertion that everyone in the list could really be the same person is even more stupid than arguing that 9/11 and Sandy Hook didn't happen. It is just the way of conspiracy theories. Someone that believes that kind of nonsense can say the exact same thing as you, "there's no scientific evidence that 9/11 happened and that Sandy Hook really happened. I assert again that it is proven that a small handful of people did not make up all the accounts in the list because any other explanation is ridiculous, therefore it is proven. If you don't like it then TOO BAD, it's a reasonable use of the English language and logically factual.

The thing about conspiracy theories is that they are generally logically valid when looked at strictly within the context of the conspiracy theory.
Another common feature is that conspiracy theories evolve to incorporate whatever evidence exists against them, so that they become, as Barkun writes, a closed system that is unfalsifiable, and therefore "a matter of faith rather than proof"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theory So just strictly within the context of your pet conspiracy theory it may appear reasonable to you. So go ahead and peddle your silly conspiracy theory about there only being one or a handful of people that dislike labyrinth. I guess that we'll see how many you can convince.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
mark1030 wrote:
if I give you a list of 100 accounts, can you tell me which are alts and which are not?

If they post anything anti-laby related they clearly aren't alts for the purpose of this thread. :P
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
So you can't tell which accounts are alts but you have proof that there are only a few in your list. I guess we just don't agree on what the word "proof" actually means. I think it means "you have facts" and you think it means "the other choices are ridiculous to me because then I'd be wrong".
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class www.theamazonbasin.com
Last edited by mark1030#3643 on Jan 3, 2017, 7:27:05 PM
mark1030 wrote:
So you can't tell which accounts are alts but you have proof that there are only a few in your list. I guess we just don't agree on what the word "proof" actually means. I think it means "you have facts" and you think it means "the other choices are ridiculous to me because then I'd be wrong".

More silly fallacies on your part. I never said there were only a few. What I said that I thought there might be 3 or 4 obvious alt accounts. I've given you the facts. I don't need to give them to you again. You can believe whatever silly conspiracy theory you want.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove#4014 on Jan 3, 2017, 7:36:05 PM
Why do we need to keep arguing about this for 100+ pages now?

Some people dislike the lab, some people like it. There's no majority of anything, no proof of anything, because it's easy to see that a small percentage of PoE players ever bother to visit the forums, let alone post about the lab.

I agree with many of the arguing points against the lab, but I also enjoy the lab. I'm happy to have GGG tweak the lab if desired, but I absolutely want the lab here and want there to be a reason to run it other than just for loot.

▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░ cipher_nemo ░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
Personally I think they should take the Decent race format and add in all the lab elements, mix in every Map tileset, and boss, and every zana mod/former league mod, to make a part of the game that is literally a massive Rogue-like within the game. Call it the "The Helix of The Great Old Ones"* or "The Architect's Spiral"* or some such. IMO such a thing could be the best most varied graphical rogue-like in the history of the genre.

I like the lab. I don't think you'll find too many people who are willing to come here and wade through 100 pages of self selected ad populum arguments without any supporting data on the populum part (that is to say empty dataless assertions that the popular argument supports your side, whichever one that happens to be) just to say "lab is cool, I like running it".

I don't need popularty assertions, only people who have no confidence in their argument need "my side is bigger than your side" this isn't a efking elementary school playground.

The truth is people who hate lab can and do get a carry, a few c or even no c at all, many people will carry for free or just to get the endgame grind/enchants/loot.

If you don't like lab suggest things you'd like to see improved constructively that don't ruin it for people who do like it, instead of asking for the game to be more cuasualized and more stuff handed to you for zero effort. In the meanwhile get a carry or hold your nose and play through the parts you don't like. There's never going to be a perfect game that is 100% how you want it to be.

If you do like lab well you're probably not here arguing.

* footnote: HP lovecraft reference and Black Sabbath song reference, seeing how GGG like Heavy Metal and Lovecraftian tones in their game

Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
alhazred70 wrote:
Personally I think they should take the Decent race format and add in all the lab elements, mix in every Map tileset, and boss, and every zana mod/former league mod, to make a part of the game that is literally a massive Rogue-like within the game. Call it the "The Helix of The Great Old Ones"* or "The Architect's Spiral"* or some such. IMO such a thing could be the best most varied graphical rogue-like in the history of the genre.

I need this SO bad! GGG please make it happen!!!
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.

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