SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
"You're right that I overstated the losses from disconnects. I don't bother with the troves unless I essentially run over them along the way and I always skip silver chests. But, they do exist and they provide at least some return for time spent. I essentially make a beeline straight to the final Izaro fight, ascend ASAP so I don't disconnect in the ascension room (that's happened more than once). If I happen across a darkshrine or two then I'll take them. Now that prestige classes will finally leave lab in 4.0, will GGG get it right this time or will they find new ways to repeat old mistakes?
On the topic of the Labyrinth rewards being end-heavy:
Personally, as a SSF, even in trade leagues, the only content in the Labyrinth that is worth anything, is the Ascendancy points. That's the only thing of value I can expect to take out of there. Most drops are junk, and there are more fun places to get that stuff. The bonuses added to gloves/boots are nice, but not a reason to go through the slog that is the Labyrinth. The Helm enchants are too random to run the Labyrinth to expect to get something I can use. In other words, they can add as much loot as they want to silver chests or even the monsters in general, and the only thing I'll go to the Labyrinth for are the ascendancy points and I'll never step foot in there again. So, if I disconnect before getting those Ascendancy points (too many times to count), I walk away with nothing of value to me. (And that's going as fast as I can, just B-lining to Izaro/Izaro/Izaro/points (and maybe a darkshrine to see if it'll turn off traps in his room.) As a game designer, perhaps the poor design choices irritate me more than others, but it turns my stomach thinking about it and the mindset that went through the devs' minds when they decided this was a "good thing"tm. So much so, that I haven't played for 2 full leagues, and only 1 character per league since the Labyrinth went in, just to see what the new game mechanics were like. The way they introduced the expanded act system and how they merged older characters on standard into it also highly annoyed me. Combining all these factors, I've moved on to Warframe, Tera, Destiny2(only because a friend plays it and I help his clan get clan exp each week)... and only check back here to see if they come to their senses and add an alternative method of ascending that is more fun (or at least not tied to the Labyrinth as it is... I've given my acceptable alternatives plenty of times before) |
" That's exactly it. Some of these game design principles are super rudimentary, and it boggles the mind that they were missed and/or the separate team responsible for designing the Labyrinth and its associated systems were not given sufficient oversight to spot the problems while still on the planning board. I suspect that this is in part a symptom of feature creep and of a team which is growing too large too quickly not being paired with effective oversight. With Tencent in the driver's seat now, I wonder why you even bother to return on occasion. The chances of fundamental design problems being fixed are lower than they ever have been in this game's history. " You're not wrong. But in fact this is merely a symptom of the greater conflict I want to point to: that between 1. incentivizing exploration and 2. disincentivizing exploration. These are two VERY different masters to serve. GGG tried to serve Master #1 more with their lab redesign (especially the additional of SOME randomized rewards). But a sanctioned online maphack coupled with golden keys from treasure chests quite clearly serves Master #2, because of the relationship between profit and time played. I have always said and will continue to say that serving Master #2 leads to BAD design, because punishing exploration interferes with fun, and adding extrinsic rewards (additional loot) will not and can not ever compensate for the fun lost. This becomes particularly obvious over time, which is relevant to ARPGs because of their iterative (grindy) nature.
Ascendancy points are a separate issue, because they are divorced from the iterative gameplay, relatively speaking. But there is perhaps an argument for incentivizing exploration even for Ascendancy seekers, to make that experience more intrinsically rewarding as well.
In short, I am saying that Labyrinth affordances are less fucked than they used to be, but they are still fucked. They will likely remain in that state unless and until GGG randomizes the Labyrinth completely, thus freeing them from serving the wrong master. Wash your hands, Exile!
Revitalizing this thread because it's necessary. Now with Delve, which is excellent content that players need the most power to push, requiring the lab to finalize a character just detracts from that new content. The reality is except for LAB RUNNERS (which is what, 1% of the players or less?) people are sick of the lab (every single person I play with, even those who thought it was "OK" a year ago are now "yah, it's just tedious." or "I hate it.").
So players are now blocked from getting their final ascendancy points unless they can navigate crazy trap layouts in a super mario brothers fashion. This is NOT what the game is about, and EVERY bit of content released over the past year is opposite of this play style; and the recent release of Delve proves this even more. Think about it. The lab was introduced years ago, and since then all the new PoE content has been about expanding the story, new bosses, going further, etc. The lab contradicts ALL of that. It's old, crappy, trap-based outdated content, and it needs to be removed as a requirement. GGG is so busy looking forward, they are failing to look behind and remove the most hated feature of the game that has nothing to do with the future growth of PoE. When my build can push delves just fine and now I'm stuck because today's Eternal lab layout is nearly impossible for my Delve toon to do (since it's not lab friendly), I'm now blocked from getting my final ascendancy because I can't navigate the insane traps and bullshit the Eternal lab requires. Yes, I could probably spend hours re-running it again and again and FINALLY get it (where's the fun in that?), but it's repetitive tedious and somewhat "luck" based progression that just locks the player into gameplay that has nothing to do with any of the other content. Additionally, people don't feel "I did it! Yay!" when they're done with the lab. They say "thank god that bullshit is over with..." I hope GGG does something about this soon, because with each new release of great and fun content, the lab is constantly screwing players over with outdated garbage that people are simply sick of. All that and a bag of chips! Last edited by Mooginator#1287 on Sep 9, 2018, 12:50:04 PM
Labyrinth is one of the worst design choices in the game, being extremely disconnected from other gameplay and still being made mandatory.
Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
" You didn't think about it at all, did you ? The lab gives new bosses, and pushes your character farther, half of what the game is about according to you. good job contradicting yourself. And there goes the ridiculously silly "it's outdated !" Yah, no arguments, we got it, nothing new. So outdated that the previous league had trap mechanics, of course, and that some of the most recent maps also do have trap mechanics. Of course. And as usual, the only thing that can be an actual "wall" to a character in the lab is Izaro, which is a good "wall" actually, it punishes glass canons and it's very good ( even though it can be cheezed of course ... ). If the reason why you can't finish uber lab is just the traps .... Then I guess it's the the usual, classic and so true : "git gud". SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Sep 9, 2018, 1:13:14 PM
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" You ignore the fact, once again, that Labyrinth is boring crap game play for many people. Your "git gud" argument is totally bogus and just an example of your penchant for being insulting. This "git gud" argument has been destroyed many times. Right there in Moonginator's post he specified clearly why he doesn't like the boring Labyrinth game play. "Git gud" has nothing to do with it. Some people just don't like the Labyrinth game play. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
" Fruz is known white knight. Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
Lab (including map trials) is the best part of the game imo. Why mess with the best part? Helps keep a difference between regan and leech builds, as well as the life flask pantheon.
Lab, elder (not even shaper anymore) uber atziri, incursi double corrupt rooms, xoph/chaluya breech, and vaaling a solid unique, give the best gamble excitement of anything in the game. Of all those lab is the only one to reach cheap and easily. Last edited by SearchingforCocaCola#4377 on Sep 9, 2018, 5:13:49 PM
"How is your reply anything other than a non-sequitur? You're saying that running lab is profitable and you get a thrill when finding out what you get (I think). But, this thread is about getting access to prestige class skills in a way other than running lab. If you said "I really hate eating crab and I really don't like that eating it is a requirement to receive the job for which I just applied" then it wouldn't make much sense for somebody to say that crab is a very healthy meal and that they like it. Now that prestige classes will finally leave lab in 4.0, will GGG get it right this time or will they find new ways to repeat old mistakes? Last edited by EnjoyTheJourney#0109 on Sep 9, 2018, 5:26:56 PM