SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
at this point im just fucking tired of labyrinth i rarely ever log off when im playing for long sessions but this is hell, i never go on forum and complain but this is generally bullshit and unfair, 3000 plus hours on this game never complain and always tried to help ggg with giving them money for cool stuff and now im just butt hurt by these traps the whole zone its self is bullshit i think im gonna just give up on ascendancy cause people in game charging me chaos and shit just to help me cause no one wants to do it half my friend list not even ascended. i don't understand the people who enjoy this shit, like okay for example pvp right no one dose it, what if ascendancy was in pvp?? people would fucking rage cause pvp is bullshit but the pvp lovers would be like oh naw brah its all fucking good
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Thx all for joining the cause.
Why should AC be removed from lab you say? Why shouldnt it? Character customization is mandatory in a min maxing game, gating it behind something optional and obviously totally different from the rest of the game makes no sense, causing many problems. Read OP again and ask yourselves, whats the problem unlinking AC from lab? Obviously those who like it will continue running. Even people who have done the lab (many of my friendlist actually) all told me that they rather not do lab ever again, cause its boring/unfun/frustrating/weird/alienating. So even you people who shallowd your pride, grided your teeth and did the lab only for the AC join the cause, because the future generation of Exiles deserve a better game. FREE ASCENDANCY POINTS Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions |
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" also we demand free level 100 and free gear. "Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms." |
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Whats the point of during the trials and the lab if you can get ascendancy points outside it?
"I'm programmed to say something that is kind and uplifting at this point, but there is apparently an error that is working in my favor." Last edited by Alternalo#7105 on Mar 9, 2016, 4:57:10 PM
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" According to some people, the Lab is super fun and l337. So awesome, it's a reward by itself. Last edited by Vortextreme#0259 on Mar 9, 2016, 5:37:54 PM
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This will fall on a deaf ears, thankfully. Ascendancy classes are not mandatory at all, you can play the game the same way and "beat" it without them (you can still play the game 2.1 style, ignoring the entirety of the expansion) and if you want to acquire them, git gud. So might as well stop with the QQ.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 9, 2016, 5:11:08 PM
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" That is a bit of an odd argument if you can just overlevel the labyrinth quite easily... well Merciless might be a bit harder. |
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"Then go overlevel the Labyrinth and get your points easily. Except Merciless; that might be a bit harder. Go on. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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What I want to see is all movement skills apart from flicker and cyclone disabled in the labyrinth.
They kind of trivialize it. :-/ Avert thy gaze, child!
IGN: Shadowrope Standard Warrior |
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" Mandatory to beat content absolutely no, im already 80 at PHC without AC. But dont forget that in a min-maxing ARPG like PoE something so big of a game changer like AC stops being optional even if GGG made you think that way. Its absolutely the only thing that this expansion has to offer, more ways to customize your characters. But there is a problem, they put a frustrating/alienating/boring/unfun/unexciting/full-of-bugs arcade simulator between you and the AC points. Every other expansion gated items behind their new mechanics and content, this one gates something much much more. If i ignore it i lose part of the skill tree. And i dont need to get good or better to beat this, since its really simple and easy. I dont want to get better for something that does not appeal to me, having whats behind it is the only thing that matters. If you are into arcade games im not the one to deny you your fun, but why am i forced to complete something totally different from what PoE is all about? Ive supported PoE cause i believed (and still do) that it is/will become the best ARPG of all time, not the best Indiana Jones/Tomb Rider clone. You are a man of reason Scrotie (from what ive seen in the forums), im sure you can see what our real problem with that is. If not let me quote an exagerrated but nontheless valid and totally not impossible example, something it could be easily be implemented if we dont take action " " Thank you for joining our cause and bumping the thread. Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions |
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