SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
" The entire lab is a bribe. It would be interesting to see how many people would run the lab at all if they removed ascendancy points, enchants, and the loot piñata, and made its rewards comparable with the rewards from other parts of the game of a similar difficulty level. " The obvious explanation is that GGG wanted to make sure just about everyone would play through their lab, and they suspected this wouldn't happen without massive bribes. Put a pot of gold at the end of a sewer and many people will be happy to wade through the sewer. Of course, there are some people who enjoy sewers. ;) Proud member of the Vocal Minority
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" No you don't, you really don't. And VP characters usually can just facetank Izaro so ... SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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In the time the OP was written he could have gotten a lab carry and gotten his points. Or manned up and solo'ed it, I mean really? what is with you people?!? Oh I hate this trap filled dungeon that has loot SO BORING please just give me the rewards! LOL. Most of you complaining have no business playing games at all.
Why is it that current generations are more and more likely to treat games as jobs and goals of the games as entitlements that should be handed to them without playing? If you say "this is work" you need a new game (or perhaps examine if this hobby is for you in the first place? I mean statistically a lot of you are playing because your friends play (peer interest) not because you love gaming). Free lab completions? WOT? why not just ask them to give you the entire item database and 123 passive points and you can just uninstall the game because there's no goals left? hint: instead of lobbying to RUIN the goals in the game for everyone else you should probably be less selfish and uninstall the game. One of the main problems with gaming becoming massively popular is we have non gamers who think this "is too much work (subtext: because I don't enjoy gaming I play because my friends talk about it and I want to have stuff to talk about too)" and how about the oft repeated "I must farm, god I hate (subtext: playing games) this endless grinding (translation: long term gameplay goals to seek out) is too much like work (subtext: because I'm doing the wrong hobby and don't realize it)" seriously know your why, know why you do things or don't like things. I don't Jog, it's too much like work... SO I DON'T DO IT. grind because you secretly enjoy doing it, (you're a natural grinder) farm because you love getting stoned and doing the same thing over and over it's soothing. Play the game more than once because the gameplay is awesome and the Lab is just another excuse to go do something, all of gaming is just excuses to enjoy the process of playing a game. Once you don't enjoy it, move the freak on. You're not going to rant any game developer into wholesale lopping off features because you're too selfish and inconsiderate to know when it's time to find something else. They will never do what you're asking, and you're just pissing off the people who LIKE playing the game still. Once the process of playing becomes something you don't like. STOP GENIUS! and most importantly STOP TRYING TO RUIN THE GAME FOR THOSE WHO ARE STILL HAVING FUN. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4. If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Sep 29, 2016, 12:31:55 PM
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" Traps r hard? the only thing in this game that is challenging is bosses and traps, and even these are only really challenging to melee players in the case of bosses, or those who haven't yet discovered movement skill gems exist (tip almost all the traps are harmless if you have whirling blades) and then there's the people who are too uncoordinated to be playing a game with more than 3 buttons. So by all means lets remove the traps, because it would suck if you needed to mash more than 1 button over and over and blindly move forward without stopping. I think some (a lot) of people in this thread should be playing candy crush. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4. If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Sep 29, 2016, 12:41:36 PM
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Still looks like the same faces saying how shitty the lab is, but quite a lot of new faces defending the lab design or game content.....
I wonder when GGG is going to release the population distribution of the leagues, to prove that I was right about the migration difference. Until then enjoy these new faces telling you, if you don't like the lab this much, stop playing and there really is no need to post about it weekly.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" Yup . it's the same few people. And they will be here despite the fact that it has been months with no changes and no pats on their sjw heads. the lab is insinuating into the main game. It's here to stay and they are so "offended" by it , that they have to come here and vent, even though they claim to have moved on. do us all a favor and just go. |
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" I don't agree with everything you say therefore do us all a favor and just go. (Sounds pretty stupid doesn't it?) Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" not talking about Izaro at all - he is easy if you know the fight and disable his buffs for getting your points either way - really just the lab and traps - its way easier with life reg. IGN: Lyandria
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" There is only 1 solution provided in OP to lab itself. Remove traps. What kind of solution is that. It destroys the point of Labyrinth and is ironic in nature. Labyrinths by nature have traps, where have you heard of a Labyrinth that doesn't have traps. Its a historical repeated process to protect ones valuables from grave robbers. The other solutions are ways to get AC points without doung lab, which defeats the entire point of its implementation into the game to begin with. Fonally GGG releases challenging content and you feel you uave the right to demand it not be a requirement... why, just because past content was not mandatory. Why should you be given free power creep without working for it. My solutions are 2 things. Change trap damage from % max hp and max es to flat damage that can be mitigated. Allow keys to be stored in stash tabs and there fore allow the use of portals. I am 99% positive the reason we cant use portals are because keys cant be stashed and allowing you to use portals would allow you to take keys out of lab and save them in your inventory for future runs. Many other suggestions defeat the point of ascendancy, to evolve character progression early to late game. Making an AC only orb 70+ map drop only means no AC till 70 or you buy it. Being given free AC points just for playing through main story is dumb progression wise. Nothing you do in main story provides a reason your character would ascend and be able to obtain those points, and none of the fights are difficult enough to be worthy of ascension. Being able to fight izaro only solo without traps makes lab insignificant and another piece of content that can be ignored. Supporters like myself are literally paying to have content like this added to the game, it should not be ignorable content. The solutions presented trivilize Izaros fight or negate the need to do the fight entirely. Removing traps makes izaro easier. Allowing warbands or exiles to spawn in between each fight with izaro and chaining all 3 fights together allows one to cheese the fight with vaal skills. Getting free AC points for doing prophecy chains is also stupid. This is the way things need to be. AC points need to be worked for. If your build is inable to do the lab, you should not be able to get the points, simple as that. Likewise the content to get the ac points can not be easy or it defeats the entire definition of ascension. One does not ascend by defeating weaker things. One does not ascend by doing nothing. One can not buy the right to ascend. You have to earn that right. Other than my suggestions, nothing else needs to be changed. And while you may believe that a lot of people dislike Lab, i will simply say this. Only a select few are actually posting in this thread. Less than 200 threads by different people exist. A small minority uses the forums at all. Unless a truly large majority is complaining about lab nothing will be done. What do you think is greater, the overall player base or sub 200 players on forums.
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" It's a bit easier if you have a bit of regen. But being VP is nothing like impossible, nothing. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.