Donald Trump

Einkil wrote:
WHile I don't think, they are being underestimated in the damage they cause. The SJW's are insidious and the very fact that you think they are having little negative side effects shows that.

I've never say they do little damage. It's relatively to the Republican party that one can say that. It just unsettles me that people that talk about microagressions are put at the same level than people that barely give a fuck about civil liberties except as tools of demagoguery, and discuss about breaking the Geneva Conventions for the lulz. You like it or not, many SJWs are just misguided, like a lot of hippies were in the 70s, not just plain evil.
Add a Forsaken Masters questline
Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Dec 17, 2015, 9:03:53 PM
coatofarms wrote:

My point still stands. Find another example teling me Trump isn't a 1933 Hitler, ok thanks.

Your point never stood, you never explained how Trump is Hitler. You just wrote a bunch of hyperbole. Feel free to explain.


GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:

you never explained how Trump is Hitler. You just wrote a bunch of hyperbole. Feel free to explain.

1) Donald Trump wants to deport 11 million illegal immigrants living the in US. As precedent for such a move, Donald Trump cited President Eisenhower's Operation Wetback (it really is called this slur).

2) Donald Trump wants to ban all muslims from entering the US until he finds out "what the heck is going on" (what does that even mean?).

3) Donald Trump was just endorsed by Vladimir Putin.
coatofarms wrote:
Xavderion wrote:

you never explained how Trump is Hitler. You just wrote a bunch of hyperbole. Feel free to explain.

1) Donald Trump wants to deport 11 million illegal immigrants living the in US. As precedent for such a move, Donald Trump cited President Eisenhower's Operation Wetback (it really is called this slur).

2) Donald Trump wants to ban all muslims from entering the US until he finds out "what the heck is going on" (what does that even mean?).

3) Donald Trump was just endorsed by Vladimir Putin.


Deporations have been going on for awhile, 414 thousand last year by Obama. The best way to understand the current problem is by trying to pour 5 gallons of water into an 8 ounce cup.

2) What he means is that until the feds can demonstrate that their screening process is effective. Gov Christie echoed a similar sentiment during the last debate and mentioned a knowledgable source that the screening process is broken.

3) Putin didn't endorse Godwins favorite, so #3 is meaningless.

4) Fascism is left wing, not right wing. It is definitely a form of socialism, and the atrocities of the Holocaust were committed under the geas of Eugenicism, which again was a left wing, govt knows best philosophy.

It was the ultimate example govt controlling the means of production, with the "goods" being produced were the human race.

There is an excellent treatise showing this very clearly, but I don't have access to the bookmarked url atm. If I can find it soon, I will post it. The notion that Nazism/Fascism is right wing is pure poppycock. This isn't to say left wing viewpoints and honest liberalism aren't essential to Freedom. They are and always will be. The polarization brigades need to go, and people need to stop thinking of other people as belonging to ONE side. It is no more valid, productive or honest than any other form of bigotry.

I need to repent for this malassumption as much as most of us do.

Once we get past the false notion that our neighbors are enemies, we can begin solving issues.

Saudi Arabia took a very big step towards showing that Islam is not the enemy by forming the recent coalition
It is incumbent upon them now to put forth a worthy effort. In doing so, they will sweep the anti-muslim argument into the dustbin. In the mean time, many people will remain fearful and skeptical. Blaming these people is like blaming the rioters for being angry about the lack of police reform.

We all live in one big glass house. Throwing stones serves no one.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story

Alpha as fuck tbh.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
DalaiLama wrote:

4) Fascism is left wing, not right wing. It is definitely a form of socialism, and the atrocities of the Holocaust were committed under the geas of Eugenicism, which again was a left wing, govt knows best philosophy.

It was the ultimate example govt controlling the means of production, with the "goods" being produced were the human race.

Tears of laughing out loud. You really are ignorant aren't you? You also discredited political science just like that. - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
Poutsos wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:

4) Fascism is left wing, not right wing. It is definitely a form of socialism, and the atrocities of the Holocaust were committed under the geas of Eugenicism, which again was a left wing, govt knows best philosophy.

It was the ultimate example govt controlling the means of production, with the "goods" being produced were the human race.

Tears of laughing out loud. You really are ignorant aren't you? You also discredited political science just like that.

It's just semantics tbh, you could argue both ways. I define leftism as seeking progress through collectivism which fits fascism rather well. Also if you look at the Soviet Union for example, they were also very nationalist and bigoted (minorities have always been prosecuted there). Inb4 no true Scotsman.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

obviously with "books and mosques" I was referring to Hitler, to point out racism and that I think his words should be taken seriously. In other aspects he´s just the opposite. From what I´ve heard he is a protectionist but has no expansionist approach like Hitler.

Hitler was not only a racist, but also an aggressive expansionist, who actually completely negated any (Russian) culture and simply wanted to expand the territory for what he called "Aryans" at any cost. And it was not his plan to throw out the German jews, his declared aim from the start was genocide(in fact we´re talking about a religious and not an ethnic group, so the term is not really correct). Also, many non-jewish Germans(left wing, liberal, disabled, other minorities, artists, any sort of political opposition) were killed.

Many Germans did not believe he would be as extremist/psychopath as he revealed in his book "Mein Kampf". Germans really started to buy this book(number of sales went up), when literally the horses where brought to the barracks in preparation for war in 1939 - in a late attempt to understand, what´s going on. Only then many of them started to realize that he meant every word he wrote and was preparing for war.

It´s good to be careful, even if it might turn out to be too careful in the end. When people say they care for your security they might want to amplify your fear and present themselves as a solution (e.g. Netanyahu in Israel), they might as well have an interest in escalating a conflict to continue like that.

Putin is in fact a dictator suppressing freedom of press, on the other side he is a grandmaster of geostrategy and is actually acting according to international law in Syria while we are not, he´s very intelligent and when he says that the Nato is acting more aggressive than Russia, he´s right. About 20 years ago, American advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski(a dangerous man himself) pointed out that Russia would never accept the Nato at Russian borders(think of Soviet rockets in Cuba some decades ago), so the Russian occupation of Crimea was no surprise and probably anticipated by American analysts as well, who decided to just try it. Not that smart, on the other hand no direct impact on America. Not so nice for European integration and trade between Europe and Russia, I think.

Well, let´s just say that Trump does not make the impression of being a good geostrategist, so Putin would probably be happy to have such a weak and actually too honest counterpart.

Oh btw, when I was younger I used to visit relatives in "socialist" East Germany, I don´t like any sort of totalitarian system, where a few rule many, I just see it as a result of "free markets" and "social darwinism"(completely wrong interpretation in itself) as well, When you read the quote from the pope , as one of the most conservative institutions I can think of, in the last article he basically says that things are now worse than Marx has ever expected, so terms like left/right don´t seem to be that important any more.
Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Dec 18, 2015, 4:53:56 PM
DalaiLama wrote:


Deporations have been going on for awhile, 414 thousand last year by Obama.

And Donald Trump wants to deport 11 million (every single one of them). Since you're apparently a very callous and privileged person to think the way you do, that's breaking up families and deporting parents from their American- born children FYI. Aside from the fact that illegal immigrants aren't citizens, most of them are law-abiding and our crucial to our societal function. There is no reason to kick them out of the country.

And the roughly 400,000 listed as removals under Obama's 8 years, they could be the bad illegals that Trump is always talking about (the rapists, drug-dealers, thugs .. that is Trump's words). But don't act like every single illegal immigrant needs to be kicked out of the country.

DalaiLama wrote:

2) What he means is that until the feds can demonstrate that their screening process is effective. Gov Christie echoed a similar sentiment during the last debate and mentioned a knowledgable source that the screening process is broken.

Chris Christie is a scoundrel and a liar. He has no credibility. I guess you were OK with him closing the bridge. You citing Christie as an authority tells me you know nothing about US politics and have very poor judgement. The reason why Christie is a fallen-candidate is because of the scandal surrounding the bridge, and you cite him?? Why choose a username called DalaiLama?

And banning all muslims from entering the US is discrimination based on religion. It's discrimination based on your identity. That is exactly like a Hitler. You seriously need to change your username, you're an embarrassment and I'm ashamed to even be corresponding with you.

DalaiLama wrote:

3) Putin didn't endorse Godwins favorite, so #3 is meaningless.

Yes he did.

DalaiLama wrote:

4) Fascism is left wing, not right wing. It is definitely a form of socialism, and the atrocities of the Holocaust were committed under the geas of Eugenicism, which again was a left wing, govt knows best philosophy.

Let's just say you're correct (you're not). Even so, just because someone is running as a republican doesn't mean he can't act like Hitler. This is the dumbest argument I've heard in a long time.

Please ask GGG to change your username. You're a silly person that brings shame upon Tibetan Buddhism.
Trump sounds to me like a fascist(ultra right wing, rebirth of a nation, supremacy, protectionism) sometimes, I still would not compare him to one of the worst monsters in modern history. I´d call him at least a far right nationalist (too) close to the fascist ideology, if not a fascist. And I´d call him a racist.

As for the terms:
Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Dec 18, 2015, 5:14:59 PM

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