Donald Trump

NeroNoah wrote:
pneuma wrote:
I just wish the election would be over, and it's still a fucking year away. This quadrannual election entertainment circus is such a fucking waste of time.

Well, don't you have candidates proposing political campaign reforms? There must be somewhat that could see the insanity of this whole thing.

Good luck with that.

If you're not from the U.S., our supreme court recently reviewed a case: Citizens United vs FEC. In a nutshell, the court ruled that political free speech rights now apply to corporations, and thus the government cannot stand in their way when endorsing political candidates. This means that if Pepsi really wants to get Trump elected, they can just spend millions of dollars promoting them on network TV through ads.

The floodgates have opened. The trough is full.

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On the subject of Political Correctness: Look. You cannot lump everything you disagree with under the PC umbrella. There's clearly a difference between these two things:

1) Guy in elevator remarks that his HR department is acting retarded
2) Guy in open office space remarks that Muslims should burn in hell

Both are opinions. One is impolite. Two is clearly hate speech masquerading as opinion. But I guarantee you, Mr. Trump would boast that he thinks Political Correctness has gone too far in condemning Guy #2.

Don't confuse the two. There is political correctness (which some people are taking to an absurd degree... looking at you, US colleges), and there is hatred/xenophobia. If you think that the United States should even remotely consider targeting and excluding muslims, you're in the wrong fucking country.

I mean, its the first amendment. The first fucking one.
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I agree with you Antnee. It's just that I see the whole PC thing misused mostly. The people complaining about PC tend to be worse than PC people (and that's impressive). Like more evil vs. evil.
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Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Dec 16, 2015, 5:09:32 PM
Antnee wrote:
The last few years have been really... interesting for me. I've always leaned what I guess you'd call far left, at least in American terms. Trump and his ilk have really just brought out to the public eye what I've seen lurking under the surface of the far right for a long time. So I feel affirmed in my leftness.

But then the (far) left starts acting ridiculous, and I feel like I can't be that anymore, either! "Safe Spaces", trying to ban clapping, triggers, white guilt, the stack...

So despite the fact that I'm socially and fiscally very liberal, I'm actually more... centrist?

What the fuck.

Dont take this wrongly Antnee, but for the little I've seen of your posts, I think you are just taking your first steps in realizing the current problem in the left.
Not saying that you'll become right-wing later on, in fact I think if you continue delving into the matters you'll probably just stay as a free thinker;
but by the little I've seen of your posts, I think you are just half-awake and your eyes arent quite open yet. Just as a start... pay a lot of attention to the media.
I know people are starting to distrust the media more and more, but most have yet to realize how deeply corruption runs.
This is something that is best left for someone to actually understand over the time, a great mistake people do is trusting blindly some news because it fits their beliefs.
You can only be influenced by what you see and hear and oh do people let themselves be influenced easily if it keeps them in their psychological comfort zone.

Take notice of what's omitted, examine several sources for one piece of news, examine several sources for all kinds of news and take notice of what is televised and what's not... you'll eventually start seeing the obvious patterns. check statistics, check the source of those statistics, check monetary connections,etc...
Well that's all if you've got the stomach and are willing to take your time. But I think it might be better for most to not do so, if they prize their mental health, that is.
One particular thing I find amazing is how rampant slander pieces are without having anything to back up their accusations... normalization of a lie is way too common and when a lie is mixed with beliefs its oh so much easier to induce. Remember there was a time when the Earth was thought of as flat...

Not saying that there isnt any corruption in the right, but to me the left is clearly more dangerous at the moment. Beware of dividing and conquering while uniting and ruling. (seems like an oxymoron right? but think about it for a bit)

Ofc its not limited to media... as you know there's a problem with education as well.
But journalism is so poisoned at the moment that its just disgusting.
Not even just poisoned, but lazy and degrading in quality of investigation. But guess that is a byproduct of their own monetary fears...

boy I must sound like a madman to those still sleeping, but if someone reading this thinks that of me and has an intention of taking a more investigative take on media, Ill just challenge the reader to bookmark it and come back to it a few years later, you might be surprised at how much your personal meaning of this post can change.
well who am I kidding, the world is ending soon™ :P

On-topic: This can easily be misunderstood, but I fear the day where people will scream for the existence of a candidate with the positives that Trump has and their voices will be unheard. Who knows, you might just see it within your lifetime. Though hopefully not in the immediate future. For the negatives he has, he definitely has some positives that are near-extinct nowadays. His popularity despite his recent allegations seems to me not only to be a problem of the right, but definitely a consequence of the current problems in the left.

Whichever way I look at it, I dont see a bright future for the american people, the 3 names on the spotlight nowadays seem to me to be Trump, Clinton and Sanders, and they all seem like pretty terrible choices for different reasons each.
Well, look at the bright side, at least black bush (with a dash of HOPE at least for his first term, which was his highest point, should have honestly have stopped there) will leave office.
Disrupted wrote:
Not saying that there isnt any corruption in the right, but to me the left is clearly more dangerous at the moment. Beware of dividing and conquering while uniting and ruling. (seems like an oxymoron right? but think about it for a bit)

You'll need a really good justification for that given the state of the right in US. Incredible claims require incredible evidence. You are not Morpheus with the pills, and even when I have read biased bullshit in things like the New York Times they are not that egregious nor dangerous like you make it seem.

(I totally believe the left can be truly bad, like in my country; the left in US is fairly reasonable from my point of view, if you adjust for politicians and SJWs)
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Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Dec 17, 2015, 1:52:57 AM
Schmodderhengst wrote:
diablofdb wrote:
I'm voting for him xD lol just because I enjoy drinking from the tears of rage of the liberals full of political correctness

Ok, but as soon as they start burning books and mosques you should leave to find a free country, from what I´ve heard.

Seriously, this was a comment on youtube I´ve found:

"Im living in Iraq here in Basra and we are afraid that the worlds biggest super power gets a leader more retarded than George Bush."

Nothing more to say.

Gets? Already has/had a few of that distinction.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Antnee wrote:
NeroNoah wrote:
pneuma wrote:
I just wish the election would be over, and it's still a fucking year away. This quadrannual election entertainment circus is such a fucking waste of time.

Well, don't you have candidates proposing political campaign reforms? There must be somewhat that could see the insanity of this whole thing.

Good luck with that.

If you're not from the U.S., our supreme court recently reviewed a case: Citizens United vs FEC. In a nutshell, the court ruled that political free speech rights now apply to corporations, and thus the government cannot stand in their way when endorsing political candidates. This means that if Pepsi really wants to get Trump elected, they can just spend millions of dollars promoting them on network TV through ads.

The floodgates have opened. The trough is full.

When.non-propertied people were being considered for voting rights, at one point the property restrictions were down from owning land to owning at least a mule.

The question was asked if the vote was vested in the man or in the mule.

The ruling you refer to restablishes that the mule (property) has its own rights. Someday shares if stock will probably count for a vote depending on their current trade value.

Viva la corporacion!
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Antnee wrote:
On the subject of Political Correctness: Look. You cannot lump everything you disagree with under the PC umbrella. There's clearly a difference between these two things:

1) Guy in elevator remarks that his HR department is acting retarded
2) Guy in open office space remarks that Muslims should burn in hell

Both are opinions. One is impolite. Two is clearly hate speech masquerading as opinion. But I guarantee you, Mr. Trump would boast that he thinks Political Correctness has gone too far in condemning Guy #2.

Don't confuse the two. There is political correctness (which some people are taking to an absurd degree... looking at you, US colleges), and there is hatred/xenophobia. If you think that the United States should even remotely consider targeting and excluding muslims, you're in the wrong fucking country.

I mean, its the first amendment. The first fucking one.

Reciting from.memory, so verbage may be off but the gist of the first amendment pertinent to the topic is that

Congress shall make NO law.abridging freedom.speech, or prohibiting or establishing religion.

I'm not sure tje 1st amendment trying to come to the US. The 14th amend might.

To be constitutional Trump's idea would have to show both a compelling interest and a clear and present danger. If both conditions were met, the Supreme.Court *might* put their fingers to the wind and refer back to Schenck vs the US to allow Trump's restrictions.

On the reality side.of the issue, another San Bernadino attack soon is not likely, but if it did happen, public sentiment will.swing widely and judges are very susceptible to public opinion.

The.real.solution, imo, is holding officials and agencies responsible for their lack of performance. Instead of "oops, we shouldn't have discouraged agents from checking" it should be "that will be 20 years in Leavenworth for willfully amd negligently endangering the entire country."

When we start legally.punishing lawmakers and judges for bad decisions will be when they start acting like the leaders they promised they would be.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
The first amendment has been functionally dead in america for a while.

Any policeman can deem a gathering of people illegal for such arbitrary reasons as causing trafic congestion or the 'potential to incite a riot or a fire hazard'. Not to mention you need to pay for a permit ahead of time (so the police can conviently know of any gathering ahead of time to break it up).

As for the press, although not held up by any laws, the american government regularly enforces its will on it through a system of 'economic stimuli' and licenses. Threatening to eliminate business either legally via revocation of business / operating licenses or economically via (essentially bribes) of government advertising agianst those whom dont/do 'voluntarily' obey is a common practice. Iv actually seen the congressional hearings on c-span where agemts explained how they manipulated ISP's into submitting to 'voluntary' surveillance and noone batted an eye, it wasnt even the primary topic... just some superfluous information related to potential weakness of our internet.
For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
Last edited by SkyCore#2413 on Dec 17, 2015, 1:15:30 PM
NeroNoah wrote:
Disrupted wrote:
Not saying that there isnt any corruption in the right, but to me the left is clearly more dangerous at the moment. Beware of dividing and conquering while uniting and ruling. (seems like an oxymoron right? but think about it for a bit)

You'll need a really good justification for that given the state of the right in US. Incredible claims require incredible evidence. You are not Morpheus with the pills, and even when I have read biased bullshit in things like the New York Times they are not that egregious nor dangerous like you make it seem.

(I totally believe the left can be truly bad, like in my country; the left in US is fairly reasonable from my point of view, if you adjust for politicians and SJWs)

yeah I know, I was considering not posting this before actually.
Im not even willing to, too much work with no pay-off (seriously, I could but for one to get enough info out it would take a large-scale investigation and no sane man would do it for cheap, much less free, so I just ask for the benefit of the doubt when watching/reading news instead) and some people are so deep in their bias that its stupid to think that it would have an effect on them at this point (you can easily see that in this thread). the right is definitely dangerous, but the left has come to a point where some dangers are considered to not be.
people shouldnt just be worried about SJWs, people like this always existed, but they should realize what environment fostered their growth lately, you cant force these extremes, you slowly make them grow.
Using a weird analogy, If SJWs are "90%" there's a dangerous normalization of "77%", what I wish for is to stabilize it, to reach an normalization of "65%".

I will not defend crushing one side while glorifying the other.
One can fight the poison that resides in both fronts. and the way for the average citizen to do so and not let himself be swayed is to stay informed, think critically and challenge oneself, and when finding about bullshit, to speak out civilly and pressure media into following journalist code of ethics. Considering the purposefully used disinformation on cases such as Trayvon Martin, and the consequences of such, there should definitely be a legal penalty for such. Also more recently that raid through the house of the San Bernardino shooters should definitely be punished (not for bias but still pretty criminal, media seems to be able to get away with anything currently).
Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Dec 17, 2015, 1:53:19 PM

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