Donald Trump

morbo wrote:
Russians are the bad guys in the hood, mkay.

Crazy Rusky aside, I fucking love it when he tells them hard truths.

Even more when he has Fareed Zakaria literally losing his bowel control on stage.
Casually casual.

In light of the news that the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act — an Orwellian nightmare bill promoting war with Russia and legalizing the government fight against "propagandists" — was passed in the House with Republicans — just the Republicans — voting 240 yea 4 nay, and the Senate Republicans 48 yea 2 nay... Guys, it's time to stop the circle-jerk. The GOP is, by and large, no less corrupt than the Democrats (although probably more competent in cyber security). Both parties want to start a war with Russia and have wanted to since before the election.

You shouldn't trust Trump. I think it was proper to trust Clinton even less, but make no mistake: it was a choice between two evils, of which we hopefully chose the lesser. In my view, the concept of "vastly superior to Clinton" sets standards so low that, outside of the context of a potential President Clinton, it holds no meaning; now devoid of that context, Trump is once again a turd sandwich. In all likelihood, he will fuck us over. If by some miracle he doesn't, that would mean Trump would need to triumph over the Democratic Party AND the GOP. Both want to shit on the American people.

We need to stop trusting and start getting active. Demand that Trump fight against the military-industrial complex and warmongering. Don't let him become another Clinton or Obama. The establishment wants to convert him to the Dark Side, and Trump probably isn't Luke Skywalker.

Sessions, by the way, is a swamp monster and a dubious appointee at best.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 30, 2016, 7:49:34 PM
I never understood why are US politicians still so obsessed with Russia? It made perfect sense during the Soviet era, since communism is an ideological enemy of free market capitalism & democracy. But it doesn't really make sense to keep the same hostility with the Russian Federation.

NATO & US neocons have been sistematically destabilizing ex-Soviet client states in the Middle East, from 2003 war in Iraq onward. Russia couldn't do anything about Iraq and didn't care too much about Libya, but will not let Syria fall into islamist hands. That would expose the Russian "underbelly" (Caucasus) to an influx of jihadist terrorists, that would then start up shit in Russia proper. It would also put Europe to risk, but EU political retards are still going on with the plan (I hear that Riyadh pays well ;).

The Russians have been very pragmatic most of the time and only acted militarily when US really crossed the line (Bush's "anti-missile shield" in eastern Europe, the coup in Ukraine, Syria war). Over the last two decades NATO crept way too close to Russia and the Bear acted by pushing back (imagine what would the US do if Warshaw Pact started some military shit or 'revolutions' in Mexico or Canada).

Westerners have a lot more things in common (culture, religion..) with Russians, than with our "great allies" the medieval theocratic Gulf states, or asian countries like China / Japan. It's sad to see this outdated Cold war hostility still going on -_-
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
morbo wrote:
I never understood why are US politicians still so obsessed with Russia? It made perfect sense during the Soviet era, since communism is an ideological enemy of free market capitalism & democracy. But it doesn't really make sense to keep the same hostility with the Russian Federation.

NATO & US neocons have been sistematically destabilizing ex-Soviet client states in the Middle East, from 2003 war in Iraq onward. Russia couldn't do anything about Iraq and didn't care too much about Libya, but will not let Syria fall into islamist hands. That would expose the Russian "underbelly" (Caucasus) to an influx of jihadist terrorists, that would then start up shit in Russia proper. It would also put Europe to risk, but EU political retards are still going on with the plan (I hear that Riyadh pays well ;).

The Russians have been very pragmatic most of the time and only acted militarily when US really crossed the line (Bush's "anti-missile shield" in eastern Europe, the coup in Ukraine, Syria war). Over the last two decades NATO crept way too close to Russia and the Bear acted by pushing back (imagine what would the US do if Warshaw Pact started some military shit or 'revolutions' in Mexico or Canada).

Westerners have a lot more things in common (culture, religion..) with Russians, than with our "great allies" the medieval theocratic Gulf states, or asian countries like China / Japan. It's sad to see this outdated Cold war hostility still going on -_-

Even I share what you wrote I would add opinion that politicians in fact are not obsessed by Russia (territory, poeople..), but power they have/gain from controlling other people and to be important in their own eyes. Normal people are not going to war, only if they are defending their territory. All those soldiers who are in foreign countries are in fact manipulated minds who thinks, that with guns are going to bring freedom and piece, while in fact they are normal mercenaries, for common people thiefs and murderers, who are making dirty work for their lords/enslavers. This kind of brainwashing power, people in charge, are using on normal citizens. Politicians like Bush, Obama, Clintons are dangerous psychopats if are followed. When people are not buying politicians lies, than politics are going to focus on another group of people or create new problem and check how many citizens will "need" them again. All politics in fact are in war on consciousness of normal people. They are targeting citizens, non citizens, free people from lies, slaves.. whoever is going to listen.

ps: sad is, that most of politicians are puppets too. I wrote that not to pity them or excuse them, only to explain.
Last edited by Rexeos#3429 on Dec 31, 2016, 8:42:26 AM
Rexeos wrote:
Even I share what you wrote I would add opinion that politicians in fact are not obsessed by Russia (territory, poeople..), but power they have/gain from controlling other people and to be important in their own eyes. Normal people are not going to war, only if they are defending their territory. All those soldiers who are in foreign countries are in fact manipulated minds who thinks, that with guns are going to bring freedom and piece, while in fact they are normal mercenaries, for common people thiefs and murderers, who are making dirty work for their lords/enslavers. This kind of brainwashing power, people in charge, are using on normal citizens. Politicians like Bush, Obama, Clintons are dangerous psychopats if are followed. When people are not buying politicians lies, than politics are going to focus on another group of people or create new problem and check how many citizens will "need" them again. All politics in fact are in war on consciousness of normal people. They are targeting citizens, non citizens, free people from lies, slaves.. whoever is going to listen.


What the fuck are you talking about? No, really, what in the actual fuck are you talking about?!
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A security expert repudiates the claims that the Russian government authorized these hacks:

Why the Russia-phobia from the left? Weren't you two good buddies when Russia was the USSR?
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 31, 2016, 11:22:12 AM
MrSmiley21 wrote:
Why the Russia-phobia from the left? Weren't you two good buddies when Russia was the USSR?
It's not "from the Left," it's from the establishment.

McCain (R-AZ) on Russia: "When you attack a country, it's an act of war... And so we have to make sure that there is a price to pay so that we can perhaps persuade Russians to stop this kind of attacks on our very fundamentals of democracy."

Graham (R-SC) on Russia: "There are 100 United States senators. Amy Klobuchar is on this trip with us. She's a Democrat from Minnesota. I would say that 99 of us believe the Russians did this and we're going to do something about it... We're going to put sanctions together that hit Putin as an individual and his inner circle for interfering in our election, and they're doing it all over the world — not just in the United States."

Ryan (R-WI, House majority leader) on Russia: "Russia does not share American’s interests... In fact, it has consistently sought to undermine them, sowing dangerous instability around the world. While today’s action by the administration is overdue, it is an appropriate way to end eight years of failed policy with Russia."

McConnell (R-KY, Senate majority leader) on Russia: "Sanctions against the Russian intelligence services are a good initial step, however late in coming... As the next Congress reviews Russian actions against networks associated with the US election, we must also work to ensure that any attack against the United States is met with an overwhelming response."

You think "we" have won a majority in both houses of Congress? lel. The #NeverTrump GOP is alive and well.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 31, 2016, 12:04:44 PM
Yeah, they're neocons. Like Liberals, they're also Trotskyites. So my remarks were directed at them as well, even though I didn't spell it out.

Honestly, it was Trump's remarks about John Mccain that made me jump on board the Trump Train. I agree, he was a shitty pilot who got shot down and captured, and he's a "war hero" because??? Since when did society hold "heroes" to such a low standard? If he went out, and shot down dozens of enemy aircraft, and came home without a scratch, then that would be something "heroic". Not getting shot down and captured.

And Lindsay Graham? Everyone knows he's a homosexual, so why is he still in the closet? When I look at him, I see someone who's represed, and really wants to dress up like a fairy and prance around in public, but knows it would be political suicide. I would have more respect for him, if he just did that, and not give a shit about what anyone thinks.
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 31, 2016, 12:12:45 PM
When you're identifying Dubya as "Left" it is time for new labels.

Ironically, the Democrats are almost entirely neocons, and Trump seems to be a neoliberal. To quote Wikipedia:
Neoliberalism refers primarily to the 20th century resurgence of 19th century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism. These include extensive economic liberalization policies such as privatization, fiscal austerity, deregulation, free trade, and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy.
With the small exception of "free trade" — mostly because the term has been bastardized to mean its opposite, ex: NAFTA — sounds like Trump to me.

I say it's about time we dropped the term "libertarian" and took the term "liberal" back to its glorious original meaning. Meanwhile, it is the neocons fighting to conserve the decades-long corruption of the military-industrial complex created under FDR.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 31, 2016, 12:17:35 PM
It's about perspectives, Scrotie. Those people you listed, including "dubya" are to the left of me.

I prefer minimal government, and non-interventionist foreign policy. The later meaning that I'm not in the business of overthrowing dictators in 3rd world countries. Nor do I like dedicating massive resources to be the world's police force.

If China wants to create a man-made Island in the South China sea and put a base there, so fucking what? What made them do that in the first place? It was aggression by the USA that motivated them to do it, and that was their response. Most of these geopolitical issues are due to the USA sticking its nose where it doesn't belong, and then they're screaming "foul" when the other side pushes back. The Chinese are capable of turning any of the USA's aircraft carriers into an artificial reef with one missile. I don't even see why we need to be fucking around in their neck of the woods.

Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 31, 2016, 12:23:01 PM

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