Donald Trump

Yup human Hypocrisy at it's finest, the worst things were done with the best intentions.
Pwnzors87 wrote:
Disrupted wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
The libs are no competition, folks. They're 100% over.

(1 minute video, trigger warning: cringy as fuck)

Gotta indoctrinat- ERH Excuse me, Educate them young, Jenniks arent gonna make themselves

I found those filthy evil white chameleon´s still opressing people. Hideo Kojima didn´t have the ballz to put it into mgs5 ...

May I ask what the point is exactly? didnt play mg5 either to understand the last part (it was set in africa?). If its a point of previlege, people born in rich countries indeed have previleges over people in poorer countries.
however these people that want to push white guilt SJW dogmas seem to believe or at least push the idea that if you are a non-white citizen in a white country you are being opressed and white people live in a magical lalaland where nothing bad can happen to them and they should feel bad because of that or because of something they have nothing to do with. no, the son should not suffer for the sins of the father, much less an entire race should suffer for the sins of a few rich ones (hell that's what the nazis pretty much did)

Personally regarding diamonds, I remember searching quite some time ago about the amount of the mineral on the planet and its true value is pretty much none.
Mostly a scam by big corporations the diamonds are forever bullshit and its link to wedding rings was trash pushed by big corporation (De Beers in particular has quite the blame in it). Sure some rarer ones may be worth something, but overall at least from my part you'll never catch me wasting money in that overpriced mineral. (though I wish I had a few cursed ones for historical value if I am being honest)
If you mean to refer to the warlords opressing the people then while I agree they are opressing the people, the big corporations buying blood diamonds definitely hold blame as well. Most of the final consumers have no idea.
Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Dec 20, 2016, 11:45:05 PM
Jennik wrote:
You're selectively quoting bits from the article that leave out the really nefarious and worrisome shit. Why are you doing this? Why do you always do this? Why are you so incapable of honestly and accurately interpreting reality? Is it a defense mechanism? Do you just lack a single shred of honesty and integrity?
How about you actually listen to one of those two guys you're complaining about, Ajit Pai, discuss "net neutrality" and a free Internet.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
get rekt, sjw's

trump won

it's final

time to sit back and watch your heads explode from hate

Disrupted wrote:

Gotta indoctrinat- ERH Excuse me, Educate them young, Jenniks arent gonna make themselves

I frequent the most cucked forum on the internet, NeoGAF. You're joking, but some of the users said "the video won't really work on white men, but it's still useful to make children sensitive to these issues". Then these kids grow up and become the nu-males you see in the video. Scary thought.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Disrupted wrote:

May I ask what the point is exactly? didnt play mg5 either to understand the last part (it was set in africa?). If its a point of previlege, people born in rich countries indeed have previleges over people in poorer countries.

The whole point of white guilt is, because a couple black people got enslaved 400 years ago.
Even though this Generation is barly effekted by the past still complain None stopp. Meanwhile in some country´s in afrike, slavery still exist´s to a huge extend. I posted that link to point out there hypocrisy and no big companies dont force them, the mine would look diffrent then.

""White People"" is a complete amerikan concept, only a view nation´s anticipated in the slavetrade´s, primarly monarch´s. For example Germany,NorthEU never had slaves and around 20% of america are nativ german´s. The british owned a lot less slaves than latin nation´s, jet they still paint ""White People"" as the evil opressor.

You do realize that by mocking muslim´s and protecting jew´s you contradict yourself?
The Koran is compared to the Talmud(JewHBook) a child´s fairy. I´t´s even censored for gentiles. The slur ""Nazi"" is a kryptic mockery in it of itself, because one of there tribe´s is named ""AshkeNAZI"". Btw. around 20% of Amerika is nativ jewish, but i never hear somebody blaming them for slavery.
Last edited by Pwnzors87#5366 on Dec 21, 2016, 6:42:24 AM
Disrupted wrote:
white people live in a magical lalaland where nothing bad can happen to them and they should feel bad because of that

What brainwashed libs, SJWs and indigo children will never understand, is that nothing in this world is granted, but earned (the hard way). If a race have managed to change and bend the world's history through layers of supreme culture, various religions, personal qualities and passion, and inventive clever thinking, it should never be ashamed of that, but proud.
The "white" civilization is what it is due to incredible persistence in good and bad, at peace and war.

What "rich" countries nowadays monetarize, is the heritage of their ancestors and this should never be forgotten. The end result of thousands of years of civilizational progression and domination. People have to keep the memory of the efforts of their grand grand fathers and protect this heritage with no mercy. Instead, there are traitors, who find no problems to live off this heritage, but at the same time are unwilling to protect it. Hypocrites. And worse, willingly serve it on a silver platter to those who failed the civilizational exam.

There have never been equality throughout the whole history of humanity. Nor in the animal world, if you wish. The strongest, most adaptive, most aggressive, and the smartest, conquer. The others obey.

One should not be ashamed he's an indisputable long term winner.
This is a buff © 2016

The Experts ™ 2017
Last edited by torturo#7228 on Dec 21, 2016, 7:01:57 AM
BTW, that "white guys" MTV News video on YouTube... it has been either pulled or removed by YouTube. And then its replacement was also removed. I think MTV News is getting a taste of their own medicine.
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Last edited by cipher_nemo#6436 on Dec 21, 2016, 8:27:22 AM
torturo wrote:

There have never been equality throughout the whole history of humanity. Nor in the animal world, if you wish. The strongest, most adaptive, most aggressive, and the smartest, conquer. The others obey.

One should not be ashamed he's an indisputable long term winner.

Nobody conquered anything, that´s a comen misconception. Only because the ocean is between the land, does not mean that the particular People living on this continent own´s this continent, that´s absurd. The european migrant´s shiped over and settled on land nobody was before. The continent almost had no population. Soon after they got raidet by nativ People and had to defend themself´s. Nobody stay´s those native people in the way, to create there own Country. I bet my a55, that if they would just ask for there own nation, they would get it.

Take south Afrika for example, People from netherland simply settled over there, nobody inhabitated that land and they buyed! a lidl bit of land from the nativ people surounding them. Soon after the Zulu wiped out the other nativ people and they now claim that it´s there land. Ofcourse how White people are, they compromise and let them in and govern.
Since then, south Afrika has gone to waist, absurd murder rates on european farmer´s, theved,rape you Name it.
Not a single word about that in our craply Mainstream media, SA has enough refugees to take in europe.

European´s or caucasion´s for that matter, should realy stop taking this IQ60 bs and start to stick together.
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