Donald Trump

Regarding the Berlin terror attack, the suspect was already on the deportation list, but then he threw his passport away and Tunisia refused to take him back. The German authorities shrugged and let him go because they didn't know what to do with him. Would be quite funny if this whole ordeal hadn't caused a massacre.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Tunisian? So we let everyone in, BUT Syrian refugees. It's disgusting that these islamists are munching on EU welfare, while actual endangered minorities in Syria & Iraq (Yazidis, Assyrians, Christians) are still under threat of genocide from islamic extremists.

The terrorist was also already investigated before -_-

A Tunisian man wanted in connection with the deadly truck attack on a crowd at a Berlin Christmas market had been previously investigated over an earlier terror plot, a senior German official has said.

When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Pwnzors87 wrote:

The whole point of white guilt is, because a couple black people got enslaved 400 years ago.
Even though this Generation is barly effekted by the past still complain None stopp. Meanwhile in some country´s in afrike, slavery still exist´s to a huge extend. I posted that link to point out there hypocrisy and no big companies dont force them, the mine would look diffrent then.

""White People"" is a complete amerikan concept, only a view nation´s anticipated in the slavetrade´s, primarly monarch´s. For example Germany,NorthEU never had slaves and around 20% of america are nativ german´s. The british owned a lot less slaves than latin nation´s, jet they still paint ""White People"" as the evil opressor.

You do realize that by mocking muslim´s and protecting jew´s you contradict yourself?
The Koran is compared to the Talmud(JewHBook) a child´s fairy. I´t´s even censored for gentiles. The slur ""Nazi"" is a kryptic mockery in it of itself, because one of there tribe´s is named ""AshkeNAZI"". Btw. around 20% of Amerika is nativ jewish, but i never hear somebody blaming them for slavery.

Oh no, I dont mean that big companies force them, I mean that they are complicit in buying from the ones who force them. Not that they wouldnt be opressed if there was no diamond trade, they would still be. just in other ways.

I do know of the concept of goy and kafir and negative associations, and the hypoccrisy of the zionists with their agendas but that is a can of worms that I do not wish to spend time on, but dont think people should be stopped from discussing it.

its pretty funny, the other day I was seeing a vid on richest families and links to "dubious activities" and they talked freely of the rot in them until they reached the rothschilds and the guy immediatly went into "all anti-semite tinfoil conspiracies" (dont criticize them, what are you, racist nazi?), some dogs are well trained.

Personally, I find that seeing ones race and religion as the same can lead down to some very dangerous paths, fanaticism and segregation is easy, but it depends on the values and beliefs of the culture.
A very good example of negative shit in such identity is the gypsies, (LONG ASIDE)
every once in a while I see some stupidity like the EU crying racist to Portugal regarding store owners having statues of frogs to ward them off, yet I never see them care about what they do.

Maybe the reason people dont like gypsies is because of their mentalities that have no place in a civilized first world country.
Forced marriages with children, stealing, scamming people, violence and threats.

I've known of loads of cases in schools as early as primary, of gypsy kids taking a knife to school and threatening other kids with it then when the teachers or parents tried to talk about it, gypsys would take their whole fucking family (20s or more) to threaten the kids, fathers and teachers. Bullying, forming gangs, robbing others.

I remember some 10-15 years ago or so the government gave medium size apartments to all gypsies in a city nearby, in fucking camera the guy interviewed said "meh, its not that big", "its not that big" in a country full of poor people they got more than the majority while they were living in shacks and they still arent grateful for it. "coincidentally" the area became a dangerous side of the city, it wasnt even segregated or anything, it was a good location, right across the street of a kindergarten, a grade school and a (smaller) trade school.

I used to study in that town for a while right across the street, and had a gypsy friend that practiced boxing to deal with rage, he seemed like a cool guy but when I asked him about the younger ones forming violent gangs and threatening non-gypsy kids and whatnot he just excused it as "kids being kids". Funny thing, he had to leave for 2 weeks or so saying he was meeting family in the hospital, during that time a warehouse was robbed and his van was caught on camera. he also stole beverages from a teacher several times.
a few years ago in another nearby town, old people were disappearing at night then appearing a few days later dead and without belongings, old people were afraid to leave home, unsurprisingly it was gypsies.

Also numerous cases of gypsies resgitering kids that arent theirs to get government money, crying on the streets asking money with a photo of a child they dont even have with some sob story, always playing the victim, etc.

More, a few years ago I saw in a program called Cinco para a meia noite (5 to midnight, nice show that has a different comedian as host every week) where they filmed it live near a gypsy camp for diversity points and at a certain point they interviewed a woman that had some sucess in life to show that gypsies are better than the stereotype and has she talked about a how she defied her parents and studied and married a non-gypsy you could see the seething rage in two patriarchs behind them, I swear she would have been gutted then and there if it wasnt for the cameras.
Another funnier more recent example of a female gypsy success story I saw like a year ago or something, a great student, the funniest part was how the title was trying to push a "gypsies are great" thing then the first thing she talked about was how her parents disowned her and she doesnt consider herself a gypsy.

Why Im saying all this? simple, the frog is considered a omen of bad luck for gypsies, the reason store owners put frog statues near the entrance is not simply bad evil racist thing, in simple terms, its to ward off thieves.

Maybe if the fat pigs in Brussels had their kids with a knife to the throat and their grandparents in fear for their lives they would realize that maybe the hunchback of notre dame isnt a good example of what gypsies are like (except the stealing, they got that part right).

To cry about some fucking statues while ignoring how much trashy or/and backwards values they have and how much of a stain they tend to be on society is nothing but a huge spit in the face of good people.

Well, but this is one of those untold ugly truths, there's a reason why when forum voting anonymously for which group is worse on society, gypsies always tend to win, and even uglier, why people cared little that they were one of the groups the nazis hunted. (as my father said once "when thinking about gypsies, I guess Im Hitler")

Either way, they just continue to be shit because every country is afraid of telling them to behave in a civilized manner and let go of their customs because "its their culture", im sorry but pedophilia, women-beating and stealing shouldnt be protected because its a persons culture.

Its a good example of the danger of a cultural and religious identity as a group of people as whole.

One could try and see why people dislike them, but guess you better not, lest you find yourself agreeing with them and becoming racist. There's a reason why the portuguese word "ciganagem" (gypsyness) encompasses only negative traits

/sarcasm on
Yeah, its all random, never has any reason or anything. No culture is objectively better than others. You know how much the sikh are hated irl? so hated, why are they so hated? Man, they integrate so badly and just start shit, the sikh man, the sikh, they are such terrible people.
/sarcasm off

EDIT: oh wow, how could I forget, last year the local town council gave free housing to gypsies in the downtown area (elected president wanted some good goy points I guess). Take a guess at how well it went
church was robbed and vandalized several times, same for the chapel, loads of stores were robbed, a chinese family had to return to their home country after one robbery completely destroyed their finances, an old lady was killed (later found out it was her nephew and some gyppo friends), several groups were around causing violence at night and the only reason the fucking robberies stopped is because they are all behind bars now. but when they come out you bet they are going back to play the same old games

torturo wrote:
Disrupted wrote:
white people live in a magical lalaland where nothing bad can happen to them and they should feel bad because of that

What brainwashed libs, SJWs and indigo children will never understand, is that nothing in this world is granted, but earned (the hard way). If a race have managed to change and bend the world's history through layers of supreme culture, various religions, personal qualities and passion, and inventive clever thinking, it should never be ashamed of that, but proud.
The "white" civilization is what it is due to incredible persistence in good and bad, at peace and war.

What "rich" countries nowadays monetarize, is the heritage of their ancestors and this should never be forgotten. The end result of thousands of years of civilizational progression and domination. People have to keep the memory of the efforts of their grand grand fathers and protect this heritage with no mercy. Instead, there are traitors, who find no problems to live off this heritage, but at the same time are unwilling to protect it. Hypocrites. And worse, willingly serve it on a silver platter to those who failed the civilizational exam.

There have never been equality throughout the whole history of humanity. Nor in the animal world, if you wish. The strongest, most adaptive, most aggressive, and the smartest, conquer. The others obey.

One should not be ashamed he's an indisputable long term winner.

I find it really funny that any race and nationality can say they are proud of their ancestry/color but if a german does it, he is a nazi, if a white does it he's racist and race separatist.
Yep, extremely funny. Everybody else be proud, whitey be ashamed, dont forget that there were/are evil groups that were proud of that, so you must be ashamed, others NEVER had any evil groups, all good people. Pretty funny that those pushing the shame call themselves progressives, yet they dont want people to progress from such stigmas. Such terms could be transformed into something better, but I guess one wouldnt be able to guilt trip people that way. Personally, I pretty much dont partake in pride things, but I think if one group is allowed to feel pride, the other should as well.

Honestly, Im not gonna pretend that any of my ancestors didnt do horrible things, but Im not gonna pretend that kind of shit wasnt done by everybody else as they could or that my ancestors didnt do great things either.
And one thing that really fucking bothers me, is young pieces of shit disrespecting the flag of their country.
Isnt it funny that majority of SJWs are in college? You got to be raised in a country that gives you all these opportunities and you spit on it. You are trash.
Wanna disrespect the flag? get out of the country first, and dont ever come back if you hate it that much. Then you can disrespect the flag. When you trample on the flag of your country, you are trampling on the sacrifices of all your ancestors, on their history, on their achievements, that is the attitude of a fucking parasite.

Xavderion wrote:

I frequent the most cucked forum on the internet, NeoGAF. You're joking, but some of the users said "the video won't really work on white men, but it's still useful to make children sensitive to these issues". Then these kids grow up and become the nu-males you see in the video. Scary thought.

I wish I was
Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Dec 21, 2016, 6:46:42 PM
Remember when right before the election, a black church in Mississippi got burned, with "vote Trump" written on the wall? Turns out that the "vast right-wing conspiracy" about the whole thing being a false-flag is actually true.'Vote-Trump'-burning-of-Mississippi-black-church

Bonus kek: the guy who burned the church is called McClinton.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Well, this thread got fucking disgusting. Here's to the American right showing their true colors. It takes a special kind of mind to be blatantly racist while at the same time calling everybody else the real racists.

Fucking deplorable. We're gonna need a bigger basket.
Jennik wrote:
Well, this thread got fucking disgusting. Here's to the American right showing their true colors. It takes a special kind of mind to be blatantly racist while at the same time calling everybody else the real racists.

Fucking deplorable. We're gonna need a bigger basket.

the only one who is racist and antagonizing is you. Don't you see yourself right now? calling other deplorable, for what? because they have different opinions?.

See this is why I think SJW are scary when they have the laws on their side, you would put people in Gulag or reeducation centers just because they disagree with you.

You dont even try to understand them, you Label them and demonize them. When I see people like you, I'm glad Trump won, and I realize how much a big victory it is.
diablofdb wrote:
Jennik wrote:
Well, this thread got fucking disgusting. Here's to the American right showing their true colors. It takes a special kind of mind to be blatantly racist while at the same time calling everybody else the real racists.

Fucking deplorable. We're gonna need a bigger basket.
the only one who is racist and antagonizing is you. Don't you see yourself right now? calling other deplorable, for what? because they have different opinions?.

See this is why I think SJW are scary when they have the laws on their side, you would put people in Gulag or reeducation centers just because they disagree with you.

You dont even try to understand them, you Label them and demonize them. When I see people like you, I'm glad Trump won, and I realize how much a big victory it is.
I don't think we should view Trump's election as a "big victory." It's way better than Clinton, but it's more of a "big dodge."

Now, it's a "big opportunity." If we as a people put our faith in Trump and just wait for the swamp to drain, it won't. Reform won't happen without constant (and, for serious reform, intense) pressure from the public; the concept of an electoral mandate only works when meant in the context of future voting, not recent past.

The real work hasn't even started yet, and it won't happen without us. Populism requires the populace.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 21, 2016, 9:45:33 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:

Now, it's a "big opportunity." If we as a people put our faith in Trump and just wait for the swamp to drain, it won't. Reform won't happen without constant (and, for serious reform, intense) pressure from the public; the concept of an electoral mandate only works when meant in the context of future voting, not recent past.

The real work hasn't even started yet, and it won't happen without us. Populism requires the populace.

There are some key things to put pressure on the president and congress:

Dropping TPP. It's just another bad trade agreement for Americans. If the Pacific "partners" want to re-negotiate a fair deal on our behalf, that's on them. And the same goes for NAFTA, which has mostly benefitted Mexico... odd, as their poor haven't reaped the benefits of it.

Repealing ACA... and... finding and implementing a better solution.

Oh, and if you want to do an infrastructure recovery act, do an infrastructure recovery act, not suggest an infrastructure recovery act where half the money ends up going to non-infrastructure items already covered in the annual budget.
[quote="Lovecraftuk"]I think the new meta is everyone bitching about the new league. [/quote]
ScrotieMcB wrote:
I don't think we should view Trump's election as a "big victory." It's way better than Clinton, but it's more of a "big dodge."

Now, it's a "big opportunity." If we as a people put our faith in Trump and just wait for the swamp to drain, it won't. Reform won't happen without constant (and, for serious reform, intense) pressure from the public; the concept of an electoral mandate only works when meant in the context of future voting, not recent past.

The real work hasn't even started yet, and it won't happen without us. Populism requires the populace.

Democrats trip and fall. They send their unpopular candidate and lost in key battlegrounds. The Democrats would have sweep the election with a more popular candidate. Please don't expect them to keep repeating it. It is more of an huge strategic and tactical failure.

EpicGoesXerxis wrote:

There are some key things to put pressure on the president and congress:

Dropping TPP. It's just another bad trade agreement for Americans. If the Pacific "partners" want to re-negotiate a fair deal on our behalf, that's on them. And the same goes for NAFTA, which has mostly benefitted Mexico... odd, as their poor haven't reaped the benefits of it.

Repealing ACA... and... finding and implementing a better solution.

Oh, and if you want to do an infrastructure recovery act, do an infrastructure recovery act, not suggest an infrastructure recovery act where half the money ends up going to non-infrastructure items already covered in the annual budget.

Everyone have the same parcel. You can't have terms that only benefit you. It isn't just a trade deal, it is a comprehensive economic treaty. It is more like economic integration.
Last edited by deathflower#0444 on Dec 22, 2016, 1:19:15 AM
diablofdb wrote:
Jennik wrote:
Well, this thread got fucking disgusting. Here's to the American right showing their true colors. It takes a special kind of mind to be blatantly racist while at the same time calling everybody else the real racists.

Fucking deplorable. We're gonna need a bigger basket.

the only one who is racist and antagonizing is you. Don't you see yourself right now? calling other deplorable, for what? because they have different opinions?.

See this is why I think SJW are scary when they have the laws on their side, you would put people in Gulag or reeducation centers just because they disagree with you.

You dont even try to understand them, you Label them and demonize them. When I see people like you, I'm glad Trump won, and I realize how much a big victory it is.

At this point he's virtue signalling to himself lol. It's sad to watch.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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