Donald Trump

FCC Republicans vow to gut net neutrality rules “as soon as possible”

This is what Trumpers voted for. It won't be getting better.
Jennik wrote:
FCC Republicans vow to gut net neutrality rules “as soon as possible”

This is what Trumpers voted for. It won't be getting better.

The free market will fix it ;)
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Jennik wrote:
FCC Republicans vow to gut net neutrality rules “as soon as possible”

This is what Trumpers voted for. It won't be getting better.
Again, read the article, not just the headline. If you did, you'd find an edited quote, which should trigger a "citation needed" in the critical reader's train of thought:
FCC Republicans Ajit Pai and Michael O'Rielly sent a letter to five lobby groups representing wireless carriers and small ISPs; while the letter is mostly about plans to extend an exemption for small providers from certain disclosure requirements, the commissioners also said they will tackle the entire net neutrality order shortly after President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration on January 20.

"[W]e will seek to revisit [the disclosure] requirements, and the Title II Net Neutrality proceeding more broadly, as soon as possible," they wrote, referring to the order that imposed net neutrality rules and reclassified ISPs as common carriers under Title II of the Communications Act. Pai and O'Rielly noted that they "dissented from the Commission's February 2015 Net Neutrality decision, including the Order's imposition of unnecessary and unjustified burdens on providers."
Here's that quote without so much editing (source):
Smaller providers had an exemption to the Title II order’s transparency rule, but it expired last Thurs. ACA and rural broadband assn NTCA have expressed their disappointment. On Mon, the FCC’s Republican commissioners sent the heads of those groups and other key players a letter telling them not to worry. “We want to assure you and your members that we would not support any adverse actions against small business providers for supposed non-compliance with the ‘enhanced transparency’ rules after that date, and we will seek to revisit those particular requirements, and the Title II net neutrality proceeding more broadly, as soon as possible,” commissioners Ajit Pai and Mike O’Rielly wrote.
Once you remove the sensationalism, it's a story about promoting deregulation of small business. The context is solely that of smaller ISPs, as that is the clear audience of the letter.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 20, 2016, 4:09:10 PM
Xavderion wrote:
The libs are no competition, folks. They're 100% over.

(1 minute video, trigger warning: cringy as fuck)

Gotta indoctrinat- ERH Excuse me, Educate them young, Jenniks arent gonna make themselves
Scrotes, every time I post something you go as far as possible to misrepresent it in a way that makes your team look good, or at least less repulsively shitty. I'm fucking tired out pointing out your lies. Everything you just posted is dishonest bullshit, just like every single other time you've replied to an article I posted.

You're selectively quoting bits from the article that leave out the really nefarious and worrisome shit. Why are you doing this? Why do you always do this? Why are you so incapable of honestly and accurately interpreting reality? Is it a defense mechanism? Do you just lack a single shred of honesty and integrity?

At this point, I don't fucking care. You'll just keep posting your lies no matter how often I point them out. Hopefully the fact I smashed your lies the first dozen or so times you posted them gives people pause before they believe the next batch you vomit forth.

To anyone who honestly cares about a free and fair Internet, you might want to read the article. The Republicans are shitting on every single one of us, no matter who we voted for. It's not about teams at this point.

More broadly, the Title II net neutrality order prohibits ISPs from blocking or throttling traffic or giving priority to Web services in exchange for payment. The order also set up a complaint process to prevent "unjust" or "unreasonable" pricing and practices. The threat of complaints to the FCC helped put an end to several disputes between ISPs and other network operators over network interconnection payments; this in turn improved Internet service quality for many subscribers.

All of that is in jeopardy with the Pai/O'Rielly promise to undo the entire Title II net neutrality order. The process could take months, even if they get started right away, because of requirements to seek public comment. The Republican-controlled Congress could act more quickly, since Trump has opposed net neutrality rules and isn't likely to veto a bill overturning the Title II order. When either the FCC or Congress do act, the biggest question will be whether the net neutrality regime is replaced with a weaker set of rules or scrapped entirely.
Last edited by Jennik#1783 on Dec 20, 2016, 4:34:35 PM
Disrupted wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
The libs are no competition, folks. They're 100% over.

(1 minute video, trigger warning: cringy as fuck)

Gotta indoctrinat- ERH Excuse me, Educate them young, Jenniks arent gonna make themselves

I found those filthy evil white chameleon´s still opressing people. Hideo Kojima didn´t have the ballz to put it into mgs5 ...

Libtards really didn't learn anything at all from 2016? :( Check your privilege, hwite males, 2017 will be even funnier.

Hwite male, signing off
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Jennik wrote:
ghamadvar wrote:
Is Islam wrong because of the Quran? No. This book is as good or bad as any other ancient religious book followed by billions.

I agree with most of what you're saying, but you really need to stop generalizing holy books. The Quran and the Bible are full of all sorts of horrific acts and commandments. Many others, like the I Ching and books on Buddhism, are not. Some of these books are significantly worse than others.

A person following every single word of the Bible literally will be one hell of a monster. You really can't say the same about religions that don't have holy books advocating even a single evil act. The strictest Jain who practices their religion in the most literal possible way will be a pretty awesome person.

Let's say i am just talking about the actually triggering religions then ;)
And: I don't want to discuss this here any further. I just had to post something against the horseshit and rascism. I will stop now. Let a game-forum be a game-forum.

Take care Jennik. And keep your energy safe. Cowards are like vampires. And there are a lot of cowards around here.
The Sirus fight is a disgrace.
morbo wrote:
Libtards really didn't learn anything at all from 2016? :( Check your privilege, hwite males, 2017 will be even funnier.

Hwite male, signing off

you know what libtards and social justice warrior reminds me?

The Nazis, the communists, the other fachists, the christian inquisition.

And you know why? they do what they do because they think... no.... they are convince that they have the superior moral interest of everyone in their minds and ideology. They cannot accept being wrong, they refuse the very fact that anyone could ever have a different opinion than them. This is what make them dangerous. Laws have been passed to put people in prison in the UK just because they would disagree openly with a religion such as Islam. It is against the law here in Canada to talk about Christmas publicly, it was judged immoral by our governement.

They just "get offended" "discredite" or simply "judge immoral" anything they dislike, and when they have the power they create laws to destroy freedom of speech. Just like those safe spaces.

Instead of bringing an argument in a conversation they just call people names. For the nazis it was the bolch, the jews the gays... For the libtards, we are the biggots, the racists, the intolerants. Just because we disagree with them.

People in a few decades will remember the liberals and SJW as the political movement who nearly destroyed us. Enabled violence and terrorism to take action in our countries. And probably could have caused the WW3 with the russians.

Last edited by diablofdb#3816 on Dec 20, 2016, 6:03:30 PM
diablofdb wrote:
morbo wrote:
Libtards really didn't learn anything at all from 2016? :( Check your privilege, hwite males, 2017 will be even funnier.

Hwite male, signing off

you know what libtards and social justice warrior reminds me?

The Nazis, the communists, the other fachists, the christian inquisition.

And you know why? they do what they do because they think... no.... they are convince that they have the superior moral interest of everyone in their minds and ideology. They cannot accept being wrong, they refuse the very fact that anyone could ever have a different opinion than them. This is what make them dangerous. Laws have been passed to put people in prison in the UK just because they would disagree openly with a religion such as Islam. It is against the law here in Canada to talk about Christmas publicly, it was judged immoral by our governement.

They just "get offended" "discredite" or simply "judge immoral" anything they dislike, and when they have the power they create laws to destroy freedom of speech. Just like those safe spaces.

Instead of bringing an argument in a conversation they just call people names. For the nazis it was the bolch, the jews the gays... For the libtards, we are the biggots, the racists, the intolerants. Just because we disagree with them.

People in a few decades will remember the liberals and SJW as the political movement who nearly destroyed us. Enabled violence and terrorism to take action in our countries. And probably could have caused the WW3 with the russians.

I just found by occasion that. Seems a bit in a vibe with what you wrote:

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