Donald Trump
I came up to realize there are two kind of Muslims in this world
The radicals who wants to kill us And the moderates who tells us how and why we deserved to be killed while defending their religions There're is also this special branch of social justice warrior who call us racist while we critic an ideology that wants us dead. |
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Funny thing is I hate every religion the same but I am never called a racist for saying christianity is bad. Only when I say Islam is bad I am called a racist.
It s also not my fault most of the mass murderers those days are claiming to do it in the name of Islam. I never understood how you can change "race" each time you convert to a religion either. This "racist" word is really used stupidly. " yea it s funny, if they read those stupid books they would see the main ideology about those 3 religions are killing those who don t convert, by force or by their god. The real bigotry is in those "holy books" promoting Gay killing, women beating and animal sacrifices. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Dec 20, 2016, 9:14:12 AM
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" Amen to that xD I'm someone who isn't pro religion at all, and I'm not scared to say what I think about religions in general. I can talk against christianity all day long, no one would say a word against me. I can talk against Judaism too, same. But everytime I say a tad against Islam I'm the worst human being, gonna tells you something. The most dangerous ideologies are the ones who refuses to be criticized. also we should already agree on this, Islam is a religion, which is an ideology which is.... no a race. |
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" [Removed by Support] This is a buff © 2016 The Experts ™ 2017 Last edited by Alexcc_GGG#0000 on Dec 20, 2016, 9:23:25 AM
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" You are also several times less likely to be killed or hurt, when you criticize Christianity, Judaism, Hiduism, Sikhism, Buddhism... While terrorism is not exclusive to Islam, the vast majority of terrorism is perpetrated by (sunni) islamists. The discrepancy per capita is absurd. Read the Europol stats for 2015 - out of 300+ victims of terrorism in 2015, only ONE (=1) was not due to islamic terrorism. Islamism has its own friggin chapter in the report! The vast majority of terrorism in Europe (like 99%) is done by islamist ideology & marxist ideology. And if you account that a good portion of marxist terror falls on PKK Kurd migrants that are fighting Turks in Germany, you see that without immigration from that shitty middle east, EU would be almost without terror incidents. When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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" Fear, that's all that is inside of you. You allowed it. Now it feasts on you. You lost control. And you try to regain it by offending more than a billion people in this world. And don't even see how stupid and unrealistic this is. Fear got you. You lost. And that's why your "ideology" sounds so hollow. Some few attacks were enough to scare the shit out of you. Because you allowed it. Coward. You don't know how to fight. So you just copy the philosophies of those crual, barbaric idiots that attack our freedom with the simple but powerful weapon called "fear". They spread fear and hatred. You spread fear and hatred. You are an easy target. Because you are like them. They know how you think because they know how they think. Simple, brutal attacks are enough to let you lose all your ratio, all your humanity. "They or us"? No. If you talk like this, you become like them. They are so afraid. You are so afraid. See the similarities? Running around in an ARPG-Forum and fighting the fight? Nah. You are afraid. That's all. The Sirus fight is a disgrace.
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" Yea tell a lib: 1: "making animal suffer for pleasure is bad" "forcing an ideology down people throat is wrong" "beating women and marrying underage children is wrong" "Killing gays or discriminating them is bad" "discriminating other people faith is bad" They will applaud and call you one of them. Next you tell them 2: "islam is wrong, it promote bad things" they call you racist. Then if you tell them all of the list of things said in 1 is actualy in the holy book of the Coran they just transform into this: ![]() Libs are the biggest hypocrites, they will just answer you don t like "brown" people forgetting Religion is not even a skin color. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Dec 20, 2016, 9:31:41 AM
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Amazing censorship, lovely mods. I'm impressed.
This is a buff © 2016
The Experts ™ 2017 |
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You are acting like people have no choice how to live their faith, Head_Less. How to read and interpret a book ...
Show me one guy or girl here in this thread that lives like the bible tells them to word for word. The bible tells exactly the same or other cruel things. Every ancient book does this. It is about the people how they interpret and use these books. And if they are bad people, they will use these books to do some evil shit. But that's not about Islam, that is a problem with religion or ideologies in general, don't you think? The Sirus fight is a disgrace. Last edited by ghamadvar#7236 on Dec 20, 2016, 9:37:27 AM
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" It is a forum run by a company. So: no censorship. This is a very big word for this ridiculous cause, don't you think? The Sirus fight is a disgrace.
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