Donald Trump
It really is strange which parts of my posts are being moderated. A mod just deleted a huge chunk from one of my recent posts that was simply me stating obvious facts about the modern Republican party that I doubt a single person in this thread disagrees with. It was as controversial as "water is wet," and I could easily link a dozen videos and articles to demonstrate the truth of what I said in the unlikely event someone objected. That post was only offensive in a "the truth hurts" kind of way.
I don't think a single borderline sentence I've written has been moderated, but numerous facts, often sourced with articles and videos, have been deleted. I have absolutely no idea what's going on with the moderation on this site. The moderators here have never been great, but what they're doing now is downright nonsensical. |
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Jennik is just a saltybro. Just reading his comments is utter and complete hilarity, because the salinity levels are off the charts! This topic wouldn't be as much fun without Jennik's presence here. He's a fine example of what a lack of meat products in your diet does to a human brain.
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" Jennik, the moderators here seem to have decided to make poe forums great again. Motivated by Trump's desire to make America great again. By cutting out one QQ, shouts expletive, I'm salty! *insert link* reply at a time. Although poe forums will never truly be great again unless BMBI is unbanned and posting again. And *fistbump* to the mod who triggered you. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 18, 2016, 4:39:28 PM
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"You say it's "inarguable," but what you're assuming in your final paragraph is that certain areas will be wholly discriminatory. Not "every city has a racist" (which I wouldn't disagree with) but "many cities are over 80% racist" (which I would disagree with - some, sure, but not many). Now let's imagine that, in your hometown, 50% of business owners would be racist assholes if only allowed to be. So anti-discrimination laws get repealed, and half of the establishments in your community put up "whites only" signs. What would you do? Would you continue to shop at the stores which did so? Do you honestly believe you'd be alone? Do you really believe the businesses in your community could get away with it, or do you think they'd face a choice: apologize or perish? Maybe a few could survive exclusively on the bigot market. Niche business though. How long do you figure they'd hold to "principle" before they accept the greater market? I think the key difference between individualists like me, and statists like you and Antnee, is that individualists believe that, until and unless an evil person gets their hand on a weapon, evil loses. All it takes is time and education, and good wins; good doesn't have to lower itself and break its own rules. The best evil can hope for long-term is the draw — not a win — in the form of mutual destruction, which is why that "weapon" clause is important. (By the way, the ending to the anime Death Note is perfect.) I don't think you believe what I do. I think you think you would be alone boycotting racism — or close enough to alone. I think you believe we're all inescapably evil deep down. I think you believe most white people want to be racist, most people would steal if they could get away with it, that only the threat of jail keeps the man next to you from bashing your skull in. A minority of such people, with their tools of force and fraud, can tyrannize a people. Without those tools, however, the good of the majority will prosper. And *that* is why we don't need to legislate morality, Antnee. And even in those instances, rare as they are, were the majority of us are in the ethical wrong: politics is downstream from culture. Governments don't do very well enforcing laws the people disagree with (ex: marijuana) and rarely pass laws where an ethical minority trumps an unethical majority. By the time the people collectively come to the correct ethical position, government is interference at best. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 18, 2016, 5:17:59 PM
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The problem with trying to stamp out racism, is that you're not just attacking an ideology, you're attempting to condition people to think and look at the world a specific way. And that will never work on everyone.
And another problem is you're essentially creating a society of "yes men" who will tell you whatever you want to hear to your face, but hold different views in reality. Most people aren't stupid, they know if they say something racist on social media, they might lose their jobs, etc. Now lets talk about reality here. White people in general are not comfortable living in majority Black areas, and sending their kids to majority Black schools. That doesn't mean they hate Black people, and some of them might even have Black friends, or generally judge people as individuals. Yet the left makes no distinction between these differences in view points. The ones who legitimately hate Black people (KKK) and people with the above types of views are thrown in the same boat. I think that's a huge mistake. It's almost like the left wants to chase down the last White person and make them feel as uncomfortable as possible. But if that's how they feel, then they're hypocrites. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 18, 2016, 5:33:07 PM
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" Actually it does. At least an unethical minority manipulates too many people. Unfortunately. You probably haven´t taken a look at this link: Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Dec 18, 2016, 5:45:34 PM
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" 1) We really don't need the hypotheticals here. Like I've said before, we have history. All we have to do is look at America before the civil rights movement. That is what we would go back to if you had your way. That is the logical conclusion of what you wish for. You don't need every single person to be racist in order for there to be a problem. One racist person refusing to rent to black people in a specific area of town where only she owns property will already be ruining lives. 2) Your assumptions about my beliefs are so massively off base that I can't believe you're even capable of thinking I believe that. You certainly can't logically or rationally conclude those beliefs from any posts I've written. You seriously think I believe everyone's evil and most white people are racist? Jesus Christ, man. Come on. Irrational leaps to outlandish and absurd conclusions like that are why we can't have intelligent conversations. Everything you projected onto me there is just fucking nuts. If you consistently misinterpret reality to such an outrageous degree, no fucking wonder you hated Hillary and loved Trump. Most people aren't racist. The problem is that enough people are racist for there to be a problem. The market has never magically corrected for racism, and, despite your insistence that it will in the future, there's no rational reason to believe this will have changed. It's like all those people believing Donald Trump, a rancid, evil piece of shit for 70 years who ran on a campaign of lies, bigotry, and corruption, will suddenly turn over a new leaf now that he's president. It's willful delusion and wishful thinking. Minorities will suffer if businesses are allowed to persecute them freely. Not everyone will persecute them, and not all of them will suffer, but enough will. What are you throwing them under the bus in exchange for? You almost certainly have nothing to lose by allowing people to persecute these minorities. They have everything to lose. And some of them will. |
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" Maybe I should have elaborated a little more on my point. I noticed a vast majority of the social conditioning is empathy reliant. Not everyone is going to connect with that sort of approach. I personally don't. And I'm personally OK with being a "terrible human being" for not agreeing with somebody. This isn't just the left who does this, but anyone with any sort of political agenda seeking to condition people into seeing things a certain way, and thinking in a certain way will use similar methods. Often religion is even used to shore it up. If religion is an obstacle, then it's viciously attacked. I could write a massive wall of text about this just based on personal observations, and attempts at deconstructing their motives/methods. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 18, 2016, 5:49:24 PM
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"1. And as I already said, there was an organized crime ring called the KKK ensuring that anyone who tried to open a desegregated business would suffer. We DO need laws to protect new entrepreneurs from interference from established entities, who would stifle such competition. 2. Okay, so instead of thinking a majority would be wrong, you think a minority being wrong is too much. As if moving to a new apartment across town or getting a job with a different employer is the end of the world. Do you really view your position in life as so thoroughly cemented to those who employ or rent to you that, instead of seeking alternatives, you must fetch a legislator to make them do what you feel is right? Briefly, I was both tenant and employee to one of the most racist landlords in Detroit. What he did was certainly unethical and probably illegal. But he didn't hide who he was, and his tenants of all colors knew what he was. I joined the fucking Army. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 18, 2016, 5:58:56 PM
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Scrotes, do you honestly not comprehend how a black man not being allowed to live in a certain part of the city can negatively affect him? How not being able to accept a good job because he can't live within traveling distance can hurt? How not being able to get a good job in his area because the two people hiring won't hire a black man can lead to him suffering?
I honestly don't know how to respond to what you're saying here. The utter lack of empathy or willingness to learn about what people actually went through and how they suffered prior to the civil rights movement is concerning. Please, and I really mean this, look into what's going on with that. It's not a sign of anything good. And, yet again since you keep ignoring it, what are you getting in exchange for all of these minorities suffering that remotely justifies their suffering? What benefit comes remotely close to justifying that cost, which, I again remind you, you are forcing other people to pay. |
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