Donald Trump

Antnee wrote:
Jojas wrote:
Good speech by Trump with the Mex Pres. Say what you will, but that was pretty nifty.
I watched it. He seemed very bored. Very "low energy".

I think this is a preview of what Debate Trump is going to look like.

(and I look forward to contrasting it with tonights Arizona speech)

That "low energy" might be due to him trying to come off as "presidential", and him reading off of a script. And very likely him being exhausted. I think if he had been like that all the time Hillary could have kissed the presidency goodbye long ago.
Jojas wrote:
Antnee wrote:
Jojas wrote:
Good speech by Trump with the Mex Pres. Say what you will, but that was pretty nifty.
I watched it. He seemed very bored. Very "low energy".

I think this is a preview of what Debate Trump is going to look like.

(and I look forward to contrasting it with tonights Arizona speech)

That "low energy" might be due to him trying to come off as "presidential", and him reading off of a script.
And very likely him being exhausted. I think if he had been like that all the time Hillary could have kissed the presidency goodbye long ago.
Or, it could be that it's easy to talk unprecedented amounts of shit about mexico/mexicans here in the states --surrounded by lily-white angry crowds who hang on his every word-- and not so easy when you're standing face to face with the people you've been railing on for months.

Or tired. We'll see tonight.

And, if he'd been like this the entire campaign? Well, I don't think there would have been a campaign. He got to where he is by being loud, brash, and "honest", not by reading off a script. This "stateman" Trump is a pale imitation of some of the people he campaigned against in the primaries; why not just vote for one of them?
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Oh man that shit was great

cucks and weaklings btfo and mad by the looks of it, look how hard antnee is grasping at straws and scrambling

anything is everything
Last edited by Manocean on Aug 31, 2016, 8:46:27 PM

Based Huck.

Hillary is doing 3 fundraisers in foreign countries before the general election, what a joke of a presidential candidate, only beta males and 3rd wave tumblr feminists would support her if Trump didn't exist

Meanwhile, Trump is filling stadiums while Hillary can barely fill a high school auditorium. What a low energy candidate. It should have been Bernie vs Trump but the process was rigged against Bernie like no other candidate before.

The two candidates that can fill entire stadiums full of people should be duking it out, not one candidate that can do that and another that has to take 3 day naps and can't walk up a set of stairs by herself and not even fill a small venue to capacity.
anything is everything
Last edited by Manocean on Aug 31, 2016, 8:55:14 PM
Manocean wrote:
Hillary is doing 3 fundraisers in foreign countries before the general election, what a joke of a presidential candidate, only beta males and 3rd wave tumblr feminists would support her if Trump didn't exist

But trump does exist, what's your point? That trump is so controversial that otherwise sane people are drawn to hillary? Ok, I'll give you that one.
You won't get no glory on that side of the hole.
I don't like either candidate, but I think that Hillary is going to win in a landslide.......I don't think Trump has a prayer of a chance. He's lost a ton of support over the last couple of months. He seems desperate in his speeches.

Worst 2 candidates ever in my opinion.....
Mentoya wrote:
I don't like either candidate, but I think that Hillary is going to win in a landslide.......I don't think Trump has a prayer of a chance. He's lost a ton of support over the last couple of months. He seems desperate in his speeches.

Worst 2 candidates ever in my opinion.....

Yeah, it's like a choice between the class clown (he's just missing the nose) and the class convict (she's just missing the orange pantsuit)- and neither one of them have any class.

PoE Origins - Piety's story
Hahaha based Huck. Love that guy.

Also mfw Trump will make Nieto his biggest ally in fighting globalism and libs can't do shit about it.

(there is no face)
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion on Sep 1, 2016, 1:15:38 AM
I uh... think you might wanna check with Nieto.

Yeah, as I thought, he was much more energetic and forceful in Arizona. Typical keyboard-warrior bully, can't man up to the people he talks down to.
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Antnee wrote:
I uh... think you might wanna check with Nieto.

Yeah, as I thought, he was much more energetic and forceful in Arizona. Typical keyboard-warrior bully, can't man up to the people he talks down to.

Don't be mad just because he was presidential as fuck :P

Also mfw Trump held more press conferences in Mexico this year than Hillary in the US.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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