Donald Trump

I like how "didn't shit in his pants on stage" is now "presidential". I'd like to know where all that liberal media bias is, seeing as his standard for presidential is non-existent.

But, to really drive home my point, watch the Arizona speech, THEN watch the Mexico speech. He's clearly a coward.
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Antnee wrote:
I like how "didn't shit in his pants on stage" is now "presidential". I'd like to know where all that liberal media bias is, seeing as his standard for presidential is non-existent.

But, to really drive home my point, watch the Arizona speech, THEN watch the Mexico speech. He's clearly a coward.

The Arizona speech was better in the original german.
Donald Trump illegally employed underage females to work as models. He even made them live in a basement.

Since the Trumpanzees in this thread likely won't read/click on the link (because they only read Breitbart), here are some doozy quotes.

"When Blais lived in the apartment, she recalled, a Trump agency representative who served as a chaperone had a bedroom to herself on the ground floor of the building. A narrow flight of stairs led down to the basement, where the models lived in two small bedrooms that were crammed with bunk beds—two in one room, three in the other. An additional mattress was located in a common area near the stairs. At times, the apartment could be occupied by 11 or more people."

"We're herded into these small spaces," Kate said. "The apartment was like a sweatshop."

"It is like modern-day slavery" Blais said of working for Trump Model Management—and she is not alone in describing her time with Trump's company in those terms. Former Trump model Alexia Palmer, who filed a lawsuit against Trump Model Management for fraud and wage theft in 2014, has said she "felt like a slave."

"Trump Model Management recruited models as young as 14. "I was by far the oldest in the house at the ripe old age of 18," Anna said. "The bathroom always smelled like burned hair. I will never forget the place!" She added, "I taught myself how to write, 'Please clean up after yourself' in Russian."

TLDR: Trump trafficked in slave-labor, loosely re-enacted the movie, "Taken", but IRL.

Last edited by coatofarms on Sep 1, 2016, 1:53:51 PM
The modelling industry is shit, news at 11.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
The modelling industry is shit, news at 11.

The modeling industry isn't running for POTUS.
Interesting how you're willing to just gently brush that issue aside.

Very interesting.
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coatofarms wrote:

TLDR: Trump trafficked in slave-labor, loosely re-enacted the movie, "Taken", but IRL.
That doesn't even remotely resemble a reasonable conclusion of actually reading the linked article.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Praise for Donald Trump's Arizona speech from the far right.

David Duke"Excellent speech by Donald Trump tonight. Deport criminal aliens, end catch and release, enforce immigration laws & America First."

Jared Taylor"Hell of a speech. Almost perfect. Logical, deeply felt, and powerfully delivered. Now watch how the media twists it."

Richard B. Spencer"Trump is returning to the ideas of the 1924 Immigration Act. 1965 will be repealed. 1924 will be revived." #TrumpAZ

Virginia Dare"In a sane country, everything Trump has proposed tonight so far would be regarded as so obviously true it wouldn't even be up for debate."

Ann Coulter"I think I'll watch this speech every night before going to bed so that I will sleep like a baby."

-Donald Trump, candidate for the party of racial hatred.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
That doesn't even remotely resemble a reasonable conclusion of actually reading the linked article.

Um, Trump wasn't re-enacting Liam Neeson's character. Trump recruited foreign girls between the age of 14 and 18 to illegally work for him out of a basement.

DalaiLama wrote:

Yeah, it's like a choice between the class clown (he's just missing the nose) and the class convict (she's just missing the orange pantsuit)- and neither one of them have any class.

Can't really call someone a convict when you fail to throw them in jail or convict them of any crimes. Semantics, people! You are free to call her evil or corrupted.

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