Donald Trump

coatofarms wrote:
Donald Trump illegally employed underage females to work as models. He even made them live in a basement.

From the article:

"models who came to the United States on tourist visas"

So, they were in the country legally, but not permitted to work. They didn't sneak across the border escorted by drug dealers, they didn't hit a fire truck, then hit a car, and then hit a pickup truck, killing Fire Chief Spencer Chauvin and Jermaine Starr and injuring 36 other people did they?

The article mentioned that 2 of the 4 they talked with didn't have work visas - which mean the other two did.

From the article:

"Blais provided a detailed financial statement from Trump Model Management and a letter from an immigration lawyer who, in the fall of 2004, eventually secured a visa that would permit her to work legally in the United States. These records show a six-month gap between when she began working in the United States and when she was granted a work visa."

Six whole months? Scandalous! Trump should have given a couple million to the Condoleeza Foundation, for a luncheon with Ms Rice and some expedited visas. Oh, SNAP! Condoleeza wasn't running a dubious side business back then, like Hillary was.


Hrod17 Your Visa Warehouse Supply Woman in action again, helping you with Her superpowers, and your super contribution!:

Date: Tue. 5 May 2009 10:45:55 – 0700

To: Casey Wasserman

Subject: [Redacted] Wolverhampton FC/visa matter

Casey: Paul Martin’s [popular English footballer] client [Redacted] needs to get an expedited appointment at the US Embassy in London this week and we have hit some road blocks. I am writing to ask for your help.

The Wolverhampton FC is coming to Las Vegas this Thursday for a “celebration break.” [Redacted] so he cannot get a visa to the US without first being “interviewed” in the visa section of the US Embassy in London …

I contacted Senator Boxer’s office in SF for help … They balked at the criminal charge and said they “couldn’t help.”

I’m now trying to get help from Sherrod Brown’s office but that’s not going well either. So do you have any ideas/contacts that could contact the US Embassy in London and ask that they see [Redacted] tomorrow?


"When Blais lived in the apartment, she recalled, a Trump agency representative who served as a chaperone had a bedroom to herself on the ground floor of the building. A narrow flight of stairs led down to the basement, where the models lived in two small bedrooms that were crammed with bunk beds—two in one room, three in the other. An additional mattress was located in a common area near the stairs. At times, the apartment could be occupied by 11 or more people."

"We're herded into these small spaces," Kate said. "The apartment was like a sweatshop."

From the same article you linked:

"Models' apartments, as they're known in the industry, are dormitory-style quarters where agencies pack their talent into bunks, in some cases charging the models sky-high rent and pocketing a profit."

So this "apartment" was no different then other such "apartments" being run in the modeling business back then?

From the same article you linked:

"Fashion industry sources say that skirting immigration law in the manner that the three former Trump models described was once commonplace in the modeling world"

The first question that arose when I saw the headline was - I wonder, if just maybe, there's a lawsuit involved....

Sure enough:

"Now, the girls are suing their former boss"

So after (IF) these three women and their lawyers get their millions in payoffs will they release a statement saying:

""Our business relationship was intensely passionate and at times flirted with the rules, but always bound by love and mutual respect,"

You mentioned that shocking fact that models are often young. Who would have thought that youth and beauty would be linked? It certainly wouldn't have to do with anything like having skin that hasn't had much a chance to be ravaged by hormonal maturation or the daily wear and tear of time would it?

TLDR: Trump was late getting work permits - Three women are hoping to cash in big with a lawsuit, now that their former employer is running for president.

As for the site itself- Mother Jones is somewhere between Breitbart and the Enquirer, except that they take the bias factor and double it.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama on Sep 1, 2016, 3:25:04 PM
DalaiLama wrote:

Six whole months? Scandalous! Trump should have given a couple million to the Condoleeza Foundation, for a luncheon with Ms Rice and some expedited visas. Oh, SNAP! Condoleeza wasn't running a dubious side business back then, like Hillary was.

This thread is about Trump, not Hillary. Try to concentrate. Trump broke the law.

From the article,

"Employers caught hiring noncitizens without proper visas can be fined up to $16,000 per employee and, in some cases, face up to six months in prison."

DalaiLama wrote:

So this "apartment" was no different then other such "apartments" being run in the modeling business back then?

Apparently, Trump's modeling agency was the worst in the business.

From the article,

"Honestly, they are the most crooked agency I've ever worked for, and I've worked for quite a few," said Rachel Blais.

Not sure how you can justify 11 people living in a two small bedroom apartment regardless of whether or not it's industry practice.

DalaiLama wrote:

You mentioned that shocking fact that models are often young. Who would have thought that youth and beauty would be linked? It certainly wouldn't have to do with anything like having skin that hasn't had much a chance to be ravaged by hormonal maturation or the daily wear and tear of time would it?

Trump imported foreign models between the ages of 14 and 18 because they are vulnerable and easy to take advantage of. These girls aren't likely to have friends and family in the US. It's questionable how good their English even is. Furthermore, how many of these underage girls that worked for Trump even went to school?

DalaiLama wrote:

TLDR: Trump was late getting work permits - Three women are hoping to cash in big with a lawsuit, now that their former employer is running for president.

Trump wasn't late getting the work visas. The article directly contradicts you. From the article,

"Trump Model Management sponsored only its most successful models for work visas, the three former models said. Those who didn't cut it were sent home, as was the case, Blais noted, with many of her roommates.

It was very much the case of you earn your visa," Anna said. "Essentially, if you got enough work and they liked you enough, they'd pay for a visa, but you weren't about to see a dime before you could prove your worth."

TLDR: Trump is a criminal who broke the law. He knowingly imported foreign underage girls to illegally work for him (he even had them locked up in a basement!). If the girls didn't do a good job, he sent them back to their countries. That's cruel.
Last edited by coatofarms on Sep 1, 2016, 4:19:23 PM
deathflower wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:

Yeah, it's like a choice between the class clown (he's just missing the nose) and the class convict (she's just missing the orange pantsuit)- and neither one of them have any class.

Can't really call someone a convict when you fail to throw them in jail or convict them of any crimes. Semantics, people! You are free to call her evil or corrupted.

It's a simile. I didn't say she WAS convicted of any crimes, nor did I say she was Hillary.

Note: You didn't say he can't be a clown when he actually wasn't in a circus.

Pssst. Over here. I have some H_1B Visas, 1 million for a 12 pack, 2 mil for a 50 pack. Meet-n-Greet with foreign leaders for 500Ks or Eat-n-Greet with Her majesty herself for 1mil.
What'll it be? You buyin, or you want I should call you a bus to step in front of?
PoE Origins - Piety's story
coatofarms wrote:
This thread is about Trump, not Hillary. Try to concentrate. Trump broke the law.

Only "Intent" matters these days...

Apparently Melania will be having a meeting with Loretta Lynch on a private plane parked on the runway, and then FBI director Comey will announce " Trump had been “extremely careless” but did not show an intent to break the law.

Did Trump allegedly break the law, or did his corporation or LLC allegedly break the law? There's a separation of responsibility, unless Donald actually made the decision himself.

coatofarms wrote:
Apparently, Trump's modeling agency was the worst in the business.

So, you're saying he owned the Dalmation with the most spots, or what?

coatofarms wrote:
Not sure how you can justify 11 people living in a two small bedroom apartment regardless of whether or not it's industry practice.

Try to concentrate - I didn't justify it, I put it in perspective.

coatofarms wrote:
Trump imported foreign models between the ages of 14 and 18 because they are vulnerable and easy to take advantage of.

Bzzzt. Wrong. Most modeling agencies (domestic and otherwise)go for very young models (as young as they can find that have an adult face. Puberty and the ensuing growth to adulthood causes acne. Acne and thousand dollar a day photoshoots for Glamour don't go together.

The models they keep past 16 or 17 years have usually achieved some sort of recognition for their looks, or celebrity status.

coatofarms wrote:
These girls aren't likely to have friends and family in the US.

And a 30 yr old model likely would? The fact that they are in another country determines that fact.

coatofarms wrote:
It's questionable how good their English even is.

What language is she speaking at the moment that picture is taken? Camera's don't read lips, and magazines don't have talking ad pages yet.

Do you think these future voters (No ID required) have questionable English skills?

Fortunately - those "racist" English only laws have been sent packing, so there's no need for the models to speak English now is there?

coatofarms wrote:
Furthermore, how many of these underage girls that worked for Trump even went to school?

I'd wager that far more of them went to school, then murdered US citizens and were released by ICE

I find it interesting that someone with a high school education, making $75K a year - when the prevailing wage in her occupation at that location was %45,900 is considered slave labor. (using documents linked by the article you linked)


PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama on Sep 1, 2016, 5:32:14 PM
The improper donation, a $25,000 gift from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, was made in 2013. At the time, Attorney General Pam Bondi was considering whether to investigate fraud allegations against Trump University. She decided not to pursue the case.

This is what actual quid-pro-quo looks like, in case anyone needed a break from hand-wringing over the latest Clinton nothingburger.

Trump bribed an attorney general, using his "charity" as a fuckin slush fund.

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Antnee wrote:
The improper donation, a $25,000 gift from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, was made in 2013. At the time, Attorney General Pam Bondi was considering whether to investigate fraud allegations against Trump University. She decided not to pursue the case.

This is what actual quid-pro-quo looks like, in case anyone needed a break from hand-wringing over the latest Clinton nothingburger.

Trump bribed an attorney general, using his "charity" as a fuckin slush fund.


Trump's had more than one or two of those questionable slush fund activities, IIRC.

They should have been investigated, like any other alleged potential bribe.

On a side note - At least he was GIVING money instead of taking it.

PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama on Sep 1, 2016, 5:36:14 PM
DalaiLama wrote:
Antnee wrote:
The improper donation, a $25,000 gift from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, was made in 2013. At the time, Attorney General Pam Bondi was considering whether to investigate fraud allegations against Trump University. She decided not to pursue the case.

This is what actual quid-pro-quo looks like, in case anyone needed a break from hand-wringing over the latest Clinton nothingburger.

Trump bribed an attorney general, using his "charity" as a fuckin slush fund.


Trump's had more than one or two of those questionable slush fund activities, IIRC.

They should have been investigated, like any other alleged potential bribe.

On a side note - At least he was GIVING money instead of taking it.

I mean, we would know that if we had some sort of documentation regarding his income. Like, say, a tax return.
A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter:

Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us:
Antnee wrote:
Interesting how you're willing to just gently brush that issue aside.

Very interesting.

It's peanuts compared to what Hillary did as SoS so I'll let it slide.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
DalaiLama wrote:
deathflower wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:

Yeah, it's like a choice between the class clown (he's just missing the nose) and the class convict (she's just missing the orange pantsuit)- and neither one of them have any class.

Can't really call someone a convict when you fail to throw them in jail or convict them of any crimes. Semantics, people! You are free to call her evil or corrupted.

It's a simile. I didn't say she WAS convicted of any crimes, nor did I say she was Hillary.

Note: You didn't say he can't be a clown when he actually wasn't in a circus.

Pssst. Over here. I have some H_1B Visas, 1 million for a 12 pack, 2 mil for a 50 pack. Meet-n-Greet with foreign leaders for 500Ks or Eat-n-Greet with Her majesty herself for 1mil.
What'll it be? You buyin, or you want I should call you a bus to step in front of?

You can be a clown without being in a circus. He who must not be named is free to be a clown.

If He who must not be named is meeting foreign leaders for free, she who must not be named has to do it for free too, assuming these foreign leaders has important issues to discuss. If you are the president, it is kinda your job. Except He who must not be named is not the president yet, that would make him a presidential impostor.
DalaiLama you conveniently ignored me, so I'll repost.

coatofarms wrote:

DalaiLama wrote:

TLDR: Trump was late getting work permits - Three women are hoping to cash in big with a lawsuit, now that their former employer is running for president.

Trump wasn't late getting the work visas. The article directly contradicts you. From the article,

"Trump Model Management sponsored only its most successful models for work visas, the three former models said. Those who didn't cut it were sent home, as was the case, Blais noted, with many of her roommates.

It was very much the case of you earn your visa," Anna said. "Essentially, if you got enough work and they liked you enough, they'd pay for a visa, but you weren't about to see a dime before you could prove your worth."

TLDR: Trump is a criminal who broke the law. He knowingly imported foreign underage girls to illegally work for him (he even had them locked up in a basement!). If the girls didn't do a good job, he sent them back to their countries. That's cruel.

Is the most intellectually dishonest joke on PoE forums unable to respond with a straw man? (which is all you ever seem to do)

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