Donald Trump

ScrotieMcB wrote:
In Trump's case, it's probably only an appearance. But that's been the Republican strategy for years - lure in the libertarian vote were promised of smaller government and laugh all the way to the bank.

Both candidates are horrible. But if my choices are "mentally unhinged narcissist who might start a world war" or "continued status quo of the rich fucking this country and eroding liberty," then unfortunately the former is the better gamble. Precisely because he might, just maybe, do something dangerously stupid. More likely not, of course; I'm not expecting much.

In other words, the way I see it is: we are choosing who is going to fuck us. The government isn't your friend, it's the friend of special interests, the friend of the corrupt owners; it's the enemy of liberty, the enemy of your life and goals and dreams. Do you want the sane enemy, or the crazy enemy? Trump is the lesser evil - not in the sense normally used, but in the sense of more likely to fuck up.

Well, I think, anyway. I guess there's an argument H is worse, therefore better.

So... the current status quo is so bad that Voting Trump is the better choice because he might start World War 3 and destroy the World and all civilization as we know it? How does that make sense?
Because the people are losing. They can continue to lose without a fight, or fight back.
Antnee wrote:
There was no vote manipulation there- Trump is implying that this will happen in the general. There was no cheating during the conventions- Trump says that is the only way he loses Pennsylvania.

THAT is the issue here. He's convincing a large swath of the electorate that their vote will not be counted, and the election itself is a farce. Please tell me you understand how goddamn reckless that is!
Absolutely. It's way, way too honest. In all the previous farces - one every four years for decades now - not a single candidate dared point it out.

Although it is only properly understood with the caveat that voting Trump doesn't make your vote matter, either. Unless he screws up somehow.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Aug 29, 2016, 2:31:57 PM
I don't get it, people claim they hate the current system yet still vote for it even though there's a write-in option. If you don't like current party politics then vote for an outsider. I've heard dozens of people say that it won't matter, and that it would be a wasted vote. It wont win the election, but if a non-party candidate were even to snag 3% it'd at least send a message.
Not my real account anymore, use it for forums while I work
You might also know me as "Thisisnotmyrealaccount" to which I forgot the E-mail for.
My real account is Einkil1, it's my steam account which is why I can't access it at work >.>
Or you could just not vote; that creates a statistic as well.

Just to be clear, I'm not voting. If I was literally forced to vote, I'd vote Trump. But I won't be forced.

I might write in go fuck yourselves. Assuming it's without legal repercussion.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Aug 29, 2016, 3:14:08 PM
Einkil wrote:
I don't get it, people claim they hate the current system yet still vote for it even though there's a write-in option. If you don't like current party politics then vote for an outsider. I've heard dozens of people say that it won't matter, and that it would be a wasted vote. It wont win the election, but if a non-party candidate were even to snag 3% it'd at least send a message.

Mainer here. Let's talk about "Protest voting".
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ScrotieMcB wrote:
Or you could just not vote; that creates a statistic as well.

Just to be clear, I'm not voting. If I was literally forced to vote, I'd vote Trump. But I won't be forced.

I might write in go fuck yourselves. Assuming it's without legal repercussion.

I was heavily thinking about not voting, but I would rather vote for someone who parodies the political system.
Not my real account anymore, use it for forums while I work
You might also know me as "Thisisnotmyrealaccount" to which I forgot the E-mail for.
My real account is Einkil1, it's my steam account which is why I can't access it at work >.>
Antnee wrote:
Einkil wrote:
I don't get it, people claim they hate the current system yet still vote for it even though there's a write-in option. If you don't like current party politics then vote for an outsider. I've heard dozens of people say that it won't matter, and that it would be a wasted vote. It wont win the election, but if a non-party candidate were even to snag 3% it'd at least send a message.

Mainer here. Let's talk about "Protest voting".

I'll try ton read it soon, I've only got about 10 minutes until I need to start doing data sheets, so I wont have time till I get home from work
Not my real account anymore, use it for forums while I work
You might also know me as "Thisisnotmyrealaccount" to which I forgot the E-mail for.
My real account is Einkil1, it's my steam account which is why I can't access it at work >.>
Really no need.

If you've been keeping up in the news, you're probably familiar with the name Paul LePage- the asshole currently governing my state. He's in office because Mainers love them some independent/third party politicians, and in both 2010 and 2014, he won because people who voted against him were split between the independent and the Dem.

It's a very real case of people 'voting their conscience' and getting fucked for it. Luckily for us, we have a ballot measure to fix this problem.

So, when I see people 'voting their conscience' this time around, like many Mainers, I'm shaking my head.

Dude, downballot voting is just as important.
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Last edited by Antnee on Aug 30, 2016, 8:26:02 AM
anything is everything
Last edited by Manocean on Aug 30, 2016, 9:55:38 AM
Antnee wrote:
It's a very real case of people 'voting their conscience' and getting fucked for it. Luckily for us, we have a ballot measure to fix this problem.
That's a pretty darn good voting reform right there.

One little thing bothers me though: IRV is described as [counting all first-rank votes], eliminating a single loser, upranking votes below the eliminated candidate, repeat. Why isn't it [counting all nth-ranked or higher votes], where n = quantity of non-eliminated candidates minus one? This wouldn't have a dramatic effect on three-candidate elections (the clear Maine focus) but would be pretty important for elections with four or more candidates, which are likely to develop under such a system. Redacted: realized why this doesn't work. Let's say you have a blue state with one left and two right candidates. 55% vote left first; 25% vote right1 first and left last; 20% vote right2 first and left last. Right1 wins unless at least 81.82% of left-first voters rank the more popular right-wing candidate last.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Aug 30, 2016, 11:57:51 AM

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