Petition to un-nerf revenants
" Where were the revenants before the release, they didnt exist, revenants are act 4 monsters... You are going to summon act 4 monsters for act 4, you dont go to a lower level act to summon lower level monsters, you make no sense dude. Last edited by Sixpackand2guns#4669 on Jul 24, 2015, 7:56:31 AM
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" that seems a fair bit biased , yes basic summoners are infact cheap. But jsut because something is cheap does not mean it should have an artificially low power ceiling. There are expensive summoner setups too, they do require investment and they do require sacrifices. summoners are safe only in that they dont get hit as often. but the big thing most people forget is to get it that way most summoners have to cast off the majoirty of conventional defense. summoners dont get leech , they dont get endurance charges , they dont get much armor or evasion and even when they do get a decent amount it does nothing against the one off big hits. All they can get really is a large pool of es and hp and they do so while hoping to god they dont get hit twice in a row. because of the lack of for-mentioned leech or even crit their only real method of recovery is passive regen and a limited pool of potions. many summoner builds dont need many items true, but there are also many more summoner builds that are heavily reliant on several particular items. items with one good stat and several terrible ones , items like vis mortis which is basically 300 es and some mana . that is all we get on our chest for a specter. or the bones of ullr which has pretty low move speed , low mana and low life with no resists or the queens decree which has no beneficial stats to the user at all or midnight which has negative stats. in short if we do want clear speed , we do have to make concessions that put us at risk. It is not like we get everything for free. That whole concept is bullshit dredged up from hardcore where dps plays second fiddle to survivability. you are comparing a turtle to a bunch of slugs in a foot race of slow creatures OF course its going to look good there. and yeah in hardcore summoners do feel like they get a ton of power for low risk. but just like there are softcore versions of hardcore build that clear much faster , there really should be an option to have a softcore version of a summoner that clears pretty well. and due to limits in specter ai (which makes 99% of all mobs in the game unusable) we really have nothing that works. revenants did this and if felt great , was their single target too good , yes it was but the way they went about addressing that was akin to removing rocks from a sandcastle by using a snow shovel. Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Jul 24, 2015, 8:02:25 AM
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I think this petition will not work, but still I will give my opinion. I created my summoner character with Evangelist as the specter. After starting mapping, I figured that level 67 monster was not on par with level 75 maps. I basically only used evangelist for the shield and let the zombies do the cleaning. I switch to Revenants, since it's clear speed was good, and at least we could pick up level 70 revenants with one WP to the Harvest.
People say that people who plays with revenants are bad players that just copied a build. I don't know about that, I didn't copy anyone build, I just reused one I did in the HC league (bloodlines) in 1.3. I am not a good player, I am a casual player, I like to level a character up and in the end check the result. If rules at the end change will make me upset, since the planning I did was not taking in consideration certain aspects. According to GGG patch notes, the revenants were nerfed due to killing players, and if that was the case they could have made revenants throw 6 projectiles (instead of 5) and reduce the 30% dmg. I don't understand the fact that the number of projectiles affect the revenants one shot kill. What worries me more is the fact just because a mob is killing players it should be nerfed. This game is becoming very similar to Dubai, where people like to show up on the streets showing their new Ferrari. In this game I only see players 80 level plus full of microtransactions showing themselves in the towns. The game should be difficult, the players should be prepared to die when not paying attention or when making a mistake. I already died so many times to Devourers, and I hate them, I really do, but that should not be a reason to be nerfed, but rather should be a reason for me to pay more attention and to prepare some flasks when I hear them. The same should be happening with Revenants, players should find ways to survive to mobs rather than just make those mobs easy. |
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" Its ok, and i totally understand your point and that you have trouble to kill them without dying. but pls understand that you are not the only person who plays the game, and nerfing revenants is alright like i said, but not so much to make them completely shit. this nerf throws me back so much that i have to do 3-4lvl lower maps than before and still having trouble or its last forever to kill a pack of magics. that is in my opinion simply to much. GGG should atleast buff the raise spectre spell and keep the revenants nerfed in PVP and as an ecounter in PVE. i dont think its to much trying to make everybody happy or? i dont want to be op, but i want to get a fair deal. or give me atleast the possibility to respecc or add me 90 regrets. |
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Effective summoners are reliant on certain items, where as other builds can be made cheaper, and better with maybe 1 or 2 build specific items. You run dual midnights for your summoner? you take a 60% hp hit, you lose a shield, possible resists and benifit for slightly more minions, when you play summoner, the better you make your minions, the weaker your person becomes. People crying summoners op with old revenants do not know what they are talking about. You are severely limited in options with summoners. You want to run low life with midnights you better hope you can get high es and an EXPENSIVE 5-6L chaos blocking armor with es, not the garbage armor with no es. Minions are not easy, not by a long shot. The minion buffing you get with gear kills your person so you are running around having to plan and be more precise than other other build. Its not just sit back and watch your minions. Its play smart because you can and will get one shotted if you invest in minions heavily, which is REQUIRED to run maps. This is not required for many builds to invest every single thing in their dps to clear maps, minions however it is.
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Another point is that nobody want get the feeling to be weak. People putting effort and time in the game to get stronger. now somebody come over night and throws everything you did to get a good feeling over board and you lose currency, time, and the joy to play the way you did.
the problem is, some people come crying for a nerf, GGG nerfed, and the other players that dont want a nerf are f***ed in the rectum without having the chance to do anything about it cause GGG dont change a nerf since it got live? wow really fair situation. find a good middle way, that the only thing i want. |
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Buff raise specter gem damage by at least 30%, fix the AI of specters and give them faster attack and cast speed by 10%
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actually just fixing the ai on most mobs as specters would be a good start.
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" I think this is a different matter. Ofc everyone has suggestions of how to improve the summoner build, and we could be here suggesting 1000 different things. The point here, is that people spent some time leveling a character, and in the end the result was crap, not because of the planing, nor the decisions made on items and tree, but rather on a huge nerf on the main "weapon" of the build. And even bigger problem is that this nerf is due to people complaining that they are dying against a mob (what would they expect the mob to do? give them kisses? run away in fear? just die when they look at him?) Last edited by rojomacofe#5529 on Jul 24, 2015, 10:08:06 AM
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"Where were the revenants before the release, they didnt exist"
Exactly. This shouldn't make or break your build. For what it's worth the day before this was fixed, I did notice that they were doing way too much damage compared to everything else in the level in merciless difficulty. Last edited by Say_Ten#0105 on Jul 24, 2015, 10:48:26 AM
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