Petition to un-nerf revenants

kuling12345 wrote:

Even if instead of nerfing them, they buffed them with 30% more damage, they still wouldn't be remotely close to a strong GG reave/coc/disc/inc/cyclone, etc -build.

And they didn't just nerf it by 30% less damage. they ALSO decreased the amount of projectiles they casted, by 2.. Like that affects solo exiles getting 1 shotted. " this wasnt ment as a summoner nerf guys, JKJK"
If that was true, then surely you would've compensated for the nerf.

So now we have to get, more damage at cost of survivablitiy and replace a gem slot for lmp/gmp so we end up with even less damage -_-

Devourers were, and still are alot more dangerous than revenants, why not nerf them aswell? Infact, why not nerf every single monster in the entire game by giving them 99% less damage, so that we all can facetank uber atziri with white gear, huh? Aslong as it's not a nerf to summoner, it should be ok, right?

GJ to the retards that went into a4/high maps without gear

I hate to disappoint you kuling but knowing GGG, there is no way they will un-nerf revenants since GGG made it quite clear how little they care about summoners (but ironically release summoner MTX)since they believe everyone is running SRS(as if that is even a real summoner build) and face tanking every challenge with no issue.
I wanted to ask why we can't just leave this thread in peace, but I suppose raising dead stuff is too ingrained into our summoner selves.

andreicde wrote:
I hate to disappoint you kuling but knowing GGG, there is no way they will un-nerf revenants since GGG made it quite clear how little they care about summoners (but ironically release summoner MTX)since they believe everyone is running SRS(as if that is even a real summoner build) and face tanking every challenge with no issue.

GGG has a staff member who plays a summoner (with spectres) intensively. Chris said that this person was also kinda the trigger for the spectre mictrotransaction.

They do care about summoners. They just believe that summoners are in a pretty good spot currently, and I agree with that.

I kind of wonder why people were raging about this nerf. Personally, I'm actually playing a summoner myself this time, and it was absolutely impossible to not see that coming. I experimented a bit with spectres (not following any guides, it's more fun for me to find things myself), found the pre-nerf revenants, used them, breezed through the content, and kept saying to my friends: "This cannot be intended - it's fun for a while, but it does not even feel like actually playing the game. It's way too strong, they'll have to correct that."

When they finally did correct it, the fix was of a much smaller magnitude than I expected. I still use revenants, and I still consider them extremely strong. In fact, in terms of build variety, I think it would have been better to nerf them more. I still would like to explore other spectre setups, like evangelists or sentinels, but the revenants are just so strong that they don't give me a reason to. Though as a player, I do of course enjoy having those very strong revenant spectres available.
Last edited by Psyringe#7951 on Sep 8, 2015, 10:38:53 AM
They are still, along with Rakangos, one of the strongest monster types in the game. And they are still very dangerous to players. Un-nerfing them would be rather silly.

They feel quite out of balance with some of the other monster types still.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Are you all on drugs?

I play 5 of those fuckers @ 208%dmg increase. Assisted by a 33% dmg animate guardian


I dualcurse enfeeble and conductivity and I can assure you those fuckers wreck alot of maps.

My previous bubble dude summoner came not even close
Vorici can shove his fuse up his [removed]
kuling12345 wrote:
Even if instead of nerfing them, they buffed them with 30% more damage, they still wouldn't be remotely close to a strong GG reave/coc/disc/inc/cyclone, etc -build.

Yet as a summoner you can do every map mod on budget, try a reflect as reave/ coc/ disc...
That was the reason to run one some time ago, didn't run one in 2.0 yet, but all my friends are stil using revenants over other mobs. In fact I would love to see more diversity among the used mobs for spectres.
Last edited by flipser#2471 on Sep 9, 2015, 9:00:07 AM

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