Petition to un-nerf revenants
Revenants were OP, they nerfed it. Where were the revenants before act4 release? And you still managed to play your summoner somehow. So stop whining about it.
"I'm programmed to say something that is kind and uplifting at this point, but there is apparently an error that is working in my favor."
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" Yes, playing summoner "somehow" kinda nails it. It seems people really like to put down summoners. Apparently we're not allowed to play in the big boys club house. We can't have good clear speeds. Think of the children. Sunshine and Rainbows, Raikao |
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" I agree that summoners doesn't have a really fast clear speed, but it's because minions are shitty in general. Overbuffing a mob just for summoners is a bad idea. -Zombies: slow melee shit -Skeletons: somewhat faster low life melee shit -Golems: Forever alone -SRS: reasonable damage, but melee, low aoe -Spectres: Based on mobs, if you buff them, it will hurt non summoner builds I am not a big fan of summoner builds so please correct me if i am missing something, but it looks like summoners not have the necessary tools for doing good aoe dps, like most fast clearing builds do nowdays. "I'm programmed to say something that is kind and uplifting at this point, but there is apparently an error that is working in my favor." Last edited by Alternalo#7105 on Jul 24, 2015, 6:36:14 AM
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THIS!!! it's what I was thinking about ahaha there are two kind of people who play this game: 1. the ones that enjoy it's complexity and like trying and creating new builds that will work... or not. 2. and the ones who like to abuse overpowered mechanics that make you faceroll the entire game, and then get mad when thoses mechanics are nerfed. [/quote] "Abuse overpowered mechanics"? Have you played a summoner before? Summoners that like having an army of permanent minions, without having to resummon them every 5 sec(SRS), have a relatively slow clearspeed, even with all damage nodes and auras at max levels. And then Revenants happened.. I Switched from Evangelists to Revenants 1 day before the nerf, and my clearspeed went from slow, to mediocre(nothing spectacular like other OP builds), but as a summoner I really enjoyd it. And then, after spending 5 Ex on new gems/links, they nerf the only GOOD spectre for summoners, without buffing the Raise Spectre skill itself.. Like the damage itself isn't that bad, but the 3 projectiles instead of 5, really hurts for the aoe. Back to trashcan Evangelists it is..[/quote] I'll suggest you to try the stygian againt with a LMP (or a GMP) and a good setup you'll find the clear speed really good it's still really strong and yes I do play Summoner a lot, and I find it really strong and fun even more now since the 2.0.0 summoner never have been so powerfull even after the nerf on stygians[/quote] Sure, I can link LMP so my revnants get even less damage than they allready have. -30% from Chain, + 40% Light resist to enemies, since I will be removing Light Pen, - 30 % dmg from patch nerf, - 20% from LMP or - 30% from GMP. Sounds like a hell of alot of damage for running lvl 80+ maps. Will take 30 years to clear through mappacks, not to mention the bosses, since I will be using Bone Offering, so my minions won't die to them. (- 30% attack/cast-speed) All I'm saying is that they can show some love to summoners by either boosting the revnants through the Raise Spectre skill, or just boost Raise Spectre. Summoner damage(not talking about SRS) is nothing compared to a 3link Incinerate that has over 100k dps at relatively low levels, or a 200k+ damage facebreaker cycloner. (+ alot of other OP cheap builds) Also summoner damage is ony potential damage, not actual damage. Some spectres go into full retard mode when they are in melee range next to an enemy, and start hitting them with their fists, instead of casting their main good attack, which removes a huge portion of their damage(Evangelists for instance) + Alot of the time half of your minions are stuck behind a wall if you're running a map like Cells, even if you use convocation, it has a cooldown that slows your clearspeed of maps. |
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Summoners are by design slow clearers. Thats the price they pay for safety, hands-off gameplay, mf potential and ease of gearing.
One cannot make summoners clear as fast as builds that are dangerous to play and expensive to setup. People crying after recent change want just that- build with all summoner perks (mf, low cost, low skill, no gear) but without any cost (clear speed). That wont happen. |
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I noticed instantly that they got nerfed, that is ok. BUT NOT THAT MUCH. Summoner is not an viable Option anymore. And it would be enough to nerf them in PVP or give Summoner another Buff, cause the Clearspeed lacks damn much now. There are alot of other Builds that can clear twice as fast and they dont get nerfed? THX GGG this nerf is not good balanced. PLS Guys, i like how you handle things but come on, that is really harsh. Think about it and maybe you find away to make everybody happy. Re-adjust this nerf pls. Much love to all Summoners that have trouble now. :( |
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" Apathy seems to be doing good clears to me. | |
It would be enough to remove just 1 Projectile instead of 2, and nerf the raw dmg 20% instead of 30%.
That would be much closer to "fair" nerf. |
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" Link to the development manifesto where GGG state their intent for summoners is to be slow clearers. Summoners have to put up with a lot more hassle and prep time than any other build, surely that justifies some of the other perks. Plus if you want to clear fast you run ahead with QS and drag your minions behind you, there goes your safety. Anyway, next OP spectre will come and will again be nerfed from hero to zero as has happened multiple times over the years, until GGG finally figure out a way to balance spectres for good. Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead: |
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" You know what I have noticed post-patch when I encounter revenants in 72+ maps, I do not immediately lose 1/2 of my HP nor I need to frantically smash my instant pots while I try to kill them as fast as possible. The nerf was necessary for exactly that much. For the love of all that is holy and joly, you should realize this nerf was not aimed at revenant specter performance. It was written in the patch notes! Summoners are collateral damage but GGG usually does not compensate nerfs. Lastly, summoners exisisted before Awakening and will continue to exist even post nerf. Stop acting as if this nerf suddenly completely neutered any and all summoner builds. Last edited by Baron01#3047 on Jul 24, 2015, 7:56:40 AM
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