Petition to un-nerf revenants
" Summoners are still gucci. And what does my SRS char have to do with this thread? Is that somehow relevant to this thread? I played SRS before this "nerf", is that somehow relevant to any point you wanted to make, because to me it just seems like a personal off-topic because of a lack of logical arguments. Summoners got buffed massively with "the awakening" and the jewel system combined with minion damage becoming a "MORE" multiplier. Not my problem if people have a short memory span and get hooked on imbalanced stuff. That stuff has happened for the last 3 years and i reckon it will happen again in the future, nothing new for these forum boards. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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Revenants did do alot of damage. Even in level 74 maps i died in 3 shots to a blue pack.
The minion itself eh maybe op, but i don't think its the issue in terms of the core build for summons. What you really need to petition is a buff to the raise spectre gem itself. At level 20 it has no life or ES bonus, and only 10% extra monster damage... is that all? Why not just buff the gem itself? maybe at level 20 it can give 30% more monster life ES and damage. or maybe perhaps it can have actual damage mitigation through a new created support gem? Having one OP monster is not the way to go. Alot of people here whether it be fan boys hardcore elitist or even casual players all favor power creep towards the monster for some reason and not the actual player. hence seeing people whining that some items in game are OP? when i think they are not.... This item needs a nerf, that item. Next thing you know you will get one shotted. Hell i am willing to bet my spectre buff suggestion will raise outrage in being no way man that's going to be way to OP.... |
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" the point is how do you konw, if you dont use them ? " and here we go one more time ;) i didnt say its not true, but we got this already. |
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What people want is an easy, cheap, safe, mf capable build that can carry them trough the game and feel good about themselves.
Revenants did that. They made mediocre players feel like gods. With them gone they are upset and angry. Good players moved on (the really good players knew this mob was op before). When i look at the build (one build as it is all copies) of players raging in this thread i know that many of them got to the level they are at because of revenants. And despite their skill. Play melee for a while to see what game is made of right now. And that most summoner builds are just easy mode in a binary way: faceroll or facesmash. With summoners you exchange clear speed for safety and mf potential amd general 'no effort nor skill required'. If you want safety AND clear speed you are just asking for too much. |
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Revenants were never op to begin with, to make them even remotely viable you have to massivly spec their dps. That means passive invenstment, in them instead of you. That means gems for them, instead of you, that means auras, for them instead of you. The people saying they are fine now are people who did not, nor do they use them. They are just trolls who dont know what the hell they are talking about. You need all the jewls to be max minion damage and everything revolving around their damage, you have no flexibility and people come on here saying they are fine and OP? Give me a break, summoners are the hardest build to play to be viable outside of SRS and COC and the other op nub builds.
Ps, ggg please add a personal block feature so I dont have to read these stupid replies by some of these people. Last edited by Sixpackand2guns#4669 on Jul 24, 2015, 4:49:39 AM
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" It's called friends, not a hard concept. I also have played summoners and i know how they play and what they are capable off. I also know most of the game mechanics and i understand how balancing operates in a game like this. I also followed GGG for over 3 years on there decisions to have a pretty good guess to what they are aiming at currently. Also i do this out of courtesy, since i don't ow you any explanation. Not to mention how lame it is to try and undermine an argument by lack of counter arguments and a personal off-topic remark. " Many laughs where had reading this post sir, thank you. Personally i loved how you describe the foundation of a summoner build and tried to twist it around into a negative. You actually mean you have to invest in minion passives when playing a summoner? Wtf GGG, fix this noaw! I also admired the part where you have "no flexibility", that's funny since summoners belong among the top class of builds that allow high magic find farming of top-end content currently. Clearly, we be trolling you and all that jazz. I mean, everybody that diverges from your opinion naturally becomes a troll, i get it. No mater how warped your opinion might be because of recent events. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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" *eyes twitch* Uhm...mhhhh.....yeah Let's get on this train instead. Friendship, Raikao Last edited by DieKao#0567 on Jul 24, 2015, 5:51:37 AM
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This is the look I make when reading some of the comments here. -_-. It would make a good fry from futurama meme.
oh almost forgot, Peace, Sixpackand2guns Last edited by Sixpackand2guns#4669 on Jul 24, 2015, 5:49:44 AM
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I had this exchange in another thread...
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" Investing everything in one point to make it viable is op? Please, dont bring that nonsense here. |
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