Sexy and form fitting armors

I love how amazingly protective that second one looks. I mean, her cleavage is right there to deflect any blows aimed at her chest.

It's strategically placed as a distraction, and its working.
So with this armour you have increased chance to evade against male heterosexual and female homosexual enemies?
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
I like boobs, more boobs please.
They already have male sexy armor! The marauder and the templar already hardly ever wear pants. I'm just asking for a little equality, know what I'm saying?
Mikrotherion wrote:
Perq wrote:

So, a good armour is something like the lordly plate and later incarnations (in PoE), that is slightly V-shaped when viewed from above, so it would deflect thrusts from your sternum to an area left or right of the body, and not to the centre, like boob-armour would do. If you make it big enough, you can also make it so breasts find a place in there. It's not like historical armour were especially comfortable, anyway.

The nearest thing you could get to boob-shapes would perhaps be a boob-bar, which is more or less what I described above as giving room.

Yeah, but still, trusts can be aimed at any angle - not only perpendicularly to the armor surface.

Quite so, but you already said, you'd have to take care to hit at that angle.

Ah, found the link.

The whole "boob armor directs hits to the sternum" is a myth. Its a fact that romans wore "boob armor" (granted, for male physiology but some of them were ridiculously large to imply the wearer had huge chest muscles) and they didnt do so bad with it.

Also, someone that says "now lets apply science" to only babble in guesstimates is far from a credible source.

edit: tho tight fitting armour is a bad idea in any case, you'd want some air between it and your body to buffer blows.

Last edited by Cataca on Mar 4, 2015, 9:37:00 AM
Mikrotherion wrote:
So with this armour you have increased chance to evade against male heterosexual and female homosexual enemies?

Was thinking more like you have a chance to stun enemies when they see u
I'd be happy if it was enough to stun other players in pvp ;)
Last edited by ERR0 on Mar 4, 2015, 9:51:58 AM
ERR0 wrote:
They already have male sexy armor! The marauder and the templar already hardly ever wear pants. I'm just asking for a little equality, know what I'm saying?

Its not equal if you give women form fitting armor but dont want the male chars to have the same. Pants dont count because none of the chars have those.
Well there could be those chest armors that have muscles chiseled into them like roman armor. That would be pretty cool too.
ERR0 wrote:
Well there could be those chest armors that have muscles chiseled into them like roman armor. That would be pretty cool too.

Thats too macho for me, butt crack armor please. :P

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