Sexy and form fitting armors

comm_il_vec wrote:
Please, no.

I would love to see more armor MTX options - Boots, shields, helms/hats etc,
especially ones that can be mixed and matched without looking like Mr Potato Head.

I really like that the equipment so far seems to fit its purpose. I have zero interest in Path of Lingerie.

I could and would support alternate hair/head/face styles for the characters, along with some crowns, diadems or IOUN stone style ES headgear to show them off.

RPGporn style graphics fits PoE about as well as having Krusty the Clown as a forsaken master.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Are you shitting me? No sexy ass armor please unless it comes for male chars as well. Dont be sexist! I want some ass exposed marauder armor and some legs exposed shadow boots. Cant have it one way only fella, it gotta be even.

But i rather have legit armor that would protect IRL rather than stupid sexy crappy armor that does nothing but let kids jerk off to their ingame chars.
I love how amazingly protective that second one looks. I mean, her cleavage is right there to deflect any blows aimed at her chest.

Still more protection that having no pants = exposed femoral arteries & ballsack :P

The first pic is actually a good armor, because it mostly follows a realistic design. It would fit into PoE, certainly more than butterfly wings. The second pic is already too much in the manga whatever domain.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
morbo wrote:
I love how amazingly protective that second one looks. I mean, her cleavage is right there to deflect any blows aimed at her chest.

Still more protection that having no pants = exposed femoral arteries & ballsack :P

The first pic is actually a good armor, because it mostly follows a realistic design. It would fit into PoE, certainly more than butterfly wings. The second pic is already too much in the manga whatever domain.

It still got too much boobies cups going on.

Sexy body armor = jerk off material for the ones that never go out
So? Why do you care if someone enjoys PoE in yet another way, in privacy of their home/basement? How does someone giving themselves a happy affect you?
The more you depend on forces outside yourself, the more you are dominated by them.
--Harold Sherman
There's nothing wrong with it and if you don't like it; Don't wear it.

Oh and I'm a female but you don't see me crying and going like OH MY GOD SHES REVEALING CLEAVAGE LETS MAKE A BIG DEAL OUT OF IT and force my opinion on others into there throat.

I've grown to accept games in general are made for the male audience and hey if they wanna look fucking pretty or even slutty; even though it wouldn't really work irl by all means go ahead wear it. If you think it's creepy etc keep it to your self and leave the person alone. A lot of people like to play ''dress up'' *Smirk no seriously and I do mean a lot of people.

I'm not going to make a big deal out of it and that's how people should be.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Mar 4, 2015, 4:09:47 AM
One of the things PoE does relatively well is avoid hyper-objectification of women (compared to most mainstream games, at least). Besides unique 3d art, armor looks more or less like real armor. I vote we don't ruin those things.

Normally I'd suggest sexy male outfits too, but the men in this game besides duelist are so hideous that I really don't want that to happen. We already see WAY too much of templar's legs for my liking.
We're all in this leaky boat together, people.
IGNs -> MaitresseRemi/Mamie_Machette/MainDroiteMainGauche
There's nothing wrong with it and if you don't like it; Don't wear it.

Oh and I'm a female but you don't see me crying and going like OH MY GOD SHES REVEALING CLEAVAGE LETS MAKE A BIG DEAL OUT OF IT and force my opinion on others into there throat.

I've grown to accept games in general are made for the male audience and hey if they wanna look fucking pretty or even slutty; even though it wouldn't really work irl by all means go ahead wear it. If you think it's creepy etc keep it to your self and leave the person alone. A lot of people like to play ''dress up'' *Smirk no seriously and I do mean a lot of people.

I'm not going to make a big deal out of it and that's how people should be.

Then male characters should be the same way. Sexied up. :)

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