Sexy and form fitting armors

Some people just don't know how armor works. Oh well. It is a gaming forum! BRING ON THE TITS!

I'll be honest and you sound like a jackass here. Bring something to read or some sources, or that you are a reliable source, or else just... don't talk. Hate that know-it-all attitude, really. (I'm gonna go ahead and guess that all you know about armor is what you read in the internet... so, yeah.)

Ah, found the link.

That’s not to say that female armor cannot be shaped differently—in fact, it should be to account for differences in shoulder-to-waist ratios and more, as the military recently discovered. Some films decide to provide women with a shelf of sorts in the chest region and that choice, if well-designed, can be flattering as well as functional. But it still isn’t logical or necessary by a longshot.

Yeah, this is what I'm talking about. I'm still not convinced with "deflecting blow" design, tho.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Cataca wrote:

The whole "boob armor directs hits to the sternum" is a myth. Its a fact that romans wore "boob armor" (granted, for male physiology but some of them were ridiculously large to imply the wearer had huge chest muscles) and they didnt do so bad with it.

AFAIK those were for representational purposes only and not worn in battle. At least the legionaries, who where the ones to get into the fray, did not wear, shaped armour.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
I like boobs. No idea why so many people seem to be against them these days. It's not sexist to find them attractive imo.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
MonstaMunch wrote:
I like boobs. No idea why so many people seem to be against them these days. It's not sexist to find them attractive imo.

No, you are a fucking chauvinist pig and you should be executed.
although i usually like sexy armours in games .. i personally don't want to see them here in Path of Exile ... what i want to see is stuff like this one:
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG on Mar 4, 2015, 12:27:21 PM
MonstaMunch wrote:
I like boobs. No idea why so many people seem to be against them these days. It's not sexist to find them attractive imo.

I find it funny how the Templar and marauder can run without pants, but a woman should not show cleavage?

Dem Templar risk his balls at each fights.

also dark ages armors for women looked like those:

Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori on Mar 4, 2015, 12:32:38 PM
MonstaMunch wrote:
I like boobs. No idea why so many people seem to be against them these days. It's not sexist to find them attractive imo.

it is boring and getting old that men only like big boobs. Small ones need some love too.
MonstaMunch wrote:
I like boobs. No idea why so many people seem to be against them these days. It's not sexist to find them attractive imo.

it is boring and getting old that men only like big boobs. Small ones need some love too.

I personally like all boobs.


Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori on Mar 4, 2015, 12:37:54 PM
I think we can all agree, form fitting armor would be nice as a MTX. That way you will not be forced to use it in game just because it has the stats you need, not many people will be wearing it, but anyone who wants it can easily buy it.

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