Sexy and form fitting armors

Yeah, I like boobs, too. But I don't need them in this game. If I want to look at breasts I know other places than PoE.
Also, cookies for Dirk. Small ones are so nice. Love them.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
Mikrotherion wrote:
Yeah, I like boobs, too. But I don't need them in this game. If I want to look at breasts I know other places than PoE.
Also, cookies for Dirk. Small ones are so nice. Love them.

You stole the cookies i wanted to give to the goat, dammit! :P

PS: Check out the game Life is Strange, among a decent story and fun gameplay it features quite realistic breast sizes.^^
The first pic is actually a good armor, because it mostly follows a realistic design. It would fit into PoE, certainly more than butterfly wings. The second pic is already too much in the manga whatever domain.

Er.. the contours of that breastplate along her breasts would end up deflecting a blade straight into her neck.

I despise sexy armours for the whole lack of realism aspect.

Then again, I also despise armour for the whole 'There are mobs that use lightning spells in this game and wearing this metal suit makes me a conductor. Oh dear.' fact.

But it's a video game and those issues go away! Why? Because it's not real life!
"You go on pretending that you own the universe,
And we'll all be here watching as you're falling down to Earth."
I have been getting lots of Mod attention lately too. Some of it I understand and readily agree with. But moving this to Community Showcase? I think they are just as bored waiting for Act 4 as we are.
PS: Check out the game Life is Strange, among a decent story and fun gameplay it features quite realistic breast sizes.^^

Gosh, that size is... THE size <3
The hell is this doing here?


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

The void is a calculated mass.
Perq wrote:
I'm not specialist in armory and that kind of stuff, but I doubt you'd be able to "deflect" the force of of blows with curving your armor. This works for tanks, because you have an angle you expect bullets coming from.

It also works for medieval and renaissance armor as well, for the same reasons a tank would have angles.... because the wearer of the armor in question would be expecting attacks to come from the front. As an example, cavalry armors (the helm in particular) were designed to be angular in order to deflect lance strikes away from the face/head.

Another concept that medieval and renaissance armor shares with tanks aside from angling is distribution of armor thickness. Since the majority of attacks would come from the front, armor thickness was increased in the front than the back. This was done to increase protection without increasing weight.

Perq wrote:
If you have curved armor, there will always be "flat" angle you can hit at, and thus making the curving useless.

True, but the same can also be said of tanks. Hence why the most effective way to engage enemy armor is by flanking. This was how many WW2 Shermans were able to defeat the much more heavily armored Panthers and tigers they faced, though at a heavy cost to their own numbers.

Perq wrote:
I guess that if you were to be crushed with any blow, be it "boob armor" or not, you'd get crushed anyways.

That all depends on the armor and the angle of attack.

Perq wrote:
TBH, if armor bends it is only for the better, because it absorbed some force in form of deformation (this is how car crash areas in front are designed - so they absorb as much energy as possible, mostly by bending).

While the concept is correct, the comparison isn't. The crumple zones on cars can be measured in feet while the area for give and take on, say, a helmet can be measured in centimeters to inches. Hence why modern helmets (like armor of yore) rely on structural rigidity with layers of padding to absorb and protect against blunt force trauma. This is why Gothic style armor featured fluting throughout, to resist deformation, and relied on a padded arming doublet to mitigate energy.

Perq wrote:
Also: it is not a concept - it is reality :D. You can wear T-shirt that is too small - it is flexible. But after long time of wearing it, you'll be tired and uncomfortable. And the fact that armor affects the wearer was ignored many times in history, with fatal results.

True, hence why armor evolved. It is a common misconception that plate armor was too cumbersome to fight effectively in or that winches were required to hoist a knight onto his saddle. The average weight of renaissance armor was around 60 lbs. That weight was distributed over the entirety of the body evenly so that fatigue was minimized. This is why you see the narrow pinch on most plate armors around the waist, so that a portion of the breast plate's weight could be distributed onto the hips (so that the back wouldn't take all the load).

Plate armor was also designed to be agile, if a knight was dismounted for any reason he was expected to be able to remount his horse without help. Armor had to allow the knight to sprint, climb, rise from a fall, and fight all day on either foot or horse.
Hope this isn't deleted for being a Necro-ing post.

AS for functionality, how functional are the Miscreation chicks whith their 50Cal projectile firing tentacles and exposed pulchritude ?

How functional are all of Atziri's breasts ?

Plenty of the mobs are indistinguishable from nude.

So, sexy is IN the PoE Aesthetic.....

As for Chauvinism... given references I've picked up to the Rape Train of Marauders for Better RNG, I think a generous helping of players here would appreciate "Male Exposure", even IF there are no women on the Internet.

I love the Destroyer Regalia, its kinda sexy, very form fitting.....but.... I'd seriously consider something more alluring.

As to the discussion about breast armor and crushed sternums (sternii ?): What! this game is for adults, and, erm... most adult females do have perceivable boobs.

I wouldn't NOT play PoE if everything was only as aesthetically stimulating as it is now (killing miscreations is STILL "disturbingly satisfying"), but I might play it with a broader satisfaction if it were (ahem!) more so.

Better Still, let players edit their own gear from Base designs, like girls (and women) do between leaving the house and arriving at the party.

Also, the mechanics of this game do not conform to physics, they have a sensibility of their own, that admits magic.

I defy any of the devs to demonstrate how 'Conservation of Energy' is an observed principle of the game mechanics.

The game is what the devs want it to be..... nothing anyone argues can trump that. So, this thread is a fine example of free speech, and bankrupt opposition based on an appeal to nonexistent principles of physics and irrelevant historical armories.

I respect more the folks who say, No Boobies, and No Sexy Gear, Please... that's honest opinion.

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