About the steam stuff

Steam only-microtransactions can really get me heated! It's like the more i think about it the more furious i get!

EDIT: And one more thing, no matter how many fanboys misunderstand disgruntlement for ungratefulness, it doesn't change that steam-only is a diviation from the purity and the quality that path of exile represents in 99% of it's design! I don't care what you think, that's just what it is.

Everytime i get a chance to take shots at steam-only microtransactions i will.

Why? Because i want some of them, and i don't want steam. In order to enjoy the full game, i need steam, so it's a negative aspect no matter how you twist and turn it, there are ways to market without shafting your core base by excluding them from content.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster on Jun 20, 2014, 12:53:10 AM
Crackmonster wrote:
Steam only-microtransactions can really get me heated! It's like the more i think about it the more furious i get!

You should learn to relax because if something like that gets you going, you are cruising for an early heart attack.
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
It's more to explain the nature of the frustration it brings, it's only temporarily that i care about it then i let it go until next i encounter it so that i may rage once again to my full satisfaction!

I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Crackmonster wrote:
Why? Because i want some of them, and i don't want steam. In order to enjoy the full game, i need steam, so it's a negative aspect no matter how you twist and turn it, there are ways to market without shafting your core base by excluding them from content.

At least you CAN get the skulls. I can't get a kiwi because I foolishly only paid $10 instead of $15, two years ago. Nothing I can do about it. If you really want the skulls, you can get them with little effort.

I ninjaed this screen of someone... dat mask...
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster on Jun 20, 2014, 1:01:40 AM
Crackmonster wrote:
Steam only-microtransactions can really get me heated! It's like the more i think about it the more furious i get!

EDIT: And one more thing, no matter how many fanboys misunderstand disgruntlement for ungratefulness, it doesn't change that steam-only is a diviation from the purity and the quality that path of exile represents in 99% of it's design! I don't care what you think, that's just what it is.

Everytime i get a chance to take shots at steam-only microtransactions i will.

Why? Because i want some of them, and i don't want steam. In order to enjoy the full game, i need steam, so it's a negative aspect no matter how you twist and turn it, there are ways to market without shafting your core base by excluding them from content.

Cosmetic are not content.
Crackmonster wrote:
folderpirate wrote:
Crackmonster wrote:
I'm really not feeling this steam only. I must admit it offends me greatly. From the first moment i saw something cool-ingame, only to later find out it was steam-only, i have felt the sting of betrayal inside my heart.

Like i feel when games are ruined to fit a console, so i hate when i can't get the full game on regular pc and have to bind myself to all sorts of shit that i don't want, in order to unlock it.

That purity is mostly converved in PoE, with a very few exception. This is one of them. It feels like betrayal, it feels unfair and it's plain bullshit.

Stop with the shit for steam, or at least give me access to it. Price is not a problem, it's about principles and about not sacrificing my playing experience to access the full game. I don't like steam, i like clean games with no extra bullshit.

If GGG has made some deals with steam so that they are forced to make exclusive items for it, like they did with razor, then i have one message for them:

It is not acceptable by the highest standard to threat players like that, it's deeply offending to players who want quality over industry chains. A thorn in my eye every time i am reminded of it, one that cuts deep too.


You really don't like steam do you.

No i really don't!!!!

It's probably just based on random dislike more than reason, in my mind steam represents the "play lots of random shit", whereas i'm the one who want few but properly good games that you can invest thousands of hours in, like poe.

I mean it's maybe not as bad as i made it out in that post, i was like 1 min left to leave my place when i had to type it in haste from the heart, but without trying to disrespect GGG i would lie if i said the feelings aren't true. I really don't like steam only things.

You treat video games WAAAAAY too much like your favorite sports team or political party. I don't think that's very wise as I've been down that road with games like WoW and I didn't like where it took me.
wtf double post

Last edited by folderpirate on Jun 20, 2014, 1:06:39 AM

I do not like Facebook, nor do I use it. Yet, virtually every game(cept POE) that I sign up to play has some Facebook promotion at some point. "Like us on Facebook and you will get XYZ!!!" I take it back, its not just games that do this now, it everything online.

It is a part of life.

You cannot let it bother you. If it does, you might need to mature a little. I guarantee sometime in your future you are going to think back and laugh that you were once this upset because you didn't have access to pretty pixels and someone else did.
I just came home from the nightshift and i'm watching kung fu movies and writing PoE forums while preparing something special on the side.. I've got a lot of fresh strawberries, what was once 4.7kg is now down to less than 1 in just a day of me and my ladyfriend.. and i intend to eat the rest asap before they go bad. Picked them in the field before carrying them far to the heart of the city, only the best of the best..

I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster on Jun 20, 2014, 1:26:47 AM

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