About the steam stuff
" I agree with Ginger. I want Ebony/Vampiric/Arctic/Lightning/Etc mtxes for shields so they match my boots/weapon(s). I almost always buy weapon mtxs in pairs so that I can dual-wield with the look. I want my weapon-and-board folks to have that option too. Support a free Hong Kong.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. -Galileo Galilei |
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I doubt anybody from GGG will read this post, and even if they do I doubt it would mean much, but I'd like to take a second to remind them not all of us are ungrateful little thundercunts.
I've been playing this game since July of 2012, and have bought a number of point packs and supporter packs because I firmly believe in the game and the team behind it. Sure, I may take breaks from the game, but I have not felt regret for any of these purchases, not once. With that in mind, I still think GGG shot themselves in the foot by making this F2P. You only need to take a look at the forums to see how many bad elements this model brings with it. Yes, people should be free to complain about a product, but the amount of entitlement is quite frankly sickening. Really, complaining about promotional MTX's? Holy fucking shit, get a grip. I was going to write more but then I realised I could well be put on probation for the things I'd want to say to these people, so I'll just leave it at that. Carl, Chris and all the others - you're the shit, keep up the good work and don't let these entitled brats ruin your day. Would anybody like some... POUNDCAKE?
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I would like to play devils advocate for a moment to comment on the possible perspective that the OP was possibly trying to convey. I think the issue here isn't the idea behind the promotion itself, but rather the availability to those players who do not currently have steam nor wish to feel forced to get stream just to participate.
I do feel that this isn't a really huge issue, however it does created that unfortunate situation for some people who may feel alienated because of it (though really I would think that feeling of alienation for not being on steam is not major). People do have the right to talk about their feelings and communiate them, and in doing attempt to address possible issues that could be rectified through mature discussion. Of course however, if you (this is directed at the OP) come to the forums acting childish, you are likly going to get many many more childish like responses. IGN JimansNotSummoner
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" Have you looked around act 1 lately? |
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" The only reason there is any competitive scene in PoE is because it's f2p though. If it was a paid product then no one would excuse it being online only and having netcode issues.It's also much easier to form a large community as a f2p game too. Oh and thundercunts is my new favourite word, thanks for that. |
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The MTXs can be purchased from the Steam marketplace from what I have read but only if people put them up. BUT they have to first be crafted by another player using the cards that Steam gives out. It's not like they are just rolling around getting free MTXs, it's a promotion Steam does for the people who use it and not something that would translate here to the forums or the game in a way that would fit GGG to do here. They can't just decide to hand out Steam cards to the players who do not want to connect to Steam, doesn't work that way.
You can use Steam for the cards and not have to sign into the game using the Steam client, just have to connect to it. Doesn't mean you have to play it using Steam. You can get the MTXs if you care about it enough by doing exactly what I typed above. Anything that brings publicity to GGG I hope they grab with both hands and roll with it. Participating in the Steam promotions is a very, very good idea and I hope they do not take any of the whining into account or listen to it. It's a GOOD thing for them to be doing business wise and I look forward to seeing what they roll out for the next event. ------- I've always been into shield effects. In WOW I had characters that used shields that my bank had nothing but old shields in it because I loved the art on them for my outfits. After they added transmog, I collected every shield in the game I could get just because I enjoyed the looks of different shields - so many of my guildies/friends did the same thing. It's no different in POE, if they came out with shield MTXs I WOULD buy them. I know I'm not the only one either, definitely a money making area if they bring the right art and effects in. Right now I can't think of one shield in the game I would even want to use a skin transfer on honestly. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia Contact support@grindinggear.com to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks! My beloved pets.... ![]() |
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How could anyone bitch about these they're pretty neat.
Edit: ![]() So sick. Don't forget to drink your milk 👌 Last edited by TheWretch#7848 on Jun 19, 2014, 11:42:06 PM
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![]() Praise Gaben Almighty I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img] y im slept? Last edited by Russell#7270 on Jun 19, 2014, 11:54:59 PM
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I wish getting the skulls was easier
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" You spent over 200$? Please, tell me more. |