About the steam stuff

StormHunter wrote:
now im forced to use steam too and that will make y poe experience even more unenjoyable because of the computers ressorce that steam uses and make poe run even more shit than now

You do know only the Steam Overlay really affects the game and you can turn that off... right?

IGN: Bravo_Thirsty
Amiag wrote:
Isbox1 wrote:
Not sure which is worse... the OP post... or all the ass kissing that followed.

the funny thing is, I bet op spent more money on this than most of the ass kissers did

And that entitles him to what exactly?
can you link your PoE account to steam without having to play through steam? I want them skulls but don't want to see how much time I dump into this game lol
Some snippage

Crackmonster wrote:
I'm really not feeling this steam only.

Exclusives are not all inclusive. Players playing PoE do not get Nephalem stacks. Players playing D3 do not get Vaal gems.

Crackmonster wrote:

If GGG has made some deals with steam so that they are forced to make exclusive items for it, like they did with razor, then i have one message for them:

It is not acceptable by the highest standard to threat players like that, it's deeply offending to players who want quality over industry chains. A thorn in my eye every time i am reminded of it, one that cuts deep too.


So, you are willing to give GGG a couple million dollars every year to support the servers?

Can some stranger just walk into your place and decide to share your house and your paramour just because no one should have exclusive access?

Steam and GGG are both businesses. They made an agreement which they feel will benefit both companies. That deal didn't cost you anything. If the deal works out, PoE will have a better support base, which will mean more game content than they otherwise could have.

Players complain about desync, and although there isn't a fix for it, more localized dedicated servers would cut the server/client interaction time down and help a lot.

Adding a lot of dedicated servers and running them needs to be financed. If the player base grows enough, GGG could afford that.

Just as Coca Cola, McDonald's, Adidas made exclusive deals for the 2014 World Cup, Steam made a deal with GGG.

Someone mentioned the Razer footprints. If you think of these helms as Steam helms, it will make more sense. Instead of players wearing a Steam logo on their head, they have a choice of helm MTXs that look cool.

This deal is meant to draw players to both Steam and GGG. If it wasn't Steam only, it would lose some of its drawing power.

It's like Drillneck, the Ambush only quiver. How is a hardcore only character ever going to get that quiver on their character? There may have been a few found during the Charity event Ambuvasion race combo, but other than that the quiver was exclusive to Ambush.

I can see where someone who really likes one of those MTXs would be frustrated if they aren't willing to play through Steam.

I'm sure there are players who aren't willing to spend any money supporting GGG that are offended that flaming skulls are exclusive to players who bought MTX points.

That occasional deals will be made to expand the player base is inevitable for a free to play game.

GGG has to use creative ways to generate revenue. Innovate or die is an important concept to learn for any company that wants to keep their clients from being lured away to another company.

PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
Qarl wrote:
StormHunter wrote:

and when do we get anything for free? NEVER! ...

Bullshit, you get the game for free.

Ah, so people on steam have to pay a fee to play poe?
Vote +1 to change Path of Exile to Path of Nerfs.
We hate to say, but ProjectPT was right.
weezamon wrote:
can you link your PoE account to steam without having to play through steam? I want them skulls but don't want to see how much time I dump into this game lol

Yes, I did so successfully in the past.

Darkblitz9 wrote:
StormHunter wrote:
now im forced to use steam too and that will make y poe experience even more unenjoyable because of the computers ressorce that steam uses and make poe run even more shit than now

You do know only the Steam Overlay really affects the game and you can turn that off... right?


ITT people crying about marketing when the company nearly does no expenses on marketing at all. And that because they feel "left out". I did not hear the same cries when the free razer footprints were available. There it was only all about immersion.

The story: People will cry.
For one reason or another.

P.S. The MTX are not free.
Last edited by Nightmare90 on Jun 19, 2014, 8:41:27 PM
Hyskoa wrote:
Qarl wrote:
StormHunter wrote:

and when do we get anything for free? NEVER! ...

Bullshit, you get the game for free.

Ah, so people on steam have to pay a fee to play poe?

People on steam also dont get the MTXes for free in case you didnt know.
Anything that helps support this great game and it's great developers sounds..great.
Disrupted wrote:

People on steam also dont get the MTXes for free in case you didnt know.

Actually you can get all the cards you need to craft by simply voting for what goes on sale each day. Every 3 votes gets you at card.
Last edited by folderpirate on Jun 19, 2014, 9:47:51 PM
Qarl wrote:
StormHunter wrote:

and when do we get anything for free? NEVER! ...

Bullshit, you get the game for free.

We love you Qarl.
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I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei

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