Sheer Frustration: 27 5L's later, no 6L...... Yes, Twenty-fucking-Seven 5L's.

TLDR: Sell your fuses for exalts and buy a 6L. Or sell the 5L's and buy a 6L.

P.S. Good Dave Chappelle Reference.
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
Last edited by lVlage#3413 on May 31, 2014, 11:06:12 PM
VernoInferno wrote:
How do you "use armor scraps" for six linking and why?

Apply armour scraps until the item is 20% quality, apply fusing - repeat.

On white items it only costs 4 armour scraps to get 20% quality.

Rares / uniques however require 20 armour scraps.
Build Videos & Item Testing:
Last edited by Mr_G#2068 on May 31, 2014, 11:35:23 PM
Mr_G wrote:
VernoInferno wrote:
How do you "use armor scraps" for six linking and why?

Apply armour scraps until the item is 20% quality, apply fusing - repeat.

On white items it only costs 4 armour scraps to get 20% quality.

Rares / uniques however require 20 armour scraps.

Thank you kind sir!!!
ScrotieMcB wrote:
91.6 average Fusings per 5L (compared to ~120 average)
This really hurts your argument rrtson. Below is 600 jorbs and 300 fuses:

And a Lightning Coil that ate almost 200 jorbs and never broke a 4soc before I gave it away. You spent 6.5x more jorbs than me and ended up with 23x more 6socs, 8.25x the fuses for 27x the 5ls. You're sitting really pretty from my point of view.
BreakingHearts/RhoaHood/BackAndVeryLate (Standard) | HushtailSweep/HushtailWeeps (Ancestor)
Last edited by SilentOppressor#6006 on Jun 1, 2014, 12:43:31 AM
Isbox1 wrote:
And I just fear the vapid whining of the GGG troll knight patrol

I read your opening post, and was thinking that such a run of bad luck in linking an item should be a very rare occurrence. I disagree with the guaranteed linking that was mentioned by someone in this thread, but when you posted the above it made me stop and think.

If you are going to question/insult the integrity of people who disagree with you by calling them "vapid" and "troll" without any substantiation, then turnabout would be fair play wouldn't it?

Do we have any proof that you used a single orb to link anything? How do we know you just didn't buy all those five linked items and then post them as is?

I'm not doubting that you did, but others might -especially if you question the integrity of others without fair cause.

There will be people who disagree on fundamental issues. This does not make either side inherently wrong. The fact that someone always disagrees with your viewpoint does not make it a conspiracy.

Your basic point is making a six link item shouldn't be this difficult.

Some people say that it should be.

Learning to amicably disagree with people is far more valuable than a six linked item is.

I've played PoE for close to 3 years now and never needed a six link. As someone mentioned, a six link is only incrementally better than a five link. It won't change the world for your character.

It does look as though a change is coming to creating a six link. We will have to wait and see what the details are. It may mitigate the issue you raise.

In the meantime, this call of "white knighting" or "troll knighting" is just as uncalled for and negative as someone calling the opposite side "Master Gloom Baiters" or "Troll Spawn".

Your initial post on how frustrating it has been to six link an item was good feedback and had an impact factor. If you want to drive that point home, focus on the issues, rather than having the thread become a sideshow circus of one-upmanship.

PoE Origins - Piety's story
CliveHowlitzer wrote:
Sorry, I still only hear crying that you didn't get what you wanted. If you really want it, trade for it or throw more fusings.

Bad advice. He should have hosted a lottery.
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Mr_G wrote:
I know it's tedious if you are trying to link a unique chest, but even a few percent quality seems to have an effect.

I've used them plenty and they have had zero effect for me.

Nevertheless, one of the tricks I use for not getting frustrated and burnt out.. don't keep exact numbers of how many jewelers and fusings you've spent. I'm gonna keep going with my fusings efforts. Hopeful, I'm gonna hit it eventually.
Last edited by toyotatundra#0800 on Jun 1, 2014, 2:41:30 AM
toyotatundra wrote:
and I'm gonna hit that 6L eventually

The linking gambling has no memory, which means that there is absolutely no guarantees that you will ever get a 6L.
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mazul wrote:

The linking gambling has no memory, which means that there is absolutely no guarantees that you will ever get a 6L.

Of course not, no need to school me on gambler's fallacy. However, remember there is a fusing change coming that is supposed to help us achieve that goal. I feel pretty confident that eventually it will happen, the only thing you gotta wish for that eventually doesn't mean 10k fusings later.
Mivo wrote:
CliveHowlitzer wrote:
It is almost like the 6L is meant to be a hard to achieve luxury item instead of the standard.

Good point, since having and spending 2500 Orbs of Fusings is the standard and totally common place. It's also not at all the case that content is designed with 6L in mind.

OK - a little thought experiment here:

Let's take a common coin and flip for heads or tails. The "standard" is a 50/50 chance of either.

How unbelievable is it that you could get three heads or three tails in a row?

Now imagine that 800 orbs is the break even point for getting a six link. In our imaginary scheme if you use 800 fusing orbs on a six socket item you have a 50% chance of getting a six link.

Two heads in a row would be like using 1600 orbs. Three heads would be like using 3200 orbs.

Considering that a fair number of people have posted that they used over a thousand fusing orbs and didn't get a six link, it isn't that unexpected that someone could use twice that amount and not get one.

I think the highest fusing count posted without a six link is around five thousand. I don't recall seeing anything remotely close to 10,000 fusing orbs used.

If the odds of a socket linking to another socket are consistently 1/4 than linking six sockets would be a 1/4096 chance.

If they are 1/3 than it would be a 1/729 chance.

That means it's similar to flipping a coin twice to get heads.

1458 fusings would be flipping a coin four times to get a heads.

2500 fusings would be like flipping a coin six times (5.5) to get a heads.

Improbable? yes. Impossible? No. Is the coin broken because it got tails 5 times in a row? No.

Even if the odds of linking sockets were a magnanimous 50%, you would still have a 1/64 chance of creating a six link. 5.5 coin flips would be like using 352 fusings. Eight coin flips would be 2816 fusings used.

It isn't that GGG has made the chances of getting a six link exceedingly hard, so much as that's the way math and the universe works. Permutations get out of hand very quickly.

For every person getting "lucky" someone else will probably end up being unlucky.

GGG obviously used some determinism to make getting 4 links easier. What they will do to alter getting six links is unknown. What is known is that it isn't GGG's fault that 6/6 is much harder than 5/6.

Anyone who plays a mega style lottery where you have to guess 6/6 to get the jackpot can tell you that.

TL/DR: Math>Wishful Thinking

PoE Origins - Piety's story

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