Legacy items
" Or there is no special structure for a unique item : it's just an item that has a list of mods with given ranges. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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guys, these are trivial tech details that are solvable with one small script. if you think these are immense technical challenges i guess youve not seen any real dbor piece of code in your life
it is irrelevant how the db is structured, where the mods are stored etc. it is IT. it CAN be done - it might require some planning and testing sure. maybe even 4 hours of it total but discussions about 'using a divine' or where the mods are stored.. please.. just write the damn script. all 20 lines of it, test it, profile it, plan how to apply it and deploy it, done. 'alter on logout' seems to be the obvious way but there are probably even better sure bases like this are structured differently and simple student-level tricks will not work but for anyone savvy enough with this this is trivial stuff |
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" If they're using a SQL query language, it does matter how everything is structured. I'll do some psuedocode. Let's assume they have the following structure: dbo.ItemOwner dbo.ItemType dbo.ItemProperties dbo.ItemPropertyValues set @prop = select itempropertyid from itemproperties where itempropertyname = 'life' set @type = select itemtypeid from itemtype where itemtype LIKE '%kaom's%' set @value = select itemselectionvalueid from itempropertyvalue where itempropertyid = @prop and itemtypeid = @type and itemselectionvalue = 1000 //@value is likely to contain many rows, but just pretend @value is declared as a table and that sql code is smart enough to create a temp table for it all, which it never is update itemselectionvalue = 500 from dbo.itemselectionvalue where itemselectionid in @value Now, this is all realtively rudimentary/oversimplified sql code, but considering how a single misstep could break everybody's items (and how it may not be possible to use a 'begin transaction' clause and rollback in case of errors) and require GGG to restore shit from a backup, I think they're justified in not modifying items. In this case of nerfing all existing kaom's, a specific script needs to be written and it needs to be tested thoroughly in such a way that it doesn't break stuff. It also needs to be written that it gaurantees uniqueness - that other kinds of items aren't unintentionally changed. It would also definitely require realm downtime, you can't have items updating while people are using or moving them. The above example also assumes they have a really simple table structure, which may not be the case at all. GGG CAN change item base values, but should they? If they do it reguarly enough, it's inevitable that untended consequences will appear EVENTUALLY. I could see them updating uniques, but rares? If they are constantly rebalancing items it will require MANY scripts which are prone to human design error and consume lots of developer hours. As youv'e seen, I wrote a simple script in five minutes, but if you program in sql seriously you'll know you can't just be willynilly about updates, a single misstep could break every item in the game. My Keystone Ideas: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/744282 Last edited by anubite#0701 on Feb 11, 2014, 1:17:57 PM
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" Just because you are missing the point we are discussing does not mean that we should not talk about it. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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" you discuss irrelevant technical trivia. you are ofc free to do it, never told you otherwise but it has no implication on if it is doable or not, cheap or expensive this is IT world. one of only few domains completely under human control. ive learned 10 years ago that there is no 'impossible' in IT. if there is a will, if there is total control over the environment it can be done. if the script is 10 or 100 lines long, if it requires 2 or 8 hours of testing makes no difference it is simple db cleanup. that makes it so easy that it is 'per account' so no annoying issues with chunked bases (cold/hot, realm etc), no need to sync it with other accounts etc. it is in place data alteration that can be done when account is 'offline' or triggered by offline. if banks can roll 10m clients in 4 hours (when bank operations are A BIT more complex than poe and involve real money not some pixels) im pretty sure this kind of change can be done without maintenance break with no risk (if tested ofc but i assume tests are granted). the issue is that there is no will. legacies do stir up economy, dont they? |
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sidtherat, GGG is not a bank commisioning bank software, costs and developer hours do matter. If the benefit of rebalancing existing items is too high, there's no reason to do it.
My Keystone Ideas: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/744282 Last edited by anubite#0701 on Feb 11, 2014, 1:25:07 PM
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" LoL, you cant fix or balance out real life. Games should always be BETTER than life, in certain aspects. Otherwise, there is no point to play them. Gaining wealth in real life is usually long and boring. In game, it can be different. In real life, when you die, everything is over. Most mistakes cant be reverted. Once again, in games it can be different. As for Mona Lisa.... As far as i know, modern technology allows to make practically identical drawing, in case you need a duplicate. Even expert's eye could be deceved by a proper forgery. As for Pyramids, with all modern engineering, constructing those isnt a hard task. If you have enough funds, you can pay workers to build one for you :). Once again, it could be made practically identical to real pyramid. But in game, you are far more restricted, and you cant perform such feats. I really dont understand your sick logic. IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power |
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" The system to do so is already in partially in place and should be completed simply on the grounds that it would make sure every item in the game falls within what is considered acceptable values, which would remove hacked/duped/glitched items as well. They do this exact same thing every time you post a link here and it says verified, the item was scanned and approved by a system within the engine using a api. Legacys are just a side effect if they get fixed and proof/practice that the system would work for those cheated items. And a database is a database regardless of the size, all it does is change how you handle it slightly. If you scan on the fly as objects are loaded by logging in (again, this is part of a anti cheating method anyway) then the burden of it is reduced to the point it becomes possible to do so without said downtime. And really, items on characters that are never logged back in are of no consequence anyway. All they really have to do is set all characters into a 'cold' backup database on one reboot, then they get moved back to the 'hot' live backup as soon as they log in the first time and are scanned/approved. Numerous games have done this with various parts of the game as well, such as repairing files or scanning for hacking tools. |
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Logically there's no literal reason to remove legacy items to begin with.
There are billions of legacy items that are not "Old soul taker/kaom/shav", you guys do know that right. They are literally dumped into "standard" or "hardcore" were every single ladder they dump more and more shit into there. If you want "fair/balanced" you play the 4 month ladder, there is literally no reason to play standard/hardcore if your expecting "fair" or balance. Last edited by RagnarokChu#4426 on Feb 11, 2014, 2:36:06 PM
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" WHY U USE LOGIC People no red logic :o Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr |
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