Legacy items

drixor wrote:

Says will be downfall of game, doesn't mention why.

Please share your enlightenment with us...

I exaggerated of course, but how would you like it if half of the uniques become legacies?

There is no reason to make legacies now, the already overpowered legacy items are nerfed.
They should now rebalance the new items instead of making new legacies

Do you understand why there are legacy items in the first place? (ill give you a hint its not 100% because of balance, but rather a technical limitation)


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.

Do you understand why there are legacy items in the first place? (ill give you a hint its not 100% because of balance, but rather a technical limitation)

Yes I understand the technical part, it is not easy to change items that are currently in the game.

But now they make legacies for no reason at all. Minor nerfs just to be able to "create" a new legacy unique.

I guess legacies are a part of the game and they will keep implement them. I just have to accept that.

But ggg needs a reminder that legacy items are not good for the game. (my opinion of course)
Like previous post mention it trivialize future drops of that item.

But the whole unique concept in PoE is broken as it is, and it is the only thing I could complain on.

Otherwise great game
Last edited by drixor#0911 on Jul 16, 2015, 9:38:15 AM
I'll +1 to getting rid of legacy items. I have multiple accounts with legacy items and this would not bother me in the slightest.

If losing your legacy item really bothers you, I would like to know why. Is it because you would no longer be able to faceroll as much as you did before? Is it because you feel like you would be losing something that you worked hard for? Or is it for another reason?

1. I guarantee you will still faceroll mobs faster than the majority of players even without your legacy Kaoms, BoR, Mjolner, ETC.
2. GGG could probably offer a currency trade in type thing for those items being lost. I.e. when they run the check for getting rid of the items - they set a value for each item and replace the legacy with a new item (or same item with different stats) or just some currency. Or maybe even a micro-transaction item like a free skin or something of your choice.
3. You would find the game more challenging - a.k.a. more fun.
4. You would be getting something new - a.k.a. more fun.
5. Thousands of people play the game without your op item and seem to be doing fine.

There are other ways for GGG to make the vets/supporters happy. They don't need to have OP items that the majority of the community can't have or even find anymore.

Again, what I propose is:

1. You lose your legacy

2. You get something in return for losing your legacy ==> new item, currency, or micro-transaction. This would let you reinvest in to something new and of your choice.
Finkelman wrote:
I'll +1 to getting rid of legacy items. I have multiple accounts with legacy items and this would not bother me in the slightest.

If losing your legacy item really bothers you, I would like to know why. Is it because you would no longer be able to faceroll as much as you did before? Is it because you feel like you would be losing something that you worked hard for? Or is it for another reason?

1. I guarantee you will still faceroll mobs faster than the majority of players even without your legacy Kaoms, BoR, Mjolner, ETC.
2. GGG could probably offer a currency trade in type thing for those items being lost. I.e. when they run the check for getting rid of the items - they set a value for each item and replace the legacy with a new item (or same item with different stats) or just some currency. Or maybe even a micro-transaction item like a free skin or something of your choice.
3. You would find the game more challenging - a.k.a. more fun.
4. You would be getting something new - a.k.a. more fun.
5. Thousands of people play the game without your op item and seem to be doing fine.

There are other ways for GGG to make the vets/supporters happy. They don't need to have OP items that the majority of the community can't have or even find anymore.

Again, what I propose is:

1. You lose your legacy

2. You get something in return for losing your legacy ==> new item, currency, or micro-transaction. This would let you reinvest in to something new and of your choice.

Legacy items for me is a relic of a past time played, 90% of the legacy items I have I found or traded for before they were legacy items. This is an ARPG, where builds are dictated by the passive skill tree and items you build around.

Legacy items aren't limited to unqiues either, people seem to forget about that.

1. The point isn't about facerolling, certain people spend lots of time and energy into trying to perfect a character, reducing that character's power directly by changing an item they already found\have is silly, ARPG's are typically founded on gear based progression.

2. Currency trade is dumb, you literally cannot replace an item just with wealth. I don't care if I have a mirror on standard, if you take away all of my items there (not that I'm playing there much now anyway) then you take away the ability for me to test the things I want to test. Just giving me a lower value item isn't really worth it either, especially items that have had +max res, block, resistances, ect nerfed. There are TONS of builds where legacy implicits, mods, ect only work with those items.

A MTX is a pointless substitute, especially for someone like me with over 2k points left and nothing really left to buy.

3. I already find the game more challenging\fun by playing in the LEGACY FREE TEMP LEAGUES, if you have an issue with legacy items THERE IS LITERALLY A PLACE WHERE THEY ARENT AT. Imagine that.

4. WTF are you even talking about getting something new.

5. And those people didn't find that item, build around that item and enjoy that item like I did. Its an ARPG, just because other people don't use the unqiue or that unique with those mods doesn't mean I shouldn't or can't plan around that. This logic you have here is so flawed I'm not convinced you even own any "real" legacy items. And no the meginords belt doesn't count.

It isn't about making "vets" \ supporters happy its about following their design principle when creating legacy items.

From your suggestion I gain nothing of value from the items I already found, so no thank you. Please stop being so jealous of what others have and just play the game with what you have.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
goetzjam wrote:
Finkelman wrote:
I'll +1 to getting rid of legacy items. I have multiple accounts with legacy items and this would not bother me in the slightest.

If losing your legacy item really bothers you, I would like to know why. Is it because you would no longer be able to faceroll as much as you did before? Is it because you feel like you would be losing something that you worked hard for? Or is it for another reason?

1. I guarantee you will still faceroll mobs faster than the majority of players even without your legacy Kaoms, BoR, Mjolner, ETC.
2. GGG could probably offer a currency trade in type thing for those items being lost. I.e. when they run the check for getting rid of the items - they set a value for each item and replace the legacy with a new item (or same item with different stats) or just some currency. Or maybe even a micro-transaction item like a free skin or something of your choice.
3. You would find the game more challenging - a.k.a. more fun.
4. You would be getting something new - a.k.a. more fun.
5. Thousands of people play the game without your op item and seem to be doing fine.

There are other ways for GGG to make the vets/supporters happy. They don't need to have OP items that the majority of the community can't have or even find anymore.

Again, what I propose is:

1. You lose your legacy

2. You get something in return for losing your legacy ==> new item, currency, or micro-transaction. This would let you reinvest in to something new and of your choice.

Legacy items for me is a relic of a past time played, 90% of the legacy items I have I found or traded for before they were legacy items. This is an ARPG, where builds are dictated by the passive skill tree and items you build around.

Legacy items aren't limited to unqiues either, people seem to forget about that.

1. The point isn't about facerolling, certain people spend lots of time and energy into trying to perfect a character, reducing that character's power directly by changing an item they already found\have is silly, ARPG's are typically founded on gear based progression.

2. Currency trade is dumb, you literally cannot replace an item just with wealth. I don't care if I have a mirror on standard, if you take away all of my items there (not that I'm playing there much now anyway) then you take away the ability for me to test the things I want to test. Just giving me a lower value item isn't really worth it either, especially items that have had +max res, block, resistances, ect nerfed. There are TONS of builds where legacy implicits, mods, ect only work with those items.

A MTX is a pointless substitute, especially for someone like me with over 2k points left and nothing really left to buy.

3. I already find the game more challenging\fun by playing in the LEGACY FREE TEMP LEAGUES, if you have an issue with legacy items THERE IS LITERALLY A PLACE WHERE THEY ARENT AT. Imagine that.

4. WTF are you even talking about getting something new.

5. And those people didn't find that item, build around that item and enjoy that item like I did. Its an ARPG, just because other people don't use the unqiue or that unique with those mods doesn't mean I shouldn't or can't plan around that. This logic you have here is so flawed I'm not convinced you even own any "real" legacy items. And no the meginords belt doesn't count.

It isn't about making "vets" \ supporters happy its about following their design principle when creating legacy items.

From your suggestion I gain nothing of value from the items I already found, so no thank you. Please stop being so jealous of what others have and just play the game with what you have.

If you read my first few sentences, you will see that I said I have multiple accounts with legacy items. I was suggesting something that I would be losing items as well.

1. People spent lots of time and effort making builds that were completely ruined by the new patch (and many patches before this). Yet, you think making a build based on an op legacy item has more merit than someone trying to play the game "supposedly" the way the makers wanted. For what reason?

2. Oh no - its a lower value item that isn't as good or as op. It would still be good. No one said you would be getting a pile of crap.

3. This point is just silly.

4. You could be given one of the new uniques to mess around with instead of your OLD item.

5. Again, I'll go back to point 1. Building around a single item has no more merit than building around a build or skill feature. Funny how you mentioned skill tree before you mentioned items when you talked about importance of the game.

Why are you getting so offended by a suggestion that would give you something for something you lost? I didn't even limit what you would get for the item being taken.

[Edited by support]
Last edited by Eben_GGG#0000 on Jul 16, 2015, 11:14:39 AM
Finkelman wrote:

If you read my first few sentences, you will see that I said I have multiple accounts with legacy items. I was suggesting something that I would be losing items as well.

1. People spent lots of time and effort making builds that were completely ruined by the new patch (and many patches before this). Yet, you think making a build based on an op legacy item has more merit than someone trying to play the game "supposedly" the way the makers wanted. For what reason?

2. Oh no - its a lower value item that isn't as good or as op. It would still be good. No one said you would be getting a pile of crap.

3. This point is just silly.

4. You could be given one of the new uniques to mess around with instead of your OLD item.

5. Again, I'll go back to point 1. Building around a single item has no more merit than building around a build or skill feature. Funny how you mentioned skill tree before you mentioned items when you talked about importance of the game.

Why are you getting so offended by a suggestion that would give you something for something you lost? I didn't even limit what you would get for the item being taken.

"multiple accounts" yes, clearly it makes it easier to say that then admit you probably have no more then 10ex in legacy gear, actually offering you have "something" to lose by your purposed change.

GGG forces meta changes, not only with passive skill tree changes and gem changes, but by making "too popular" of unqiues less powerful, honestly it doesn't matter if the unqiue is underpowered after the other changes they make, that is how they balance the game.

Hell, if we follow your logic on the "creators" intention to play the game, its clear they don't want ANYONE playing in legacy (perm) leagues. There is a reason the default league is ALWAYS the SC temp league. Not only that I can prove the point as the 2.0 Patch notes themselves recommend starting a NEW CHARACTER.

2. Would still be good or isn't OP, obviously this is something people that have no idea how the item work would say. Its obvious you are oblivious to items and interactions, just because someone can make a 30% proc mjolner build work doesn't meant that a 50% proc mjolner doesn't play COMPLETELY differently.

3. My point about the fact GGG has a league you can play in that doesn't have legacy items at all is silly? What type of argument is that, you obviously are either jealous or have a problem with legacy items, either way there is a place that is "legacy free"

4. O yes please give me the troll mjolner instead of my legacy one, I'm sure its almost the same fun, right. My god if I wanted the NEW ONE I would just BUY IT.

5. Building around an item, when the item is the thing that doesn't change, passive tree does, skill gems do, ect. Actually has a much higher impact then you think.

For example, lets say I wanted to do a max block, caster build. The skill tree has changed, gems and now jewels, but I have "legacy" block on some of my items, which will enable me to save skill points on tree and therefore spec into better life\dps nodes. So to say building around an item is less important then the tree or gem is just incorrect.



Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
Last edited by goetzjam#3084 on Jul 16, 2015, 11:18:54 AM
Hi guys, I've had to remove and edit a few posts here. Please try to keep the discussion civil and on-topic.

Contact us at support@grindinggear.com if you need any help!
Eben_GGG wrote:
Hi guys, I've had to remove and edit a few posts here. Please try to keep the discussion civil and on-topic.
Since when is calling someone's idea dumb, etc. being civil? Or insinuating that they are lying about play experience. Or any of the other things that were being said here?

Really? Way to go.
okay its seem legal your are right i was a bit angry at this about some months while i realised a lot of my builds would be good at the legacy items like 2 consumings with 60% conversion but there we are your are very right if your try to make game fair for players that have legacy it will get more messy and will take time plus the servers problems etc but to make game more friendly for who dont have legacy and for who do have and your saying its necessary evil i dont want to offend your team for such good game but why your would even make at first place for example 60% consumings and then let some legacy exist and in the best viewpoint if you go ebay and see someone selling a legacy for real money is that even necessary ? PLUS IT IS AGAINST YOUR EULA RIGHT ? your knew that would happen my oppinion is your should keep all leagacy as their original stats and change the mobs/bosses life def and uncap the 75% to 80% or something that wont cause very much problem to discuss or get angry ppls as for myself i dont mind im happy at least for legacy league that will let us get some good stash and get our dreams real but still its just game your should just change the game not items make it harder by keeping items in their original forms anyway LETS HYPE FOR LEGACY AND THEN ORIATH XD
Last edited by helloukos#4530 on Feb 24, 2017, 7:21:59 PM
I think most of the uniques that have been previously nerfed should be brought back the way it was. The game has changed a lot since then, some of those uniques are no longer any good. So, legacy league just brings back many unique items that have been trash for a while. Hell, I might even try to build around MoM this league coz of the cloak of defiance

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