Legacy items

yep you are right talking about legacy league you know it will not stay long just 3 months so okay then is oriath we all expect very big changes on tree cus of more acts like at least 3-4 points more or whatever they will add so its natural there to be a bit higher ilvl items new mods and such things so you are right a lot of nerfed should be come back to their original form since they will not be longer usefull like ppls say tabula is necessary to farm until lvl 60 alright if the more acts provide more harder gameplay then this mean tabula will no longer help alot if u dont have defense anyway still 3 months then we will see what GGG did to make it better im expection more better drops farm in the later acts and better xp in act 10 since act 4 was a nice update cus you can farm from 55 to 70 lvl easily i expect the same for act 10 like from 65 to 80 gg see your all in legacy gl hf :P
helloukos wrote:
then is oriath we all expect very big changes on tree cus of more acts like at least 3-4 points more or whatever they will add so its natural there to be a bit higher ilvl items new mods and such things

No, they are planning to have about the same mapping level.

The rework of the leveling experience has nothing to do with adding more powercreep, that's not what the game needs (imo) at all, and that is not their plan so far.

Why more points ??? No need, enough powercreep already.

Big changes in the tree are scheduled for 2.6.0 if I'm not mistaking, not 3.0.0.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Feb 25, 2017, 9:00:46 AM
Fruz wrote:
Why more points ???

There isn't any real need, and Chris did say they're aiming for the same total number of points anyway.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.


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