Legacy items
Database wrangling is always a bear, not so much in running the scripts, but in verifying that all records were updated correctly.
Some pages back, I proposed a simpler solution to Legacy items: a voluntary recall program. All GGG would need to do is implement some new vendor recipes: One Legacy Unique -> One Mirror of Kalandra Mirrors currently trade for around 150 Exalts, a generous bounty for a Legacy Unique. So Legacy owners could either cash in, or use the Mirror to obtain a copy of any other item they may desire. Last edited by RogueMage#7621 on Feb 11, 2014, 3:10:30 PM
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" Good way to ensure mirrors drop to half in value and mirroring fees quadriple. IGN: Arlianth Check out my LA build: 1782214 Last edited by Nephalim#2731 on Feb 11, 2014, 3:39:46 PM
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" In the case of the skill tree and gems the game has been fixed and now everyone is on the same playing field. That's not the case with leaving broken items in the game. No one cares that people gained an advantage for a limited amount of time and then it was fixed. Nothing can be done about that because its a permanent league. However leaving a mistake in the game for people to continue using is completely different. Standard Forever
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" Good point, thanks for highlighting the fringe benefits of my suggestion. |
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" Lol This is the most amusing thing ever. This guy thinks that items are stored in some weird way when its simple: Legacy koams is stored as say Life=1000 socketsforce=1 New koams is stored as Life=500 socketsforce=1 firedmg = x Divine orbs reroll the values. It does not reset the item so the whole item is rerolled. That is called a chaos orb. So a divine orb looks at the legacy, and goes "lets reroll Life", rerolls it to 500 as thats its range, 500-500, goes "lets reroll socketforce", rerolls it to 1 as thats its range, then goes "no more mods on this item" and stops. Asking for it to ADD fire damage, means that it has to ADD a mod to an item. This is like having say a weapon with IPD, +flatdmg, +aspd, +crit, and using a divine on it. And then the divine adds + accuracy. It literally is not what the item does The database for when an item spawns only has ONE entry, koams heart, showing the new koams data. The legacy koams is already in the existing item database, stored as is. This means that to write a script to change a legacy item aswell, its not always as easy as just changing a number. They would have to write a script that adds a database entry for each legacy item, to make sure it adds a mod and rolls the mod correctly, yet doesn't reroll mods that haven't changed, so someone with the perfect ES value on rainbowstrides doesn't have this change |
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" Your suggestion is a narrow minded view to "stop overpowered legacy items" that consist of around 3-4 and like everyone else conveniently ignores the fact that there are metric shit tons of legacy items that doesn't revolve around those. This isn't just changing 3-4 item, it is literally changing every single rolled legacy rare, old unique and item. If they "just" changed it for the 3-4 items that all of you bitch about, GGG lowers their stance equivalent to the whiny casual player that does not see the whole picture. Literally if none of the legacy items were good and just "worse" versions of current items, there would be no bitching about that it's unfair and so on. It's a retarded player conceive notation that in a already "fun" suppose to be casual league which is standard/hardcore, that just because you can't have something or some item is expensive then obviously >NOBODY< else should have it. I will repeat this again, if you want "balance" play in the 4 month ladder which is the most up to date version of the game. Otherwise play standard/hardcore for "fun." I literally have no idea why you people literally want GGG to spend resources to force everything to reroll/nerf every single legacy item out there that I will repeat, spoiler: it involves more then 3-4 items. Last edited by RagnarokChu#4426 on Feb 11, 2014, 4:46:03 PM
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" And I think your viewpoint is short-sighted. What good is a four-month temporary respite from pay2win Legacy excess, after which your built-from-scratch characters get dumped back into Legacy league? While there are way more broken Legacy items than just 3-4, I agree that only a limited number of infamous culprits need to be weeded out. That's why I suggest GGG implement a voluntary recall program, with a specific Vendor buyout recipe for each targeted OP Legacy item. Last edited by RogueMage#7621 on Feb 11, 2014, 5:03:16 PM
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" Let me go get my legacy Facebreaker, Rainbowstride, etc. Mirrors below 150, 145 at most. I've noticed you've been overpricing mirrors for the past month or two. I remember you we're saying mirrors are 140 when they were 130 at max. What's your point in there? Do you have one (mirror)? :) Last edited by tinko92#6447 on Feb 11, 2014, 6:12:39 PM
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" Nope, never seen one drop and at 100+ Exalts they're way over my budget. I ballparked them by the b/o's at POE.XYZ, but I suppose 150 was just the asking price at the time. Last edited by RogueMage#7621 on Feb 11, 2014, 6:37:20 PM
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Also not every legacy unique is worth a mirror, i.e. silverbranch
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